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Comment Re:No no no.. the iPad itself! (Score 1) 203

As a control pad for music software it's incredibly useful. I can change settings, record enable etc on my main rig directly from the recording room, or anywhere in the studio/concert hall. That's also the only one I can think of that's unique to the iPad. Use in hospitals, maybe? On construction sites? I dunno.

Comment Re:Better reviews here (Score 5, Insightful) 443

From Pogue's review (emphasis mine):

the iPad is not a laptop. It’s not nearly as good for creating stuff. On the other hand, it’s infinitely more convenient for consuming it — books, music, video, photos, Web, e-mail and so on.

I think he hit the nail on the head there.

Comment Re:Good on him (Score 1) 513

I know it's not his case, but if you use Logic Studio, made by Apple, then you are actually locked into Apple from all sides.
OTOH the Apple HW/SW combo is so complete and solid for music production that you just don't mind.
I work live and in studio on a MacBook unibody with Logic Studio and, apart from audio cards and interfaces, never need anything else to produce music. Which is a very good thing.

Comment Re:Let it die. (Score 1) 554

The big labels are almost exclusively distribution industries. What they create is almost exclusively a "product", ie an abominy that has nothing to do with music and everything to do with selling the product to the largest demographic.
The music as we know it (or knew it) is still being born and created as it always has been: from talented musicians that bust their balls and sweat their way to getting heard by as much people as possible. What happens then is they get signed to a label. But it's almost always a small indie spring-board label, that will get a bit more people to hear their music. Then, if they are really good (but mostly if they sell enough) they'll get picked up by the big guys since they have proven to be a product.
So, in all, I'm happy to see the big guys die since they don't really create anything of value, except a distribution infrastructure. But we already have the web.

Submission + - @sshole Drivers Reduce Traffic Jams (physicscentral.com) 3

BuzzSkyline writes: "Traffic jams are minimized if a significant fraction of drivers break the rules by doing things like passing on the wrong side or changing lanes too close to an intersection. The insight comes from a cellular automata study published this month in the journal Physical Review E. In effect, people who disregard the rules help to break up the groups that form as rule-followers clump together. The risk of jamming is lower if all people obey the rules than if they all disobey them, according to the analysis, but jamming risk is lowest when about 40 percent of people drive like jerks."

Comment And the problem is... what? (Score 2, Insightful) 110

I don't know much about garbage, but 1.400 tons doesn't sound like an enormous number, considering the USA produces 220 milion tons a year.
Plus, it seems like a simple problem of foul play between companies, why does the government get involved?
I know waste disposal is a huge problem, but this sounds like attention-whoring.

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