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Comment Re:Stupid python comment (Score 1) 167

a) Scientists are terrible at Perl. "You can write FORTRAN in any language" applies to them; they often write Perl as if it were C. Or that's my experience based on Stack Overflow and Perlmonks questions. They aren't programmers, they're scientists, and it shows.

Yep, that's usually the case.

b) A rewrite is always clearer, no matter the language.

You are right, of course, and as I used the word "translated", that could imply a rewrite. I should have used "transliterated", as I kept the original structure.
I tried to find these scripts so I could give a concrete example, but I could only find my Python versions. But it was stuff in Perl like

open($file, "file.txt");
my $data = do { local $/; <$file> };

that in Python becomes

data = open("file.txt").read()

that makes you think, wtf Perl??? Really, why do you need all that crap just to read the whole file?

Comment Re:Stupid python comment (Score 1) 167

Thanks for your comment, it expresses my view pretty well. I want to add a note about this:

Also, Python has done pretty well as a first programming language, even if the design runs out of steam at certain points. In contrast, we tend to think of Perl (especially Perl 6) more as a last programming language, the language of choice for people who need a language that won't give up when the going gets tough.

I started coding with BASIC and Z80 Assembly in the late 80's, then coded mostly C until 97 when I switched to C++, then finally in 2006 I switched to Python as main programming language. In these ~30 years I obviously had to program in several other languages, and Perl is by far the one I most hated. After my bad experience with Perl I even translated some Perl scripts coded by a biologist friend (Perl seems to be strong in the field) to show her how much more clear and concise they can be made in Python, and the difference is undeniable.

So it seems to me that Python (with occasional C extensions for speed) is a suitable "last language", though what the future holds no one knows. Except that it will be neither Perl 5 nor 6.

P.S.: JavaScript as it was in the beginning was pretty terrible too, even if it had a saner syntax. But it redeemed itself in the latest ES standards, and with the recent frameworks it is actually quite enjoyable.

Comment Re:Microsoft announcement: "content youâ(TM)v (Score 5, Insightful) 115

It's even more interesting when you contrast it with the way the media conflate copyright infringement with stealing. When someone makes a bootleg copy of a movie, the original is still accessible. When someone steals something from you, you lose access to what has been stolen.

So, when will we read the news "Microsoft will steal workout videos from consumers"?

Comment Re:More Proof (Score 5, Insightful) 102

The FBI is only one of the cogs. Isn't it troubling when you can read either as ...

The secret *government requests* for customer information


The *secret government* requests for customer information

because the FISA Court allows for exactly that, a secret and unaccountable government. Some day they'll swap "Foreign" for "Federal" in that acronym and nobody will notice any difference.

Comment Re:I always prefer magic in my fantasy (Score 1) 951

It would be so much better if Musk took up a conventional religion with decent moral imperatives

The intersection you want is empty, unfortunately. Unless you consider Jainism conventional. Religions in general have a tendency to consider moral the killing of people with certain (arbitrary) characteristics. IMHO, if you believe that you're as immoral as you could be.

Comment Re:Oculus is worse than microsoft (Score 3, Interesting) 78

Yes, MS loves UNIX standards. Like when they decided to use \ as folder delimiter, just to be different. And instead of using about any-fucking-thing else, they had to pick exactly the escape character. The Devil himself was envious of their ingenuity, which was eclipsed only many years later, with the launch of IE6.

Comment .deb repositories (Score 1) 74

Yes, just like Windows and Mac OS X, users are enjoying their 0-day releases of Mozilla Firefox and don't have to wait for package maintainers of a particular GNU/Linux distribution to update the software in the main repositories.

Really? I mean, are you guys so fucking retarded that you're not able to setup your own .deb repositories? Fuck, you can even use Launchpad's PPAs!

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