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Comment Re:How about this question ... (Score 1) 288

If there's a levy to cover for alleged damages caused by an action, then said action cannot be illegal. Illegal actions are to be prosecuted, not overlooked in exchange for a payment. Therefore, in countries where "a certain amount per blank DVD" (or CD, or whatever) is paid, making a copy of copyrighted content falls under "fair use" provisions and is not "kinda-sorta-infringement". In fact, even without a levy in place it could still be fair use.

Comment Re:OBT is not breaking any laws (Score 1) 230

This is simply confrontational. I don't expect you to respond to me saying "fuck off" or "stop being an asshole".

And who was it that responded to me saying "stop being an asshole"?

This was quoted 100% accurately. Even the spelling of "neighbour".

That spelling is correct.

Yeah, he possibly could, but it is irrelevant to the counter-example in the original argument. Because it was irrelevant, I did not see a point in addressing it, or even including it just to be ignored.

To this excerpt, you say I am "mutilating" it.

In my personal opinion, trimming something doesn't count as "mutilating".

It counts, when you "trim" parts that are relevant to the meaning of the quote. Also, you saying something's irrelevant doesn't make it so.

If you're admitting to a mistake, then accepted.

However, you simply do not seem to be able to let it go that I didn't provide the "perfect example", and you bit my head off. I tell you to stop being an asshole, and what is your response? To continue being an asshole.

Not really, but I guess there's nothing I can do if you see it that way. Just a bit of advice: if someone doesn't say "Aye, sir" to your every word, that doesn't mean he's being an asshole.

You even eventually tell me to "man up"... good to know that everything on the internet has to cater to masculine more of confrontational argument. *beats chest à la King Kong*

Do you know what "figuratively speaking" means? Or what "man up" means?

I did not explicitly state that my hypothetical situation occurred on Earth. Yet this implicit element did not seem to offend you.

When a person is presenting a hypothetical situation, they must naturally use a finite amount of information to establish the situation. I was of the belief that when presenting my hypothetical that it would be understood that all parties were entirely aware of all the facts presented in the hypothetical. By saying he is a guest, thus everyone involved in the hypothetical situation, would thus know that he were a guest.

Guess I'll have to remind you that not even once have I said anything about the guest being a guest, but rather about the neighbour knowing that he was a guest. Really, are you even reading what I write? That's the second time you prove you aren't.

Anyway, specifically stating that the hypothesis happens on Earth is ridiculous. Specifically stating that the neighbour knows that the guest is a guest, and of whom is he a guest, is not only not ridiculous, but necessary, since there are other possibilities with the same or a simillar outcome (happening outside of Earth, one the other hand, not so much unless you happen to be Orson Scott Card).

Now, when you are presenting your own hypothetical situations, you are entirely free to follow your own personal tastes and opinions about how they should be presented.

You even make it clear that you're criticizing the presentation and not the substance of my argument:


This is awesome news, because since you are insisting that there is no critic on substance of my hypothetical, all of your criticism is based on... opinion!

That's kind of why you should be couching your criticism in polite language... because you're relating your own opinion. (I thought they covered this in elementary school, however I might be wrong, you might be autistic, or you could just be anti-social.)

If I presented an argument that stated that I could charge you for destruction of property in my original hypothetical, then you would be right to say, "shut up, you're wrong." Even to perhaps coat it with liberal confrontational statements like "you're an idiot," or the like. And it would be warranted, because I would be factually wrong.

However, we're not arguing fact here... we're simply arguing over style and presentation.

I take your criticism that I could have presented the information to the audience more clearly, and I respectfully disagree.

Oh, so when someone's wrong it's OK to be an asshole (which I never was, it's clear to everyone reading this that you were the first and only to resort to insulting the other part). And the anti-social autistic is none other than me. Great.

I have nothing more to say to you, you've proved that you're unable to take criticism, much less understand it, and that you're barely able to be a part of any civilized society or community.

Comment Re:OBT is not breaking any laws (Score 1) 230

I took your criticism to "behave like a adult, and not like a spoiled brat that can't take criticism." (I did paraphrasing you some here.)

Since you wanted to talk about how I don't take criticism, I presented to you -- as criticism -- a proper way to offer criticism so that the person won't freak out and get pissy.

