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Comment Re:Of course they did. (Score 1) 136

Tacticool almost-assault-rifles are used in a majority of high-profile, high-volume gun violence incidents.

I challenge you to prove that. I went through a list of every mass shooting, and came out with a number more like 40%, not 51+%. As well, since AR-15s and other commercially available "assault weapons" are not assault rifles, your statement at the start is false. There is no such thing as a tacticool assault rifle, since one of the required features of assault rifles is automatic or burst fire, and no firearm manufactures since 1986 can have that feature and be sold on the commercial market.

Considering how rare "mass shootings" are, again, it won't impact crime much at all, as the primary firearm used to commit crimes is handguns, not rifles or shotguns. Rifles of all categories are used in around 1% of crimes, so banning any sub category of rifle will not reduce crime measurably. We have actual evidence to look at for this, since "Assault weapons" which are NOT "assault rifles" have been banned federally in the past.

Also, I would point out, that some of the most deadly mass shooters used handguns, and not rifles, because they hold many bullets too, and you can get magazines that hold lots of cartridges for handguns too. As well, handguns are easier to carry.

Comment Re:Speaking of the truth (Score 1) 136

That sounds quite natural. How do you go through the boxes of records looking to respond to the subpoena without moving them from storage into the house? Since the FBI found boxes stored in the storage area of his private residence where he had already told them they were stored, what exactly is so big a deal about the boxed being moved after the subpoena was know after they asked for the records?

Comment Re:Of course they did. (Score 1) 136
Do they have to pass?
How about this law, still in place in Colorado:
Or this New York law?
Freedom of religion is a big part of the First Amendment, which the DNC seems to hate:

A really good religious freedom issue is what is happening to military members who attempt to use religious exemptions to the COVID vaccine, not a single one of them were approved, some of them were held up long enough that it became moot and the members weren't forced out, but many of the military were forced out for espousing religious views that the government didn't support.

Comment Re:Of course they did. (Score 1) 136

Pick any of those things, and I am sure examples can be provided. Your denial of the behavior does nothing to make it not be true. That is what is so insidious, they have brainwashed so many into believing that the GOP are the bad guys because they are all these -isms, while the DNC does the exact same behaviors they accuse the other side of.

For example, racism; just watch how they treat black Republicans for a real world example. Did you miss how Tim Scott was treated after the state of the union rebuttal he gave? There is also the fact that the congressional black caucus has refused him membership, despite him being black, and in congress.

Another example, is all the people calling Clarence Thomas "Uncle Clarence" as the same exact form of racism. How dare he have a different point of view.

Another one, which you can find all over, the racism of low expectations. The whole math is racist group, who rather than help boost minorities up, instead seek to reduce the requirements to make it easier for them to pass, as if that fixes the problem somehow.

Comment Re:Of course they did. (Score 1) 136

Assault rifles are already banned federally. AR-15s do not qualify as an assault rifle, that was the point being made. A basic requirement of assault rifles is that they have an automatic or burst mode, which AR-15s do not have.

The OP that mentioned the assault rifles was actually misusing the term, and seems to have meant assault weapon, which is what the person you responded to assumed it looks like. Assault weapons are a made up category of firearm which essentially boils down to "scary looking gun" and is misused in most political conversation on the subject of firearms. As well, the focus on them is entirely political, as they are used in a miniscule amount of crime, so banning them will have, and did have no impact on crime.

Comment Re: Of course they did. (Score 0) 136

You mean kind of like Hillary with the Benghazi investigation? I know, it was pretty horrible how she covered up whatever happened, refused to provide evidence under congressional subpoenas, wiped drives with the data that was sought on it, and then had the audacity to joke about it when challenged by congress.

Comment Re: TRUMP WON. (Score 1) 220

I already addressed the long debunked Chinese made hats part, so I will start with the links.

These are also the same ones behind this so-called "cancel culture" with their banning of books [],

This has no similarity with cancel culture, which is about making sure that someone who offended you will never work again. Did they contact the publisher to have them pull the book and fire the author? It is also not a GOP thing, removing inappropriate books is done by all school boards, and people argue against books all over. One of the lists that these news organizations used to create a banned book list, was funny enough from California, the home of all of those horrible GOP people.

their attempts to capture and/or kill [] elected officials,

1. They weren't republicans, they were anarchists which are typically on the left,

2. The whole plot was brought about by the FBI, not the people they charged, which is why the charges were dropped on two of them.

attempt to cancel the presidential election

Some people fought against the election. Less than 500 people entered the capital, a horrible charge of tresspassing. How was that cancel culture? I didn't see them try to call off all future elections, I didn't see them try to get Biden fired.

and even posts on Twitter []

What does that have to do with cancel culture?

It seems that the OP did not know what cancel culture is, which made everything they said about it entirely false. There is a difference between lawsuits, fighting against books being included in elementary schools, and cancel culture, the attempt to make people we disagree with no longer have jobs, and not be able to function in society.

I was rude? That is laughable, did you read the OPs post?

Comment Re:Smart guy (Score 1) 277

Um, it has always been a right of the people, since it was inserted into the constitution. The Militia line is the weird thing that was added, but did not really modify the right of the people as stated.

As for your bodily autonomy, that has never been a question, the issue is, does the baby have the right to life as guarenteed by the constitution? Also, you should reconsider this:

utterly weird becoming considered more of a right across the nation than bodily autonomy

The real question is, why was abortion more of a right before Dodd than the actual enumerated rights? Since any right in the bill of rights can be restricted by the states, such as defining how you may own guns, where they can be carried, which ones you are allowed, why was abortion above and beyond that?

or "Not being killed by police".

That falls under your right to life. However, when you break the law, then proceed to resist arrest and/or point a gun at a police officer, you give up your right to life, because they have the right to defend themselves from attack, and have the obligation to arrest you once an arrest has started.

Comment Re:These systems are astonishingly good (Score 2) 117

You clearly don't have experience with the current generation of systems being discussed here. They don't behave anything like what you described.

It depends on the system. The Toyota system warns you when you are near the line, and nudges you back into the lane, but if you let it, it will just ping pong against the two lines because it does not center the vehicle.

I can't speak to other systems, other than second hand knowledge. The Tesla system I hear is quite nice about actually driving the car and keeping it in the lane.

Comment Re:Elite Dangerous and Mechwarrior (Score 1) 82

Elite Dangerous should be no problem.

I haven't played a modern MechWarrior game, but there are equivilent VR games available.

The Quest 2 supported ED through either a wired high speed USB-C cable, or through a wireless network, so I can't see why this one would lose that functionality.

It is pretty amazing flying in ED in VR, the ship's cockpits look so much bigger, and the better depth perception comes in nice.

Comment Re:$1,4999? What is that? (Score 1) 82

That profile is...interesting. I wonder how "she?" would respond if asked why the white supremacy that keeps the WNBA down doesn't cause the same issue for the NBA, that is likely just as much full of minorities. It seems like it is a completely incomplete thought, or something that was not thought out.

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