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Comment Tit for tat. (Score 1) 236

For computer tech I would say the minimum should be 120K at least for hiring someone foreign. They need talented superstars right? So they should have no problem paying that. Oh you mean you only hire the foreign workers because they are cheaper than Americans?

208K is high but I have not read the rules myself and I'm pretty sure the article is biased. I have no problem with jobs staying over seas. Companies that do that find they are ultimately training their own competition 10 years down the line. But I have no problem with a tit for tat arrangement with countries. If they hire Americans for jobs in say India then I have no problem letting the USA having equivalent hiring in exchange. There has to be some tit for tat.

Comment Very torn when it comes to ES (Score 1) 178

I could never have done it. I do consider it a breach of oath. But in most ways I consider him a Hero. The US Government was overreaching it's legal powers. They were violating rights. The government was doing wrong. He was only the latest in a string of people trying to expose and get the government to stop doing what it knew it shouldn't be doing and abide by the rules it's suppose to follow. When your government is breaking it's obligations and doing wrong are you loyal if you sit on your hands? He did break his oath/obligation to keep quiet. But did he do it for another government or to try to replace the government? Obviously not. He was and is a true patriot as much as he can be and as much as he was allowed to be.

Congress needs to pass a resolution defining an obligation to expose corruption in the government. Kind of like the forced reporting for sexual abuse of children. It needs to supersede all other oaths that bind you to silence. And we really need a way to punish people in government that take advantage of their power and supersede peoples rights and the rule of law.

We might need not necessarily a new branch of government but a new autonomous department of internal affairs that reports to congress as a whole, to the judiciary, and directly to the people when it can. Unprecedented powers to investigate and compel people to talk but not for criminal prosecution. Only to report on the state of government and expose corruption and failure of the government to do it's job.

Comment How are jetpacks practical? (Score 2) 111

I can see maybe some limited value for the military but even then...

Simply put it's unpractical for almost all applications I can imagine. Even for something as simple as tree trimming or exterior building work it would be a fire hazard. Plus all the electrical lines one could crash into... forgetting about the pilots safety it would lead to numerous regularly damaged power lines, stopping businesses and people from working. The fuel is expensive and it would be unpractical to carry enough. If it fails your dead; no room for a parachute.

You could strategically get to a high floor on a high rise but I imagine there are military grappling hooks and drones that are more cost effective. You might be able to board a plane... Can't think of much else.

It's just a geek toy. The only thing that would redeem this type of technology would be the invention of anti gravity or changing inertial mass.

Comment Good and Bad (Score 1) 247

I do believe web sites need to be indemnified against what users post. But I think there needs to be new laws about what and how it can sensor posts if it chooses to do so. This should similarly apply for app stores. Apps are speech; both art and functional. Also they need to be regulated as to what is in their shirkwrap licenses and how they can revise them after the fact only to their benefit. App stores can not block installation of alternative app stores or actively hinder their functioning. Nor can you require compensation for alternative app stores. No more walled gardens.

Spam can obviously can be censored as well as malicious content like trojans, viruses, and spyware. There needs to be some regulation on this and users need to be able to override it if they so choose.

But speech and criticism needs to be free on these mass communication platforms which if one is not participating on they are effectively silenced in public speech. There needs to be clear and reasonable regulation when it comes to censoring public speech and remedies for taking matters to a real court with monetary and legal relief.

How can this be imposed on private platforms? By putting strings on indemnification. If you insist your private then you are completely responsible for everything posted which is only reasonable. If your editorializing everything then you don't need to be indemnified for what people post since your reviewing all posts yourself. This would be effective with app stores as well since companies can not be totally sure of apps and would not want to be sued over them doing malicious things.

Comment The movie is a turn off (Score 1) 336

I skimmed the movie. Saw all the relevant scenes. Big turn off and didn't even look cute. The only thing I found really tastles .... they didn't need to do is deep focus on the girl's butt. But this is not a wolf in sheep's clothing.

