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Comment Re:Sounds like a plan! (Score 1) 1067

No, you are wrong that the error was in the code handling flight trajectory computations. It was in the part of software that was needed before the launch, and not at all during the flight. The results of that computation were not needed for guidance, and yet unhandled exception caused the controller to crash.

Secondly, you are wrong when you assume that the division by zero is necessarily an error. There are valid and useful numerical algorithms that rely on division by zero being well-defined operation.

Comment Re:I want my division by zero errors to be errors (Score 1) 1067

Wrong wrong wrong misguided and wrong again. division of non-zero by zero is quite meaningful and is defined by IEEE standard for floating point arithmetic to return infinity (wtih appropriate sign depending on the signs of the zero and numerator).

In the rare cases when exception is needed IEEE compliant fp math implementation provides mechanism for it

Comment Re:Floating point (Score 4, Interesting) 1067

Oh my god, this whole discussion is so misguided it hurts my eyes to look at. Why don't you people go educate yourself about floating-point arithmetics? IEEE754 standard was designed by top-notch numerical expert and YOU IGNORE IT AT YOUR AND YOUR USERS' PERIL.

And yeah, division of nonzero by +zero must give Inf, and there are actual useful numerical algorithms that make use of that.

Comment Re:The GPL (Score 2) 469

You are changing the subject. "The whole initscripts mess" may or may not work outside the init infrastructure. But each individual script will, which is precisely the point. On the other hand, none of systemd components will work outside systemd. So please stop your shilling.

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