However, you apparently do not understand how to properly couch criticism to make it non-offensive, and perhaps you need a more clear explanation as to why "I wonder if" is there. This is because it makes the comment less hostile, and rude. This use of the subjunctive as well as indirection is by far the most common way to express demands and criticism to others.

"Pass the salt" is rude. "Would you pass the salt" is less rude. "Can you pass the salt?" even less rude, and "Could you pass the salt?" is close to the least rude possible in English without going overboard. "Would you please be able to pass the salt, if it would not be too difficult?" has started to become smacking of pretentiousness, however, when an individual is extremely hostile, sometimes this could possibly become necessary.

Notice, how when I'm presenting my criticism, I am not ordering you around with the imperative form at all? Rather, I'm couching things in hypotheticals, subjunctives, and indirection. This allows an individual to more easily accept that the criticism is not intended to injure or upset them.

Because it is perfectly natural for a person to respond to hostile criticism with hostile responses, one should not be surprised that when one is not bothered to concern yourself with the pleasantries of civility, that others will not concern themselves with the same.

TL;DR: Please sugar-coat your every word when talking to me. I have a fragile heart.

Which obviously, I will not do. I call things as I see them, and if you can't take it, two words: man up.

When presenting a hypothetical situation one need not present all of the information explicitly.

Because you say so?

My hypothetical -- as presented -- served the purpose it was designed for... showing that it is possible for one can be disrupted by legal process, even if someone hasn't done anything wrong.

Again, I never denied that your hypothesis served its purpose. I think it's like the second or third time I say this.

In fact, I did not even strictly intend my hypothetical to be a proper analogy.

Really? I'd have never noticed had you not stated it...

I was simply intending to produce a hypothetical which demonstrated a counter-example to the assertion that one has a right to not be bothered, unless one does something illegal.

If the reader has to connect a few dots or two, perhaps the author felt that the dots should be easily connectible.

Again, the dots were connected by this particular reader just fine, thank you very much. Are you really getting the point of my posts at all?

But upon reviewing your previous posts together... I would like to revisit some of your statements.

This should be fun.

I was just pointing out how it's not a good analogy.

Followed by:

The analogy and the hypothetical are fine.


The second quote was a reference to how the analogy served its purpose, the first one was a reference to how it was a good example worded poorly. I see no problem here, except for the poor wording on my part, but I'd assume that you of all people should be able to forgive that.

Now, let's look at this:

In fact, you don't even understand what you're saying: since when is my neighbour knowing that the other dude was a guest of mine a necessary precondition for the neighbour to a suit involving either my guest or me?

preceded by:

My complaint was not about the results of the subpoena, but rather about the reasons behind it. You have now properly adressed that, however, so I shall say no more about this.


Nor here. Your proper adressing of those points happened after I objected to how you had adressed (or rather, failed to adress) them previously. And the first quote (which you mutilated to your convenience, by the way) is unrelated to the second one: the fact that the reason behind the subpoena in your example is because the neighbour knows that the other dude was my guest (and that fact is something you explicitly added a posteriori, after I suggested that merely implying it was insufficiently clear) doesn't mean that it's a necessary precondition for the subpoena, just that it's the one you chose.

Next up:

Do I have to remind you that I made that simple inference just fine, as shown by my reference to the missing information probably being implied for the sake of the argument?

preceded by:

... unless the owner of the plant plans to subpoena all of his neighbours, it's not a good analogy. And that's assuming he has proof that at least one neighbour knows something about what happened, which he might not have. After all the culprit could have been somebody completely unrelated to anyone else living in that building.

Again... interesting. Not to mention that this criticism fails to even address a proper criticism of the counter-example. In fact, it provides for a much wider possible example of bothering people legally even though they have done nothing illegal.

For Pete's sake... How many times do I have to repeat that I wasn't criticising your argument, but the exposition of said argument?
Also, if you really think that second quote proves that I did not make the connection, you need to read it again.

Comment Re:The Reason for This Subpoena (Score 1) 230

Not the same act. The context matters.

