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Comment Re:The predicted impacts are appearing. (Score 2) 110

Why can't you?

Your first mistake was believing that people weren't seeing the issue. They all saw it. Very few people will deal directly with truth, they will avoid it even until death. So they lie and come up with all sorts of mental gymnastics to keep you from the truth, completely ignoring that dealing with the truth with solve all of the problems.

So we get 'energy' companies lying, politicians lying, and a bunch of stupid people following those lies and blocking any chance at fixing the issue.

Welcome to the planet Earth. Enjoy your short stay in this less than idyllic vacation spot away from the metaphysical world.

Comment Re:How you know you're doing the right thing (Score 1) 146

There are consequences for actions, and when governments show that they are untrustworthy on an ongoing basis, people stop trusting them. Welcome to the real world, kids.

The only thing that matters *IS* the government. The people, its citizens, are more like accoutrements. They can be set aside, thrown away, and completely disregarded as long as "the greater good" mantra is repeated.

The fact that the citizens are upset is irrelevant. The citizens will tolerate it because they have no other choice.

Comment Re:3/4 of the world (Score 2) 146

The most heinous of all crimes is dictatorship, based on number of deaths, rapes, child trafficking, and so on.

Dictatorship is maintained with terror and murder and growing technological panopticons.

E2EE is just what the doctor ordered to thwart this, the most heinous of crimes. It's tough enough as it is. We, the free west, should lead the way, not offer ready-made tools with ready-made patter for dictators to spout.

This is probably the most insightful post EVER posted to Slashdot. This is the only +100 Insightful post I have seen on this site.

The Panopticon is only partially useful in keeping people's behavior within reason. The entire reason for the Panopticon is to control business and social outcomes... or in other words, a Dictatorship.

Comment Re:Lead By Example (Score 1) 146

We allow law enforcement access to all other forms of communication with a lawful warrant. So should this particular technology be exempt from that?

Let's say I write you a letter (on paper) and I encrypt this letter using a cypher that only you and I know. The government intercepts this letter and asserts it contains evidence of a crime. Are you or I compelled to assist in the decryption of that letter? No? Then why should electronic communications be any different?

Beyond that, how does preemptive invasion of the privacy of all persons (which is exactly what backdoors in encryption amount to) so that, at some future time, the government can sift the communications of those who may have broken the law not equate to a general warrant?

Comment Re:They're not wrong. (Score 1) 115

Incorrect. It's been shown that Meta is extremely partisan, and anyone who's even moderate can plainly see it. They openly banned hundreds of satire and news sites during the last election, largely under the banner of "fake news and disinfo". Was it? Sure, much if not most of it was. Some of it wasn't, though - and it isn't their job to do that. What it was, was a highly partisan purge.

Comment Re:Use actual quality leather (Score 1) 39

Correct on all of that.

Nevermind that leather is biodegradable, environmentally friendly, and a low carbon option vs a petroleum derivative.

They were just catering to their ecoterrorist customers who lampooned them for killing animals to make a profit/product.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to go back to leather. It's a natural choice - literally.

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