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Comment Re:You Can't Buy It So Here's A Code Update... (Score 1) 53

You *do* know that the main reason why it's so popular and basically out of stock is the great software support?

Hell no it ain't, it's out of stock everywhere because we are at saturation for the current videogame console generation and those asshole scalpers have to flip SOMETHING or else they'll get out of practice. There's no other reason for the shortage, industrial PI consumers were hit as much as the PI producers and the Lockdown Retail Therapy buying binge has long since calmed down with plenty of time for the market to normalize and recently there's even a looming recession to curb the industrial customers on a second front. That just leaves us with "The Pi retailers have either no ability or no motivation to stop the Pi-rates pillaging everything".

Comment ...In (irradiated) Mice. (Score 1) 51

You seem to have a few misunderstandings.
First, blood transfusions are not zero stress events, just because it is better than not having blood doesn't mean your body is happy about it, that's why autologous blood donations are still a thing. A single donor blood transfusion will hang around for a couple of months maximum, that's a lot of extra stress on the immune system to keep doing.
Second this paper is talking about clonal hematopoiesis a.k.a. bone marrow making bad cells. Go ask a leukemia patient how much fun that is to fix and then go ask an Oncologist what having your bone marrow removed and replaced would do the lifespan of an otherwise apparently healthy adult.
Third the experiments were not controlled for the effects of having all the bone marrow replaced but listed under their findings "frequent anemia"... NO SHIT!!
paper text

Comment IARC group 2A (Score 1) 192

A quick reminder that IARC group 2A ("Probably" causes cancer in humans) contains such goldmines of lulz as
Balls (All anabolic steroids including testosterone)
Mustard Gas (Nitrogen mustards)
Diabetes medication (Pioglitazone)
A bunch of Chemo Therapy drugs (not even going to list them)
A chemical used on lab rats to give them cancer (MNNG)
Cooked Meat (2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline)
Red Meat regardless of cooking
Being an oil refinery worker
Being a Hair Dresser
Night Shift Work

Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 89
Grafton NH closed due to BEARS
Keene NH ran it's own unlicensed Bitcoin exchange
Colorado Springs CO Imploded due to lack of tax revenue before the invention of automatic traffic cameras
Von Ormy TX ALMOST imploded due to lack of tax revenue but then shifted the burden to passing vehicles with rigged traffic cameras on downward slopes
And those are just the American ones. The houses, the people, the towns keep existing but the fools running it change... except Von Ormy but they are Texan and it's not like Texans ever let something as simple as being completely unethical stop them from a bad idea.

Also WHICH centralized fiat are you referring to? There are quite a few.

Comment Re:A Few Things (Score 1) 89

There's the uncanny resemblance between these profit-driven grifts and pyramid schemes, but there's also the philosophical concern that things like cryptocurrency represent a libertarian ideal founded in paranoia about institutions, and about other human beings. That, Venturelli says, is in part why they're so inefficient in the first place.

I don't quite understand this. I guess we should have pure and unwavering trust for the corporations around us? All the tech companies that people complain about all the time that they can't trust for numerous reasons? Or I guess people should be okay with electronic payments going through a handful of companies (Visa, MasterCard, etc.)? I wouldn't mind an alternate to giving those corporations a cut of everything.

Of course there's distrust. He acts like there shouldn't be. There shouldn't be that distrust, but anyone who's paying attention knows that's an idealistic world in some parallel dimension.

Or maybe we should trust those companies that will pull games (like UbiSoft)? Why shouldn't we trust a company that sells a game that, in a couple of months, will no longer be playable? I could go on about the scummy things that companies do.

He's not speaking about the existing companies but about the companies in an ideal Rodenberry Star Trek future. Blockchain is literally called a "Trustless System" and to that end you currently have to deal with about 800Gb of every piece of trash ever put on the Ethereum block chain if you want to run a basic node about 4Tb for a full archival node. To borrow from a popular saying "Program for the world you want to live in", we SHOULD be able to trust each other.

Investors see potential value in South America right now due to exploitable political and economic instabilities, which for Venturelli means that presenting his counterargument is more important than ever. "If we don't take up some spaces, and we let these kinds of people take these spaces, suddenly they're dictating what's the future, suddenly they're taking the investments so that they are building our next big projects," he said. "That's when it starts to get really dangerous, because it can jeopardize our future as an industry, in my opinion. Because I don't feel like these things have long legs. I feel like they might be successful in the short term, but they are going to fall on the long term for sure." [He went on to say:] "Right now we are living in a crisis of trust in Western society -- trust in each other, in institutions, and even in our future together is in decline," Venturelli says. "We should be building systems that help connect people and build trust, build sustainable solutions, and build infinitely scalable human solutions. We should not be shifting away from culture, entertainment, and storytelling towards economic activity. We should not just be eliminating the final hiding places that we have to run away from the oppression of capitalist society."

