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Comment Re:I don't get it (Score 1) 196

Sometimes it's a coding test. Sometimes it's a design test. Sometimes it's a social anxiety test. Sometimes it's a test of quick thinking on your feet. Sometimes it's a test to see if you'll jump through their hoops. 100% of the time it's a test that they need to tick a box.

I've done whiteboard tests and interviews with grads. The whiteboard was about knowing basic concepts, drawing a diagram and explaining themselves without choking, or if they choked that they could recover well. The number of people that couldn't draw a diagram showing how basic credits and debits might be handled in a banking or shopping card system was worrying. And it was clear some of them were clueless, not just stressed. When there are 100 people applying for a job and a person chokes so hard they can't list basic passwords as one way to prevent malicious access to a system, it's hard to have confidence they're going to be able to write code.

Comment Facebook problem? (Score 1) 9

From my experience the Google video search will give no special preference to Youtube, it feels like it's doing the opposite, Youtube videos can at times be very hard to find there and using Youtube's search directly will give much better result. That said, Facebook, Instagram and Co. hardly ever popup in regular searches. You might get a persons profile, but not individual posts. However is that Google's fault or Facebook's? To actually access large parts of Facebook, Instagram and Co. one needs to login or use their apps, plain old web access is often blocked or crippled. So Google not indexing them seems like the natural result. The appeal to view counts also seems misguided, they are often faked to make content look more important than it is and Google really has no obligation to take it into account. A lot of the linking and liking of the content will not be visible to Google has it is happening on private Facebook profiles.

Comment Re:Increase Resolution you fools (Score 2) 30

You said it: if there was a 5k per eye headset, there would be no signal source for it.

While gaming and VR180/360 movies would struggle to produce content for 5k displays, plain old 2D movies need that kind of resolution so that VR can compete with all those cheap 4k TVs. Especially considering that those 5k would be spread over at least 90, while a 2D movie in a cinema is concentrated over just 45. So viewing in a virtual cinema reduces that 5k display down to just a 2.5k virtual cinema screen. If one wants to use VR as replacement for a computer monitor, that kind of resolution would also be more than welcome, as Desktop usage is a still a pixelated mess even on a HP Reverb.

Comment Re:Just curious... (Score 1) 30

You can sideload apps on it, so it should still be somewhat usable after 2022. However the real kicker is that they'll close the shop for new apps and updates by the end of the year, just six month after this announcement. That in turn will kill a lot of media apps that need updates to keep up with changes on the server side. BigScreen already called it quits due to that.

Comment Re:Ass All The Way Down (Score 0) 246

> C is an ass language for ass programmers. The only things worse than C is Objective-C, and by extension Swift, and COBOL. Shit languages that should straight up stop existing completely.

Almost certainly written on a device whose operating system was coded on C, and 100% certainly written on a device whose existence is a result of using C somewhere in the chain. You utter muppet. The only mule braying here is you. When you manage to invent an operating system that overtakes Linux, Windows and MacOS, you get to call other programmers "ass". Till then, bray elsewhere.

Comment Re:You miss DVI, Parallel, Serial, SCSI, PS2? (Score 1) 78

USB works well when you just want to connect a mouse or keyboard, but try to connect something more demanding, like say a VR headset, and all hell breaks lose. The original Oculus Rift was especially fun as it needed at least three USB3.0 ports all working at the same time and that rarely worked with most PCs. Once you add some powered USB Hubs, active extension cords or USB PCIe cards, you can generally get a working configuration going, put Plug&Play it was not, more like classic Plug&Pray.

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