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Comment Re: Why shop at Walmart (Score 1) 467

Clearly the solution is to go without any boots for four years, save the $40/six months, and then buy the good set. You'll appreciate the good boots all the more for having gone without, and they'll be four years newer than the schlub who bought them straightaway. But you can't do that, because silly, job-killing regulations require footwear on the jobsite.

Comment Re: Want good Internet? Move to a city. (Score 1) 174

Excluding that single category, Per capita Federal funding: Metro $8,171, Nonmetro $6,773.

Of course, that's only the spending side. Urban household income is $71k, where rural household income is just $50k (2015). Federal taxes for a family of 4 on $70k is about $5400 and on $50k roughly $2300. So, your average metro denizen "gets" maybe 6x his federal taxes back, where the average non-metro "gets" about 12x.

Obviously, because of the progressive income tax, averages aren't going to add up. The fact is that there are more humans living in cities. Those city dwellers earn more money and pay more taxes than rural residents. Money is going to flow from cities to the country.

Comment Re:Leftist regulation run amok. (Score 1) 555

What happens to raw milk left out on the counter depends entirely on what microbes are floating around in your air. You and your kids have developed good immunity and tolerance of the microbes you live with; you might find visiting friends' reaction to your week old milk is very different.

But the real point is that individual health choices and public health policy are totally different. Say, for example, that 0.01% of the time, your raw milk gets a noxious infection. Maybe twice in your lifetime, you come down with a bit of stomach distress...might be the milk, might be flu, its just an inconvenience. If 0.01% of national milk carries a noxious infection, then something like 30,000 people will get sick every day. Some of them, because they're already sick, have poor immune systems will die.

Comment Re:why should i care?` (Score 1) 555

I do think it's worth pointing out that these are fairly old course videos - up to 10 years old - and the university is in the process of revising them. One imagines that the new videos will be more ADA compliant, due in part to lawsuits like this. They may not have been super excited about maintaining both legacy and new versions of the content, and happy to have an excuse to do away with the old stuff.

Comment Re:Perhaps it's time for you to review basic math. (Score 1) 632

Also remember that health insurance is just a part of insurance.

Not so much, in the US. Very few real insurance companies do health insurance, and very few health insurance companies offer auto, home, or life. US health insurance, where people expect the insurer to pay for routine care, is not even very much like other forms of insurance, where people only expect to claim exceptional events. Imagine an auto insurance policy that included oil changes and a gasoline discount.

Comment Re:Not much for those stuck *right now* (Score 1) 632

He's not really all that wrong, though. Fundamentally, the problems are that there are more potential employees than there are jobs, but that there are fewer "really good" employees than jobs. Hiring processes are meant to identify the few among the many, but they use shortcuts.

40 years ago, when only 15% of 20-somethings had a college degree, that degree was a pretty good indicator of "ambitious, works hard" which made the degree a good hiring litmus test and enshrined it as a ticket-to-a-job. Today, if a hiring manager has to choose between otherwise identical candidates, they're likely to take the one with a degree over the one without.

Today, when 30% of 20-somethings has a college degree, it has lost a lot of its value as an indicator of "ambitious, works hard," and hiring managers have had to move on to other indicators. Internships. Co-ops. Extracurriculars.

The problem is that as soon as those indicators become known, people start trying to game the metrics. It's like a cargo-cult version of professional development. I can't tell you how many kids I've heard sign up for this-or-that school club just because they believe they have to have some extracurriculars. Not because they have any actual interest in [whatever], or any intention to actually attend meetings and events, but just because they have to have that line on their resume. Conventional wisdom is that these things will help you get a job; student hears these things will get you a job.

Comment Re:First things first (Score 1) 347

And stuff like "Show up to work on time, sober and dressed", essential for the professional, shouldn't be taught in classrooms.

And yet, this is a component of almost every professional training program - ask your nurse, physical therapist, or pharmacist whether their program included 'professional presentation.'

Comment Re: Landlords (Score 1) 805

Better yet, why not just record one really good teacher and broadcast that to every classroom in the country? Half of teachers are below average, anyway - students shouldn't have to suffer through such poor performance. I mean, why sit through your local theater troupe's production of Streetcar Named Desire when you can watch the awesome movie with Marlon Brando?

Comment Re:Fake science/sloppy science (Score 1) 331

Then why not describe the novel techniques you developed to complete the research in the paper? Any process that is claimed to require special abilities is actually one the needs training.

Because no one cares. The funding model for science in the US encourages each lab to find a "niche," an approach or an experimental model unique to that lab, defended by a barrier of custom-fabricated apparatus or years-long technique development. No other lab can afford the loss of productivity associated with that kind of investment, to say nothing of the direct expense.

This is also the reason it's hard to take the reproducibility project very seriously: if you're engaged in a project whose thesis is that many experiments are not reproducible, and you're not getting the same results as a subject paper, what's your interpretation? It could be that the original paper was a statisitical fluke; It could be that you need another six months practicing the technique to get it right.

Comment Re:Death To All Jews (Score 5, Insightful) 920

PewDiePie's being about "it's fine to be an antisemitic little shithead"

I think his point was more that it's trivially easy to make other people act like antisemitic little shitheads. He paid $5, and he got at least two people to make a video that (were it their honest opinion) would rightly earn them wide condemnation. Yet no one's even commenting on those two dudes - they were clearly 'just following orders.' Doing the necessary to pay their bills and probably don't really believe their sign.

His point was that it takes very little to get people to openly proclaim beliefs they don't hold. Especially on the internet. (I assume those two guys would want more than $5 to hold up their sign outside a synagogue, for example.) Ask yourself how much it would cost to get you to add "Hail Satan," "I'm totally gay for DJT," or "People like PewDiePie deserve to die" to your facebook page. Or to film yourself saying those things to strangers in Times Square. You don't have to be serious about the statements, just to use those exact words so that someone else can use them out of context.

Comment Re:Done by Boston Arm 30 years ago (Score 1) 8

This is a very different approach to interpreting the EMG than traditional myoelectric prostheses. They're using targeted muscle reinnervation with multi-electrode arrays to decompose the EMG into individual motor units, then using the more precise motor unit signals to control. ME control couples a preserved, non-involved muscle to control of a single prosthesis motor, where targeted reinnervation gives them access to neural signal intended for the missing muscles. Decomposing a complex EMG into its component motorneurons works well with fine wire electrodes, where the recording volume is fairly small, but surface EMG contains too much information/noise. Using the MEA to decipher that complex signal is pretty clever.

It looks like it only worked well in 7/9 cases, and it's not clear whether they repeated over different days and different electrode placements. It's a proof-of-concept study showing that you can decompose surface EMG into a higher fidelity signal than just patterns of intensity

Comment Re:Look at the big picture (Score 2) 359

The time argument against left turns is fairly obvious and was the motivation for the change in policy. The surprising result is that planning longer routes led to a reduction in total miles traveled.

That is clearly not a result of taking a fixed number of routes and making each one longer, but must result from individual routes covering more stops, thus allowing elimination of some routes. In this case, elimination of about 1% of routes - a city that got divided into 100 territories with each driver making left turns can be divided into only 99 territories by avoiding left turns. The saved miles come from that one truck that doesn't have to drive all the way across town to start making deliveries. It wouldn't save mileage if you're a single truck serving a small town, but if you're delivering packages on the scale of UPS or FedEx, those saved seconds actually can be recovered.

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