Linking is linking. "But linking to an infringing file is not the same as linking to a website that links to an infringing file, which in turn is not the same as linking to a website that links to a website that links to an infringing file", I hear you say. Well, that was exactly my point: if it's the act of linking that matters, regardless of the level of indirection, linking to infringing files is the same as linking to websites that link to infringing files (with any number of intermediate steps); if the level of indirection matters (that is, what is illegal is only linking to infringing files), then nobody should be liable for linking to websites that link to infringing files (again, with any number of intermediate steps).

Furthermore, in the first case whoever sues would have to be able to prove that the person being sued knew that infringing files could be accessed from the sued person's website, once more with any number of intermediate steps. So they'd have to effectively prove that the defendant browsed about half of the Internet starting with his own website, and in doing so found infringing content. Which is ridiculous.

By your actions and statements, usually.

Therefore, if my actions are the same regardless of there being any infringement, and I have no way of knowing if there's any infringement, and I never admit that it's my intention to aid in said infringement, it's OK... Well, then the OBT guys have it easy, they just have to deny that they intended to help people to infringe.

Comment Re:OBT is not breaking any laws (Score 1) 230

Since it has been upmodded quite a bit for being "Informative", I would say that generally people already got the point.

Which has nothing to do with the fact that your explanation is lacking. People can still get the point of a badly explained example. Hell, I myself got the point, do I really have to repeat that it's not the point that I'm arguing, but the exposition of said point?

I'm sorry I didn't meet your sufficient pedantry level, and that you cannot make a simple inference.

Again, get off yourself. Do I have to remind you that I made that simple inference just fine, as shown by my reference to the missing information probably being implied for the sake of the argument?

If you want to give criticism, give it in a more non-combative way. Starting of with something like, "Your analogy and hypothetical situation are fine, but I wonder if it needs to be more clearly stated that your neighbor knows that you know who your guest is?"

Excuse me, what? Now I know you're not even making the slightest effort to read and/or understand my posts. If anything, it would be "but I wonder if it needs to be more clearly stated that your neighbour knows that the person that damaged his plant is your guest". And even then it wouldn't be a correct interpretation of my words, because I do not wonder if it needs to be more clearly stated: I'm certain that it needs to be more clearly stated. Not because I don't see it being implied, not because I don't get the point, but because there are other possibilities that render the whole hypothesis moot, so it's best to explicitly rule them out from the start.

Please, if you don't even get what I'm saying refrain from discussing it. It only serves to make me lose time I won't ever get back, and to embarrass you.

To which I would respond, "you obviously understood that this is a necessary precondition to a suit, so why do I have to tell you that the little plus sign between the two symbols representing the value of two represents addition?"

Get off yourself. Specially considering you just proved you don't even understand what I'm saying. In fact, you don't even understand what you're saying: since when is my neighbour knowing that the other dude was a guest of mine a necessary precondition for the neighbour to a suit involving either my guest or me? After all (and that was one of the points of my first reply to you) he can subpoena every neighbour just in case they know anything. And that should backfire, of course, one can't go just filing suits "just in case".

Comment Re:The Reason for This Subpoena (Score 1) 230

I wouldn't call it a double standard. It's the way the legal system works.

How do you call it when the same act (linking) is punished or unpunished depending on the level of indirection of said act? Or when an act that may or may not be illegal (because hosting torrents or linking to them is only "aiding and abetting" copyright infringement if the use of said torrents is copyright infringement) is punished despite the inability of the person being sued to know if there was any infringement?

It's not just where you link, it is about what your intent was when you created the link, and many other factors. It is impossible to make a general decision without factoring in these things, and impossible to write a law that explicitly enumerates absolutely every possible situation, so we're down to judges and juries trying to make sense of it all.

Trying and failing.

How do they know my intentions, by the way? They can't assume I intend to aid on infringing copyright since I have no way of knowing if any given use of what I offer (be it a link, a tracker, or anything else) is infringing. Therefore, it is clear that my intention is not to aid on infringing, because for that to happen I would need to know for sure that there's infringing acts being carried out and not do anything to prevent them.
It's like the old comparison about the guy that sells guns: unless he knew I intended to kill someone, selling me a gun wasn't "aiding and abetting" murder. By that logic, unless I know at least one of the guys accessing the torrent I link to is committing copyright infringement, I'm not aiding and abetting copyright infringement. And given the fact that I have no way of knowing that...

