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User Journal

Journal Journal: A serious topic: Why men masturbate. 54

Ok, so I came across this article on Yahoo News, and the obvious conclusion hit me right in the eye. Evolutionarily speaking, men who masturbate have an advantage over men who do not masturbate. The article does not suggest my conclusion, but it seems obvious from the facts given. Here are some facts/quotes given in the article:
  • Men with low sperm counts can significantly reduce sperm quality by holding back for longer than a day or two.
  • In men with low sperm counts, the researchers found the volume of semen increased after prolonged abstinence, but the quality got gradually worse the longer the men held back.
  • "What you really want to do is flush the system out so that the sperm that are there are fresh."

From which I conclude: Men who masturbate daily will be more fertile than men who do not have any type of daily release. Your male ancestors were likely chronic masturbators.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Thanks and meat. 98

Thank you so much for all of your comments and suggestions last week. It was important for me to write out those thoughts. Occasionally, my brain repeatedly dances around a topic over and over again, and the only way to finally tackle the issue is to force myself to coherently write it all out. Writing out those thoughts here on Slashdot was an opportunity for me to quickly garner feedback from all you smart folks. I'll post similar thoughts in the future.

Here is one entry, among many, that I considered particularly insightful. Yes, I am in my 20's, but not for much longer.

A _slightly_ less serious issue to discuss: Do non-vegetarian people know they are eating animals ;-) ? I read this article about the FDA likely not seeking to label cloned animal meat in a special way, and it got me thinking. What if all meat was required to be labeled with the animals it contained? Would that labeling effect the sales of meat in a negative way?

Here's a poll! (for more polls, check out Em Emalb's journal)

I would not purchase meat labeled with:

A) A listing that said "Animals contained within this package: ". For example, ground beef would be labeled as "Animals contained within this package: Cows". Assume a one half inch tall font.

B) A cartoon rendition of all the animals contained within the package.

C) Stock photography of all the animals contained within the package.

D) A specific picture of the exact individual animals contained within the package. Assume a 1 inch black and white photo.

E) A specific picture of the exact individual animals as they are being killed.

F) A specific picture of the exact individual animals as they looked as babies.

G) A specific picture of the exact individual animals as they looked while they read pornography on the toilet.

H) "This product contains animals that had a penis and/or vagina".

Assume we are talking about farmyard mammals like pigs, cows, etc. Whatta ya say!?

Someone who is a vegetarian, but who also happens to have a deep respect for the philosophy of Ted Nugent.

User Journal

Journal Journal: A new business model 2

An idea popped into my head today, and I wanted to put it down somewhere before it got too heavy and fell out. It comes out of thinking, "What would it take to get someone to develop an OS version of GIS (Geographical Information Systems)?" Some may know, and others may not, that there's pretty much one company who makes GIS software (ESRI). It's hideously expensive, and not that great either. And while version 3.x is available for a variety of platforms (including Unix), the newest line, 8.x, is only available for Windows-NT based systems. (Apparently Microsoft threatened to create a competing product [which is MS-speak for steal their code] if they didn't introduce that limitation.)

So here's my thought: start up a non-profit company that is geared towards creating applications for government agencies (which tend to have the most specialized needs) and other large companies. The process goes like this:

  • Agency or company comes to non-profit OS software developer with specs for a program they need. It may be an existing program that they want ported to an Open Source model, or something entirely new.
  • NPOSSD bids the job based on how much it will cost to build it (remember, no profit margin).
  • Here's the fun part: now the two companies, in drawing up the contract, establish a licensing fee that seems reasonable. Subsequent people who want a license to the same software will pay this fee.
  • The entity that originally funded the project will get 90% of any collected licensing fees as a dividend, until their entire cost is repaid (accounting for present value and market interest rates). The remaining 10% will go into unfunded R&D work at the NPOSSD.
  • In the event that multiple entities want to split the costs of production, the dividend will be similarly split in proportion to what each paid.