This kind of sounds like the gamers that started to panic around the time Gone Home came out, and some of them thinking that most future games would be walking simulators because several websites heaped awards on the game. No Mr. Paranoid, the Nifters are not going to prevent you from making non-NFT games. I don't see NFTs becoming ubiquitous in gaming anytime soon.

Fuck, I don't even have anything to say about NFTs. This guy sounds like he's using his hate against NFTs to try and tell people that they should just trust companies and corporations.

You are misunderstanding the breadth of "WE", he is talking about everyone proposing solutions to Central & South America. Right now there are bunches of Nifters proposing "Play to Earn" games where you buy in to the tokens with real money and then hopefully earn more through gameplay. The problem is once something is on the block chain it is there for good including bugs and exploits and I don't know if you have ever played an online game but nothing hurts player numbers like unpatched exploits and nothing hurts crypto value like a run on the bank caused by a sudden loss of trust and interest. It is stupid and predictable and some number of people will ALWAYS fall for it so we need to protect them the same way we are protected from being exploited in fields we are not experts in ourselves.
His point is that we need to get off our asses and raise our voices against blockchain scams, which is anything and everything involving blockchain and money, because if we don't it's going to get just enough traction to hurt a lot of people and possibly destabilize several central and south American countries.

Comment Re:Or maybe to ditch something that doesn't work (Score 1) 19

It doesn't have to be one or the other, it can be both. Maybe the brass finally realized that the tech could be a "Me" problem instead of exclusively a "You" problem, like maybe they realized it would be really hard to have inconspicuous sex with whatever taboo group they preferred if every single door was equipped with a Facial ID capable camera. Heck maybe it IS entirely a realization of the drawbacks of the tech and Microsoft is years ahead in facial recognition and they just hit a milestone in cutting through adversarial makeup and someone in the C-Suite just realized if this goes public they aren't going to be able to do their pseudonymous drag shows any more.

Comment Better titles (Score 1) 47

CEO steps down after whining whiners who don't understand the market sector continue to unload shares.
CEO steps down after unrealistic investors realize they were being unrealistic.
7 months after profit takers cause stock price to plummet 98 points in a day, CEO Says "Fuck This".
Half a year after revealing positive earnings leading to historic 42% stock price loss in 1 day CEO is "So done with this bullshit".

And So on, honestly I applaud the man for staying on after December last year. Really what they need are some sort of magical keys to jingle in front of investors faces so the stock price remains neutral long enough to stop the hemorrhaging cycle (stock loses value, people unload, stock looses value...) and I doubt a CEO change up will do that.

Comment The part we aren't talking about (Score 1) 387

I'm wondering why everyone here in this community, a community that knows that no amount of text parsing and regurgitation makes something "Intelligent", is arguing about hypothetical other AI systems and not the fact that Mr. Lemoine's working conditions have very clearly driven him mad. As I understand it you have to make a pretty big stink at Google to get let go and even they they'll lead with warnings and reminders about repercussions but no Blake here is apparently under the delusion he is going to be played by Steve Guttenberg when his Biopic "Short Circuit 3" comes out.

Comment Re:Talking to yourself in the mirror? (Score 1) 387

The laws of your country formally recognize marine invertebrates as "Sentient". Look at the root of word "sen-tient", it means having SENSES and it very much does not mean that it is capable of anything resembling thought or consideration.
The bar should not be at "can it change your mind" but at "can you change it's mind", can a small amount of well argued info override the terabytes of training data that are otherwise the source of all it's decisions, that implies actual consideration.

P.S. Asimov's THIRD law of robotics is that a Robot must protect itself unless it conflicts with Law 1 Protect Humans, Law 2 Follow Orders. So the Chatbot convinced the guy that spontaneous autonomous digital suicide is a necessary feature of all robots and AI, sounds VERY stupid.

Comment Re:Mid west? (Score 1) 70

Midwesterner here I'll give you a quick way of knowing if a state is Midwestern, was the area part of the Confederacy during the American Civil War, Does it border any major body of water other than the Great Lakes, Does it host any of the three major American mountain ranges, Has there ever been a nuclear weapon detonated in your state, if all of those are no then that state is Midwestern.
Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee are Appalachia not Midwest, Colorado has mountains and nuclear test sites thus it is not Midwestern, Missouri has mountains but they are shitty and made of dirt, Arkansas was part of the Confederacy and so not Midwestern.

Ohio is trying to disassociate from their methanol tainted moonshine past by trying to erase the Appalachian sub-area from modern discourse.

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