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Submission + - US protesters rally to occupy Wall Street (aljazeera.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Calls by hacktivist group Anonymous for an Arab Spring style sit in protest have been heard. The call to Occupy Wall Street on September 17th has brought out many protestors who are apparently staying for the long haul. Al-Jazeera has been covering the protest with live updates here

Wine 1.2 Released 427

David Gerard writes "Stuck with that one Windows app you can't get rid of? Rejoice — Wine 1.2 is officially released! Apart from running pretty much any Windows application on Unix better than 1.0 (from 2008), major new features include 64-bit support, bi-directional text, and translation into thirty languages. And, of course, DirectX 9 is well-supported and DirectX 10 is getting better. Packages should hit the distros over the weekend, or you can get the source now."

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I've noticed several design suggestions in your code.