It's crazy, but it just might work. Certainly it would be something of a safety net for governments that want to adopt a preferential policy towards Open Source. It's basically a high-risk low-yield investment, since there's no guarantee you'll get any of it back... but you might get it all back with interest. Now to write up a proposal, I guess ;-)

User Journal

Journal Journal: My secret personal thoughts... 55

Nothing silly and nothing sexy this week. I've been on vacation for the last week or so, and haven't been anywhere near a computer. It gave me a lot of time to think.

I'm going to post some of those private (but probably boring and definitely depressing) thoughts in here, because I want to talk about them, but I'd rather not complicate my real life by talking about them to people I know (that's a long sentence). That's enough introduction... here's my thoughts.

I'm too old for existential angst. I feel very very small. I remember the first time I realized how unimaginably short my life was. Manimal was on TV, and I was sitting at the kitchen table making Christmas decorations with my Mom. For some reason, I started thinking about the length of eternity, and it made me feel so small. It felt similar to the feeling you get when you go to the base of a 100-story building and look straight up at it. I felt dizzy gazing into the face of forever.

After 20 years, that dizzying feeling is back. I know what sparked its return. It's really really stupid. It's movies. Well, it's not just movies, but partly movies. If you take movies like The Matrix, Thirteenth Floor, A.I., etc. for more than just entertainment value, and you really really think about their underlying themes, you may start to question your existence. For most of you, this questioning will probably be a short exercise, because your brain has already traveled these pathways before, and it just lead to an un-pragmatic dead-end. But if the conditions are just right, you might start reconsidering those dead-ends.

Now, when I look at my cat, I see a 3-dimensional representation of my cat constructed with trillions of atoms. Sometimes I just see meowing meat. Other times I look at my cat and see the deaths of the millions of cats that have died in the past. Then I think about the billions of trillions of thinking breathing animals that have ever lived and then died. Most of those animals died alone.

I look at myself in the mirror and I make wild unpredictable facial expressions just to make sure I'm really in control of this body. Deeply into my eyes, I gaze into my soul, and there is no infinity. Nothing special is looking back. I carefully raise my awareness level a few extra notches and gaze further into my eyes. Nothing. The extra-awareness is difficult to sustain, and yields nothing new, so I fall back into my comfortable level of awareness.

Late at night, I shake. It's only happened a few times. At first I thought I was having a medical problem. Maybe blood sugar, an early onset of Parkinson's, or something else strange. After a medical checkup, I'm pretty sure it's not medical, I think it's in my brain. Late at night, I stare at a picture on my wall, and I start to see the huge strips of empty space in between the protons and electrons, and then I feel my legs quiver. Walking around afterwards, I try to forget, and then I sleep on the couch.

If I were a teenager, I suppose I would start wearing all black, dye my hair green, and date dangerous men. I'm too old for this shit.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Eating erect prayers. 18

The latest links are at the top, and the practical question of the week is at the bottom.
  • ============================================
  • Eating - A message from the American Dairy Association.
  • erect - I will have good luck for two years.
  • prayers. - Bow down.
  • ============================================
  • Multiple - She has extra.
  • lingo - A lingo ate your baby.
  • rider. - Nobody ever forgets.
  • ============================================
  • Painted - *original link broke...*
  • clothes - Always wear clean underwear.
  • baskets. - *original link broke...*
  • ============================================
  • Slashdot - Who are those people?
  • sandwich - How does this story end?
  • dictionary. - Quantity does not equal quality.
  • ============================================
  • An asian - Wu!
  • cooking - Reason #1092 I am a vegetarian.
  • an umbrella. - Usually circular canopy mounted on a central rod.
  • ============================================
  • Love - Love means not smiling.
  • red - Poussin nu chaud entouré dans le rouge.
  • gently. - Some worthwhile flash that was new to me.
  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

There was lots of different answers to my refrigeration question last week. Practically speaking, and from the answers given, I think my best bet is to completely fill any open space in my fridge with drinks.

New question: If I shake up a can of Pepsi, and then let it sit for a week, and then open it, will the taste be altered? Will the Pepsi taste as if I didn't shake it at all?