Given the complexities, I think it works fairly ok.

The ones being sued disagree. I, despite not being sued (or having been sued), disagree.

Comment Re:OBT is not breaking any laws (Score 1) 230

or have users submit a form that demonstrates their ownership of copyright or permission to distribute.

Then they would get sued because even if the uploader had permission to distribute, the downloader didn't have permission to download. Then they would have to make it so you can't access their tracker to download any given file unless you show them proof that you have permission to download it...

Basically, my question is - what reason is there to run an un-vetted tracker, other than to facilitate copyright infringement?

To facilitate non-infringing filesharing, obviously. He who runs the tracker has no way of knowing if any given download or upload associated to the tracker constitutes infringement.

What is the motive? Those who are distributing their own material via torrent can easily run their own trackers.

That is, if they have the resources.

Comment Re:OBT is not breaking any laws (Score 1) 230

Stop being an asshole.

I can't stop if I haven't started. You, on the other hand...

I specifically stated that the person is a guest.

But you didn't specifically state that the owner of the plant knew it, which was exactly my point. Could it be that you started learning how to read and write last week? 'Cause it sure seems so.

We're not dealing with real world shit, we're dealing with a hypothetical set of events in order to demonstrate a legal notion.

No, we're dealing with a craptabulous analogy and your inability to properly word what you want to communicate. Stating that X is a guest of Y (which is what you stated) does not imply that Z knows that X is a guest of Y (which is the core of your example).

OF COURSE the real world version of this hypothetical is going to be complicated.

Not really. It's your analogy that seems complicated because of your failure in properly covering certain details.

Now get off yourself, and shut up. The analogy is fine, and the hypothetical is fine, if you would just put away your retarded trolling.

You're in no position to tell me to shut up. The analogy and the hypothetical are fine, what is not fine is the way you explain it. And the only one that's trolling here is you. So get off yourself and shut up. And learn to behave like the adult I'd assume you are, and not like a spoiled brat that can't take criticism. Grow the fuck up.

Comment Re:The Reason for This Subpoena (Score 1) 230

I really have no idea exactly where the line is drawn. Ultimately it comes down to case law.

Nice double standard. There is no reason to sue me if I link to a page that links to an infringing torrent, and not sue me if I link to a page that links to a page that links to an infringing torrent. Both are links to non-infringing material.
Then again, there is no reason to sue me if I link to a page that links to an infringing torrent, since I need not know what that page links to. Furthermore, the page might have started linking to the infringing torrent after I linked to the page: am I supposed to regularly visit all pages I link to, and cease linking to them if they start linking to infringing torrents? Oh, wait, the MPAA/RIAA will do that for me.

Bottom line: the whole thing is getting pretty retarded. Someone please inject some common sense in the brains of those guys.

Comment Re:OBT is not breaking any laws (Score 1) 230

Coming up with hypothetical variations of the argument that contradict facts given

Which is something I didn't do.

does not attack the argument in any way.

Great, 'cause I didn't intend to attack the argument. I was just pointing out how it's not a good analogy.

In particular, to answer your question, because the plaintiff knew them to be a guest of yours. This was explicitly stated as a given to the hypothetical.

Except it wasn't. I fail to see where you explicitly say the owner of the plant knows that the person responsible for damaging it is a guest of mine. OK, so it might have been implied for the sake of the argument, but that raises the question of how he knew, provided he knew neither me nor my guest. I take it that I told him myself?

This certainly gives them reason and belief to presume that you know the tortfeasor's name.


Of course, it is entirely possible that you do not actually know the name of the tortfeasor, and they made an incorrect assumption that you only invite individuals over, whom you know.

But since it is reasonable to believe that any reasonable person would not invite strangers over as guests, you're stuck establishing this assertion in court.

Even then, if you did win, and it was established that you do not know the identity of the individual (and you're not simply being contemptuous of the court) the court would likely still order you to provide everything you do know about the individual.

And I would obey that order. My complaint was not about the results of the subpoena, but rather about the reasons behind it. You have now properly adressed that, however, so I shall say no more about this.

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