If you saw this movie and were getting turned on then you need to get to a therapist unless you acknowledge that your a pedophile. The scene in question is revolting as it's meant to be. It's targeted at non pedophiles to revolt them. It's not going to turn normal people into pedophiles. The folks in texas suing over this need to get their head our of their ass. Second this was filmed in a french speaking country obviously so our laws don't apply except for distribution. I'm not saying something like this wouldn't be relevant for some things but for this movie it's actually giving it publicity when it doesn't deserve it. The court case will come to nothing.

Comment Who is forcing these people? (Score 1) 194

Who is forcing these people? Who is being put out of work because these people are setting for less? Simply put we the customers would have to drive ourselves and pick up our own fast food. If it's not worth it then don't sign up for the job. I haven't signed up. In the future I could but it probably won't be to make a living. More likely it will be to pick up a couple bucks and not be bored while looking for a real job. It puts wear and tear on a vehicle but it might be worth it to a person not to be bored. Let the market decide. Let the people doing the driving decide. No one is forcing anyone. All this energy would be better spent on focused on education and upward mobility. Many to most of these people would be sitting on their asses if they were not driving. Uber is not a job and not something anyone should think of as a career. Create websites telling people that.

Comment Is not NG a byproduct of mining for oil? (Score 1) 267

I'm sure there are ways of breaking down oil into NG but I thought NG was plentiful enough naturally. Before being used in homes it was vented into the atmosphere without burning. So isn't it a bad thing if what is going to be released anyway isn't used? From what I understand burning NG is way better for the environment that just letting it escape into the atmosphere.... unless of course it's being artificially generated. Anyone know?

Comment Keep them overseas and let them move. (Score 2) 169

The H1B program is an almost complete disaster. It is supposedly about very talented workers but it's really about importing brain sweat shops. Keep them overseas where it's all clear what is happening. Workers that get these visas can't quit and be hired at other companies willing to pay more; no market competition. That should tell you all you need to know... There is more market competition when they stay in their home countries. And it doesn't confuse the American numbers when it comes to employment. It's all a shell game.

American companies can see the writing on the wall. It you shift you offices overseas then the managers there will clone your business and compete with you. Stupid. Saving in the short run for helping drive your company out of business. Nearsighted companies deserve to die.

Comment $500 threshold (Score 1) 100

I think it should be a much larger number ($50,000) in total transactions within period of time (A week) with an individual reporting of single transactions over $5000.

I think current reporting requirements sound impractical to the point they are unenforceable.

An entire ledger of all transactions? For something that calls itself a currency? Sounds like a privacy issue to me. Yes mister tax man I bought some hemorrhoid cream.

Comment Got to give it to Trump (Score 1) 61

I remember when the US Government use to ignore computer security issues because it would require money to fix it. The proper response would have been to
  (do not pass go) require all computers to be shut down until they can show they are reasonably protected. The government and businesses should not run computers unless they are paying for active security reviews and have immediate response.

Comment Is no one doing the MATH? (Score 1) 322

There are 100 people. If everyone is paid $100 a month that means that at least 100 x $100 x 12 = $120,000 more has to be collected each year (FROM THOSE 100 PEOPLE) in extra taxes. In essence you are getting the same money your going to be taxed. It has to be paid back. If there is no extra productivity then what is the point? Magic is not going to balance the books. Some people are simply not going to pull their own weight. So others are paying their ticket. Sooner or later the harder working people (people getting it done) are going to stop producing extra and only produce enough for just their basic needs since it was getting taken away anyway.

There is a slight possibility that UBI is more efficient that classical social welfare programs but that remains to be seen. Chances are NOT since no one will let you discriminate arbitrary cultural groups that abuse the system.

Any individual can achieve that same thing (regardless of how much debt you have) by just having a savings account and putting money away each month like we all know we should for when we know we are going to need it. Each person can choose for themselves without the government being involved.

Comment Tangent issues (Score 1) 83

Shouldn't domain names automatically qualify for automatic trademark status of a sort?

I assume they make sure someone owns a domain before giving the domain trademark status.

What if they lose the domain? Could they prevent anyone else from using it? I think the trademark needs to be dependent on a person owning the domain.

Two registeries for the same thing?

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