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Comment Re:Quick Question: What stops GPU manufacturers (Score 1) 49

This is probably possible but I have the feeling that the real reason that makes the Cerebras system so powerful (according to themselves) is that it is highly specialized for deep learning (so fast matrix multiplications and pretty much nothing else?). GPUs are more flexible. NVIDIA and AMD could probably improve their AI performance significantly by removing everything that is not needed for deep learning (so no more graphics, crypto, ...).

Comment Re:Hyperbole, it's what's for dinner (Score 2) 74

I do not see why that would be considered a critical bug. No privilege escalation and no remote DOS. Basically, someone found a new way for programmers to crash their own code. It must be fixed of course but this is a rather mundane issue. It seems to me that Tuxcare, the company that found the second bug, is trying to make the buzz.

Comment Re: News from last January (Score 5, Interesting) 57

The problem is more likely that the message is too short to be validated. The original message has 13 characters and the 'decrypted' output is only 4 characters long with 1 'error' (KAYE vs KAYR). Assuming that each character can be a letter or a digit (so 36 possibilities), the number of possible messages is 36*36*36*36 = 1,679,616. The number of messages that are 1 characters from KAYE is 4*35 = 140. In practice, that means that the probability to get something like KAYR by luck is 140/1679616 = 1/12000. That may seem a lot until you consider that he probably tried several 'trifid' keys until he got KAYR. With enough tries it may be possible to get any result you want. For example, after 50 attempts you get 'KANG' and you can accuse Elvis Presley. If your 96th attempt gives you 'BUZH' then you can accuse George W Bush etc etc
Eventually, the relevant question is Why should the key that gives KAYR be used over the one that gives KANG or BUZH?


Comment Re:Apparently not as forgotten as Philip Chapman (Score 4, Funny) 46

This is because 14 is probably the most boring number ever invented. It is not prime nor has a large number of divisors like 12. This is not a lucky or unlucky number. I do not even remember the last time I used 14. Go in a shop and try to find an item with a price of $14. You won't find any. I think that 14 is a scam invented by scientists because they needed something to fit between 13 and 15.

Comment Re:CO (Score 2) 44

I do not think that we have to worry for that yet:
Mass of the Martian Atmosphere (mostly CO2) = 25,000,000,000,000 kg
Mass of the CO produced by the MOXIE experiment in 1 hour = 0.012 kg = 12 g

For the future Mars mission, the plan is to have a bigger device capable of transforming 3kg of CO2 into 1kg of O2 + 2 kg of CO per hour during a full year. At that rate, it would take 950 millions years to transform the whole Martian atmosphere. It is also worth noting that if a mass scale production was attempted then the CO would have to be separated from the O2 because the two gases naturally react to form ... you guess it ... CO2.

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