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Comment release upgrade with apt-get dist-upgrade (Score 1) 1231

I'm not sure how you initially tried to upgrade because you didn't say... but an ubuntu upgrade from one release to another one should NEVER, EVER be done by simply changing/updating your repos and doing apt-get dist-upgrade. Alot of old debian users think that you can do this and it leads to their system getting hosed more often than not.

The proper and supported method is to do:

sudo apt-get install update-manager-core && sudo do-release-upgrade

So while you did not specify how you tried the initial upgrade attempt, if it happened to be via apt-get dist-upgrade it was in no way ubuntu's fault that your system got hosed.

I really wonder how many of these people (again, maybe or maybe not you) with all these upgrade horror stories have tried to upgrade via apt-get dist-upgrade instead of the proper, documented, and supported method.

Comment Re:Floor mat, really? (Score 1) 1146

It sounds like this is the cruise control distance limiter combined with the speed increase button trying to be smarter then it should be.

Bumping the cruise control the first few times gives a slight speed increase. However, after X amount of bumps within Y time, the distance limiter notices there is no car in front of you and that you keep bumping the increase speed button. So the only logical conclusion for it to make is you want to go REALLY fast. Cue car taking off like a rocket until you hit the brake or (I'm assuming) come up on a car in front of you.

You call it a bug, I call it a feature! :)

Seriously though.. this sounds like a major screw up on Toyota's part..

PS You should do Kathy Griffins show again...

Comment Re:JGE v EVE (Score 1) 86

PVP is what makes eve so awesome... Why wouldn't JGE want to focus on it as well due to the popularity of it in Eve? And to say you can't focus on both is absolutely ridiculous.. Just look at the market in EVE, or invention, or missions, or ratting.... Sure EVE PVE isn't great but the PVP aspect is what makes the game the way it is and the PVE still is decent.

You kinda sound like an EVE carebear to me that mined in Jita all day until that was nerfed - and probably got your ship suicide ganked a few times - and now you want JGE to be the PVE hold hands all day paradise that EVE isn't... Hello Kitty online is that way.......

Comment Re:Group keying and revocation... (Score 1) 335

Among other things, this makes piracy MUCH harder, because the sattelite providers can buy pirated receivers, take them to the lab, find out the key used, and revoke it, disabling that entire batch of pirated receivers without affecting normal customers.

Actually, it's still pretty easy from what I've seen. As mentioned in another comment, when you buy the 3rd party receiver it cannot decrypt any providers signal that is scrambled out of the box. The receiver does, however, have a SD card slot on it where you can load new software onto it. The updates have the key required to decrypt the signal.

Then DISH network would revoke the key every month or so (when using the cracked encryption) that the receiver now used. A new update would then be available soon after to again decrypt the signal.

And no, I have never pirated satellite. A friend of mines relative decided to do it but did not have the cable ran from their old DISH satellite to their living room anymore. Of course when they said they'd pay me to run them a new one I didn't ask too many questions. :)

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