User Journal

Journal Journal: Multiple lingo rider. 15

The latest links are at the top, and the practical question of the week is at the bottom.
  • ============================================
  • Multiple - She has extra.
  • lingo - A lingo ate your baby.
  • rider. - Nobody ever forgets.
  • ============================================
  • Painted - *original link broke...*
  • clothes - Always wear clean underwear.
  • baskets. - *original link broke...*
  • ============================================
  • Slashdot - Who are those people?
  • sandwich - How does this story end?
  • dictionary. - Quantity does not equal quality.
  • ============================================
  • An asian - Wu!
  • cooking - Reason #1092 I am a vegetarian.
  • an umbrella. - Usually circular canopy mounted on a central rod.
  • ============================================
  • Love - Love means not smiling.
  • red - Poussin nu chaud entouré dans le rouge.
  • gently. - Some worthwhile flash that was new to me.
  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

Good bridge answers from last week ;-). Most of the answers were "thinking out of the box" type answers, like blowing up the bridge, waiting for the Earth to turn (which doesn't fit the question's criteria), etc. The best answer given was here (not that I understand it ;-)). Congrats! You get 5 points!

New question... Which of these (if any) will save me the most electricity in the long run? Note that the fridge is never turned off, and never fails, etc. And also note that "every open space" only means the normal parts of the fridge that are filled with food ;-).

  1. Filling every open space in my fridge with buckets of water.
  2. Filling every open space in my fridge with paper.
  3. Filling every open space in my fridge with broken glass.
  4. Filling every open space in my fridge with cotton.
  5. Completely emptying my fridge.

From bridges to fridges in one week's time!


User Journal

Journal Journal: Painted clothes baskets. 14

The latest links are at the top, and the strange question of the week is at the bottom.

Oops. Painted and baskets are already broken. Check out the link's parent site for some good quality pics .

  • ============================================
  • Painted - Friends paint each other's crotches.
  • clothes - Always wear clean underwear.
  • baskets. - Assketball. Nothing but net. Skins vs. Skins. Must stop punning, now.
  • ============================================
  • Slashdot - Who are those people?
  • sandwich - How does this story end?
  • dictionary. - Quantity does not equal quality.
  • ============================================
  • An asian - Wu!
  • cooking - Reason #1092 I am a vegetarian.
  • an umbrella. - Usually circular canopy mounted on a central rod.
  • ============================================
  • Love - Love means not smiling.
  • red - Poussin nu chaud entouré dans le rouge.
  • gently. - Some worthwhile flash that was new to me.
  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

What is the most efficient way to move the entire Golden Gate Bridge 17 inches to the left (in relation to its surroundings)? You can also choose to move it to the right if that makes it easier. This is not a trick question.


Puzzle Games (Games)

Journal Journal: Slashdot sandwich dictionary. 8

The latest links are at the top, and an unrelated message is at the bottom ;-).
  • ============================================
  • Slashdot - Who are those people?
  • sandwich - How does this story end?
  • dictionary. - Quantity does not equal quality.
  • ============================================
  • An asian - Wu!
  • cooking - Reason #1092 I am a vegetarian.
  • an umbrella. - Usually circular canopy mounted on a central rod.
  • ============================================
  • Love - Love means not smiling.
  • red - Poussin nu chaud entouré dans le rouge.
  • gently. - Some worthwhile flash that was new to me.
  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

Not much new porn this time - go and complain in the journal entry from hell.


User Journal

Journal Journal: An asian cooking an umbrella. 27

The latest links are at the top, and an unrelated question is at the bottom ;-).
  • ============================================
  • An asian - Wu!
  • cooking - Reason #1092 I am a vegetarian.
  • an umbrella. - Usually circular canopy mounted on a central rod.
  • ============================================
  • Love - Love means not smiling.
  • red - Poussin nu chaud entouré dans le rouge.
  • gently. - Some worthwhile flash that was new to me.
  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

Here is today's "unrelated to porn" question!

If a surgeon carefully plucked out a human's eyeballs, turned them 180 degrees clockwise, and then stuck them back into the patient's eye sockets, what would happen? Would the patient wake up and see everything turned upside down?

Your thoughts ;-) ?


