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Comment Re:Candidate Obama (Score 2) 169

you guys, we guys, are fighting a war... and your suggestion is to go full-bureaucratic on your own ass? Everybody knows you never do a full bureaucratic on your own ass. Specially in times of war. Wanna count the daisies? Maybe Putin will join you on the field of forever peace love and eternal cannabis. God damned hippies.

Comment Re:I guess that means ... (Score 0) 340

So, lets boil it down, in essense for the game of holdem, a game of incomplete information, they have shown than holdem fits in the space of P = NP ? Yea if that was the case then *that* would have been the headline. I did a little poker robotting with a coworker some years back and instead of monte-carly'ing the probability matrices we right out permutated them all so it would be a simple table lookup instead of a costly approximation each time. Data was big, many many gigs. In any event there is so much else going on, besides the numbers, at a pokertable, that unless you pair it with playerhistory, datamining and some AI your "robot" will only ever be successfull on lowstake tables.

Comment Re:Can Rosetta power Philae? (Score 1) 69

I think that planning a mission like this is about backup, redundancy, contingency upon contingency eliminating single points of failures as much as possible, and I am sure the scenario where harpoons AND the cold gas thruster both failed were not worth a tertiary backup plan. Thats what I think. But hey I bet they didnt think of "better harpoons" .. you should write them with your thoughts on the subject.

Comment Re:Not a good week... (Score 1) 445

one plot is a dot, two plots is a statistic, so scrambling to the top of my mind is 'sabotage'. Who would stand to gain, on a larger scale, from these 'anomolies'. When is spacex'es next launch? Sure hope it is not tomorrow and sure hope they'll be checking everything an extra time or five.

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