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Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 965

Operation Desert Storm was the greatest thing ever for jihadists. It weakened Saddam's Baathist regime, and Baathism is sa secular ideology, it's a form of Kemalism. If you know anything about jihadism, Kemalism is its nemesis, its ideological foe. Assad is also Baathist btw, not exactly the friend of jihadists either..

Comment Re:Can you liberals please wake the fuck up? (Score 1) 965

You literally make no sense at all. What are you trying to say!? If i take you literally, you're saying "nobody is innocent", a cliche that you only hear from "the evil terrorist mastermind" in third-rate action movies.

The world is full of war. There are armed conflicts all over the globe, many are low-intensity ones that flare up occasionally. And you may have a hard time believing this, but not all of them have been caused by western intervention. In fact, something like this
is possible precisely due to lack of western involvement.

These conflicts have nothing to do with me. But, according to your reasoning, it'd be ok if I'm gunned down when I'm having a few beers with friends.

Comment Re: Moslems are killing you guys and ... (Score 1) 965

The attack resulted in 140 people dead and counting, but that's not severe enough for you apparently. Because you want to see more dead white people and / or kafirs, is that it? Are you actually crazy enough to believe this is fake? Watch the footage on youtube you cretin. And stop spamming this thread with your SJW tinfoil hat BS, or at least log in so we can report you.

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 965

Immigrants have a history of racial tension against native french. Muslim immigrants have a history of racial tension against jews. Muslim immigrants have a history of racial tension against christians. Muslim immigrants have a history of racial tension against black immigrants. Muslim immigrants have a history of racial tension against cops, women, cartoonists, other muslims.

Just a little sample

As for motive, ISIS has repeatedly called on muslims to attack on French soil, and has already claimed this massacre on social media.

Comment Re:Why (Score 0) 965

You need to read up on OBL and islamist ideology. He attacked the US because it had troops in SA to defend against Saddam Hussein. They were infidels (and some even women, gasp!), and not allowed to "defile the holy land with the feet of kufars". He submitted a plan to defend SA with his fighters from Afghanistan, but was snubbed by the SA government. For a narcissist, that's an unacceptable blow to the ego.

His choice of WTC was because he regarded it as an idol. According to his reasoning, westerners stopped worshipping as christians and worship material goods (this is Marxist thought, look up "commodity fetishism). Thus, they are apostates and no longer qualify as People of the Book, who should be respected according to islam. So they're fair game, as are their "idols".

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 5, Informative) 965

Ah, anonymous coward, we meet again. Those migrants are in safe camps in Turkey, but they choose to risk life and limb in order to move to a rich country (their own words). Saw a bunch of them in my hometown yesterday, angrily protesting because the rooms in their emergency housing don't have tvs. And they don't like the local cheese and butter.

The Parisien victims did not choose to risk life and limb when they went to a restaurant, or to Bataclan to see a hardrock band. 100 hostages, 40 dead, and counting. But I guess you think they deserve it.. because they're white, right? You sound like a fucking campus totalitarian. Why don't you log in and at least show us your nick, you despicable coward.

Comment Re:I swear... (Score 0) 449

The hilarious part is that the mother is so completely clueless to her daughter's feelings and she can't possibly comprehend that her daughter might simply not like working with computers.

Not clueless, brainwashed. You're talking about personal autonomy and preferences, feminism denies the very existence of such things. Proponents of "choice feminism", are marginalized by the movement, which is inherently illiberal (if not totalitarian).

Check this review

Example article
"Whatever its origins, choice feminism has co-opted feminist language in a way that takes the political out of the personal. It’s all about whatever makes you feel good—right now! We need to reclaim the word choice"

Comment Re:And...? (Score 0) 449

Yes, I know as well as any of you that these "progressive" measures are not about equal rights for anyone but about flooding the marketplace of job applicants and driving down wages.

In this case I very much doubt that, we all know few if any of these girls will go on to become developers or even do a STEM major. This is just a PR thing, to convince the public that Google takes "don't be evil" seriously. And to keep the gender- and race hustlers off their back, oc.

Back in college I knew a few girls that graduated in CS, they all went on to do something else. One did a 2nd master's (economy) and became a civil servant and politician. She told me she found IT jobs boring.
I even know a few female CS PhDs who switched careers. Being a DBA or babysitting Linux boxes just isn't that glamorous, the pay isn't anything to write home about either. The alternative is to do consulting, which generally means driving 200 miles/day to give powerpoint presentations.

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