User Journal

Journal Journal: Love red gently. 8

The latest links are at the top ;-).
  • ============================================
  • Love - Love means not smiling.
  • red - Poussin nu chaud entouré dans le rouge.
  • gently. - Some worthwhile flash that was new to me.
  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

A question from klparrot:

I added you as a friend because I liked your comments, not because I bought in to the fan-whoring thing. Does your return mean that we'll see posts from you in /. articles again? Or are you only gracing us with journal entries once in a while?

Hi klparrot ;-). It was a lot of fun giving my opinion on nearly every single slashdot news-story, but it was also quite time consuming. I'll keep making comments here and in user journals, but you probably won't see many of my comments in /. articles.


The Matrix

Journal Journal: Natural itchy dreams. 24

  • ============================================
  • Natural - Absolutely no enhancements.
  • itchy - Hello doctor? I need an antihistamine.
  • dreams. - For more dreams like these, please insert 25 cents.
  • ============================================
  • Suicide, - What modesty committed.
  • sex, - Age, Blank, Location?
  • and pennies. - They should convert that to dinars.
  • ============================================

My fan-whoring days are over, but I may post a few links every now and then ;-).


User Journal

Journal Journal: while (true) { last if $lastpost; } 61

The End:

It's time to move on. This Slashdot userid was a welcome distraction from some recent less than desirable events in my real life. Things are looking better, now. I wish my fans, freaks, and persistent trolls a happy tomorrow.

What Started It All:

Suicide, sex and pennies.

The Final Fan Tally:

1511) $$$$$exyGal
1226) CleverNickName
1209) CmdrTaco
837) Bruce Perens
763) John Carmack
539) ekrout
465) FortKnox
368) hemos
313) SlashChick

*sappy music ends, now*

Ok, now who wants to get wasted ? (Stay in school, kids).


User Journal

Journal Journal: Geeks need to get out of the IT industry...

...and into all the other industries. It's time to stop the segregation of technology as a separate department. As high-tech solutions become more and more essential to everyday business, there is a greater need for tech-savvy people in "ordinary" jobs.

I was thinking about this as I was chatting with my supervisor at LACMTA (Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority) today. I was relating to him the difficulties I had in completing a task because of outdated software and inadequate hardware. The Catch-22 is, if you don't have the people who know how to use the stuff, there's no point in buying advanced hardware or software... and if you don't have the advanced hardware or software, what's the point in hiring people to use it?

Now I'm an intern there, and I know how to use the stuff because in a former life I ran a Computer Services department or four at Kinko's. But in spite of the dot-com bust and the general job market issues, tech professionals don't seem to be flocking to more mundane office jobs.

Well, it's time they did. Next time you're laid off, just think... "What do I really want to do?" Then do it. Maybe, like me, you'll need to get another degree first or something (seems Transportation Planning isn't something people usually learn on the job), but it will be worth it... for you, and for your world. Yeah, the one you live in, that one. (No, not the one inside the little box. The one that delivers pizza when you can't tear yourself away from the box.)

User Journal

Journal Journal: Lego peach lips are blogging. 9

All of the links below have been carefully selected for all of my slashdot fans. Can you guess which are silly and which are sexy? ;-)

Don't forget to make me your friend so it'll be easier to know when I have new journal entries ;-).

Latest Links:

  • lego - the Lego company is gonna be pissed
  • peach - this never happens in real life
  • lips - how do they get their lips so pouty?
  • are blogging. - Wil Wheaton always wins everything

If you didn't like those, I'm sure you'll like something in the Archives ;-):

