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Comment Re:Proper title (Score 1) 143

Yes, except that isn't true. 20 seconds on google will find you stuff in UK, Russia, Mexico and pretty much the rest of the planet with rare exceptions. I don't know of any North Kora UFO reports, for example.

20 seconds on Google will also find you ample reports on how the Egyptian pyramids were actually made by aliens, and how mermaids, unicorns, and various forms of Sasquatch/Yeti/Bigfoot are running circles around "scientists" that just can't seem to find a single scrap of Yeti poop, a Sasquatch bone, or a tuft of Bigfoot hair despite - we're assured - thousands of years of them living in the woods behind your house.

20 seconds of Google will indeed find you reports of UFO stuff from all around the world ... but can't find you single piece of real evidence, even one, ever. How about that.

Comment Re:OK, I have to ask (Score 1) 143

Yup and what about $2 billion to Kushner, crickets.

You mean the $2B that you can actually point to as being an investment in businesses that aren't a nest of phony shell LLCs, and which actually pay taxes on earnings, and which didn't distribute cash to ex-wives, and grandchildren? You mean $2B that was actually handled with proper paperwork, and about which both the investor and the company in which the money was invested are happy to discuss with anyone who asks?

Let's compare that to the web of meaningless Biden-spawned LLCs that don't actually produce anything, aren't operating as foreign agents with proper State paperwork, exchange all kinds of internal emails and texts about how to conduct their organizing meetings in secret and use code names and words to obscure the fact that loads of cash are funneled to them from the CCP and corrupt entities in the Ukraine that got beneficial treatment from The Big Guy. See? Exactly the same! Right.

The FBI just got done telling congress that they literally can't vouch for the life of the whistleblower who informed them about a straight-up quid pro quo between millions flowing from Biden's protected interests in Ukraine and bank accounts run by shells of shells of LLCs formed by the Bidens while he was VP. I know, you don't want to hear about any of that because it takes the fun out of your narrative.

Comment Re:Toddler shootings. (Score 1) 235

> It's called responsibility.

Yes, because the gun people ...

Thinking you're going to make ANY sort of constructive comment on this by invoking "the gun people" shows how deliberately mal-informed you are on the topic.

"The" gun people aren't the lazy, casual owners who allow their firearms to be handled by people too young or too witless to be safe with them. Untold millions of people owning the 400+ million firearms in this country manage just fine, just like most also manage to keep young kids from backing the family car out into the street. If there was a problem with "the" gun people, it would be on a scale so enormously huge compared to the rare (but wildly hyped by the media) event of an unsupervised child doing something dreadful with a firearm.

Comment Re:Fingerprint and/or voice (Score 0) 235

If you're relying on remaining covert in, say, a home invasion situation or while in the back of your store that's being robbed, having to talk out loud to your gun is a truly terrible idea. Just about as bad as not being able to wear gloves so fingerprints of your nice, clean, dry fingers can be scanned ... or having to take off your sunglasses so your face can be recognized (assuming your back isn't directly to the bright sun right when you literally need to save your life), or not having the thing on which you're gambling your life be low on battery power. Or when your visiting friend needs to be handed your self defense weapon because you're incapacitated. Or, or, or. Not a chance on any of that, if you are putting your life on the line.

Comment Re:Very slowly, clearly.. "FUCK THE LANDLORDS" (Score 1) 121

This is it exactly. Commercial real estate. This is why even state government agencies are being pressured to get back in the office: most states lease their office space.

If the wealthy elites want something, the media will print endless stories about why it is necessary and why, in fact, everyone already loves doing it. The government will pass any laws necessary to get the thing done, in a remarkably bipartisan and timely manner.

There are a number of studies that show that the preferences of the average voter means nothing. They literally have no bearing on what becomes law. The only thing that matters is the preferences of the top money hoarders. When the elites agree on something, it becomes law immediately. When the elites need help, it happens on the Monday after the crisis, not months later or not at all.

We need to elect politicians who loudly declare "Fuck the rich." If they are not willing to proudly and loudly stand AGAINST the owning class, they will definitely not stand for the working class. Make them say it outright, so the rich hear them saying it, "Fuck the rich. We're coming for the money they took from the working class."

Comment Re:Oh noes.. the Rich People's Bank in trouble? (Score 1) 36

More than just a regular old rich people's bank, this is THE bank for laundering dirty Russian money so the oligarchs can use it outside of Russia. If it goes tits up, the world will rejoice, as a major source of Evil dark money will be gone. Online discourse will become less rancorous as Russian troll farms don't get paid. And the Ukrainians will have an easier time wiping the floor with the sorry excuse for an army the Russians can field. So all in all? This is cause for celebration!

Comment Re: No matter what should have been taken out earl (Score 2) 152

Now you are just being dumb. There is no way in hell to shoot down a balloon and guarantee it lands in a lake or river. It was high up and had a huge balloon which, even deflated, would catch the wind.

If this were a republican administration, I bet you'd be saying how genius this all was.

Comment Re:No matter what should have been taken out earli (Score 1) 152

Oh for crying out loud, it was the smart thing to do. What if it had something deadly onboard?

And please, you right wingers only try to second guess our intelligence services when a Democrat is in the White House. If it was a Republican, you'd be crowing about how smart it was.

Did you ever think maybe we knew it was there all along? There are two other very good reasons not to shoot it down: first, we might want the Chinese to know our nuclear weapons systems are fully up to date and operational. Second, we might be feeding them false information.

Comment Re:Blockchain (Score 1) 38

No, because of the way copyright works, it does have to be that way. No game developer want their copyrighted IP associated with whatever trash game some dipshit edgelord wants to write. Yeah, sure, you can put Mickey Mouse in your loli-rape game. LOL, never going to happen, and you are dumb for thinking it's a good thing.

NO game company is going to let some other IP into their games. And very few games would benefit even from letting in the companies own IP, from other series. As a gamer, I do not want to see your cowboy in my sci fi game.

So, you'd have to give the companies control over what goes into their games. Making the whole concept pointless.

So not only are you wrong, you're an asshole about it to boot, because you haven't thought this through and don't have any actual, good, reasoned arguments in favor. You just want what you want. And critical thinking is obviously not something you want to do.

Comment Re: Concern trolling (Score 1) 183

So, you really can't discern the difference between having to track the original costs and eventual yard sale selling price of possibly hundreds of items across years of your life ... and having to pull out your ID every couple of years when you vote?

This sort of hyperbolic false comparison says more about your need to our elections sloppy and unaccountable than it does anything about having to do paperwork to prove you don't owe income tax when you unload some old furniture. Trying to use this as a distraction in the interests of preserving a highly abusable voting system sure is predictable, though.

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