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Comment Re: not advice...trends that may make them money. (Score 1) 43

Exactly - last Jan while GME was going on I figured out the game was to squeeze the shorts and buy cheap out of the money call options ('lottery tickets') and saw a random tweet about AMC. Hmmm, AMC has a big short interest, has not popped yet so bought 4 near term calls with money I could sacrifice. Next day BOOM - have never seen so little get so big so fast. Largely lucky.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 65

Believe it or not, the free Mathematica on a Raspberry Pi can calculate p = 2^82589933 - the last line is (without the -1)

  > 6640076912114355308311969487633766457823695074037951210325217902592

Right now it's counting the digits (and may run out of memory yet)

In[2]:= Total[DigitCount[p]]

nope, just got the answer:
Out[2]= 24862048

Comment Like a Segway for your face (Score 1) 321

someone said it's like a Segway for your face - that person also refered to riding a Segway a being a 'Dork on a stick'.

Having said that, I would actually be wearing one if available - while riding a segway, with my pocket protector and a slide rule attached to belt, glasses taped together from the last bully beating.

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