  • -------------------------------------------
  • suicide - i like this pic the best
  • sex - ok. go and find your sex
  • and pennies, - for the kid in you
  • everyday. - go a few pages deep
  • -------------------------------------------
  • my vagina - learn how to please me
  • is casual. - they eventually start to repeat
  • -------------------------------------------
  • pong - some books as old as pong
  • with tits? - cute little buggers
  • -------------------------------------------
  • +5trolls - how did that happen?
  • shouldn't - tell her not to
  • poo - that is so eww
  • in the kitchen. - wallpaper your kitchen with this
  • -------------------------------------------
  • proud - she certainly is proud of herself
  • plants - mmmmm, plant girl
  • hover over - keep it clean
  • real cheap - 99% off!
  • wedgies - from behind
  • -------------------------------------------
  • don't - for heaven's sake
  • party - free love
  • simple. - simple is good
  • -------------------------------------------
  • twin - or are they? I don't care
  • pussy - go get em, boys
  • kittens. - or maybe this is what you wanted?
  • -------------------------------------------
  • dressup - that is not sexy
  • desperate - the next goatse? (if you get an error message, copy and paste the url)
  • smiles. - all smiles (there are tons more in there, too)
  • -------------------------------------------
  • huge - any bigger?
  • tastefully explicit - well done
  • nipples - george is the best
  • at mcdonalds. - green sesame seeds and water (sorry ;-))
  • -------------------------------------------
  • portman - is that her?
  • elbows - I did pretty good
  • alone. - some more learnin'
  • -------------------------------------------
  • goatse - the series (prepare yourself)
  • name - they ignore $'s
  • use - good posing
  • is blocked. - censorship
  • -------------------------------------------
  • tie up - they are close
  • invisible - new invisibility jacket? or clever nakedness?
  • clothes? - from the "I better shave some more" department
  • -------------------------------------------
  • painted - more paint
  • vegetarian - for veggie-lovers
  • cartoon - bouncie
  • mammaries. - milk me
  • -------------------------------------------
  • cold - goose bumps all over
  • oiled - very well lubricated
  • and close up. - zoom
  • -------------------------------------------
  • launder - washer #14
  • pants - somebody lost her pants
  • in Brazil. - Brazil rocks
  • -------------------------------------------
  • note: - she loves me
  • grapes - hungry?
  • are thirsty. - thirsty?
  • -------------------------------------------
  • spring - take a break
  • cops - on the beat
  • frenching. - old french people
  • -------------------------------------------
  • blow - is that real?
  • real - sounds like an onion article
  • hard, - flexible dude
  • Dracula. - bite me
  • -------------------------------------------
  • bad - who will discipline these girls?
  • unix - any Windows girls?
  • chair. - I wouldn't go anywhere near those things
  • -------------------------------------------
  • spectacular, - this is a Seinfeld reference
  • 1000's - you could get lost here for a long time
  • are distorted. - super-duper skinny, and more (thanks to Nef)
  • -------------------------------------------
  • freakish - pics are bizarre (thanks to DarklordJonnyDigital)
  • hacker chicks - where are the hacking chicks?
  • showering - she normally showers naked, but not for you
  • tennis - this is what you would expect
  • -------------------------------------------
  • lighting - interesting use of light (thanks to yarbo)
  • guide - meet some girls. do it!
  • to wallpaper - i don't like the wallpaper
  • butts. - gaze, look, and stare at the butts.
  • -------------------------------------------
  • nice day - nicer days for all (thanks to puck01)
  • for mosaicked - big boobies from tiny boobies (thanks to Zerelli)
  • freckles. - see the freckles?
  • -------------------------------------------
  • clean shaven - shaving everyday will increase your lifespan
  • latex - the department of home security approves
  • chair. - one chair (thanks to an Anonymous Coward)
  • -------------------------------------------
  • ouch! - now that is an exhibitionist
  • renting - small boobs available
  • eden - I see Eve. Do you see Adam?
  • is scandalous. - they aren't ashamed
  • -------------------------------------------
  • lego - the Lego company is gonna be pissed
  • peach - this never happens in real life
  • lips - how do they get their lips so pouty?
  • are blogging. - Wil Wheaton always wins everything
  • -------------------------------------------

Hey! Did you remember to make me your friend so it'll be easier to know when I have new journal entries ;-)?

Just for fun, I compared my number of fans vs. some other Slashdot folks:

1481) $$$$$exyGal (+13)
1223) CleverNickName (+1)
1206) CmdrTaco (+2)
836) Bruce Perens (+7)
761) John Carmack (+1)
540) ekrout (-1)
464) FortKnox (+1)
367) hemos (+0)
311) SlashChick (+1)

Thanks for being my fan ;-)

Yes. I'm a girl. Jeesh.


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