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Comment Re:too bad NBC likely will not have much 4K / 8K (Score 1) 106

Band caps? still using standard def? Connection can't be used with 8k?

"because the there is no delivery mechanism for getting content to the 4K TV"several countries are broadcast 4k right now, including the US. Yes it's only in one area, just like any other roll out starts.
Comcast is rolling out its 4k system.

OK gramps, it's time you realized that you have been outpaced. Now go enjoy you 8 bit game, or SImon, or whetever the hell you old people play while the rest of us talk, mkay? yes, yes, i heard the story about how in your day you made due with only 2 gigs of RAM.

Comment Re:Sadly, we're all human. (Score 1) 190

""You're the expert. What do you recommend?" It didn't matter that there were ten people in the room with PhDs and decades of experience;"
dear lord, get your stupidity out of the industry, go.... mop floor or something.
You are the expert. They are not. The primary difference seems to be they are educated enough to realize that it makes them an expert in their fields, not all fields. where as you seem to thing PhD = 'Knows everything'

" who could think quickly on his feet"
whoa whoa whoa. You didn't have the best solution based on you information before the presentation?
You, and people like you, are exactly why this industry isn't maturing into an actual engineering field.

Just becasue you are standing up there presenting as if you are an expert, when by you own admission you are not and expert, doesn't mean others lack the professionalism you do and go around pretend to be an expert but really foisting there expert advice on to others like you do.

This, this is why Software and IT needs a professional engineer exam. So we can weed out non experts like you from critical decsions.

Comment Re:Where's the mandate? (Score 1) 229

I think you may be misunderstanding what "less educated, less well off people" means. A certain level of context comes into play there when we're talking about most of the rest of the world versus the Western countries. For the purposes of that comment, "less educated" would refer to individuals who've had little (less than 5 years) to no formal, useful education (centers for extremist religious indoctrination where no math, science, or arts are taught don't count). When you have someone who lacks the benefits of formal education, they have very little knowledge of themselves or the world around them and are vastly easier to manipulate.

When I say "less well off", I'm referring to people living in poverty. Not the US "I-can-barely-afford-my-apartment-and-2000-calorie-a-day-diet-for-me-and-my-three-kids" poverty, but rather the "I-have-no-money-and-live-in-a-shoddy-handmade-structure-and-three-of-my-kids-have-starved-to-death" poverty. US military members aren't poor and they at least complete high school. While not rich and not all walking around with doctorate degrees, they're vastly better off and better educated than the masses of people being recruited to die for Islamic extremists. we're talking this http://0.tqn.com/d/usmilitary/1/0/4/V/4/housing.jpg versus this http://cache1.asset-cache.net/gc/81518477-palestinian-refugees-live-in-a-shantytown-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QUZstEgSEzISlVU9i%2Bk2NM7I4BN20ZTyd4sqKm4demhVCrzgOzt9RaiIcVVEh90eoFKxaxDWC0%2BLBeZUYpfF0vk%3D and this http://blogs.the-american-interest.com/wrm/files/2013/06/Classroom.jpg versus this http://micconference.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/madrasa.jpg. Let's be honest about the differences.

As for my stance sickening you, I find it odd that you feel the need to call out self-defense as sickening, but apparently feel no such need to call out the brainwashing of uneducated, poor masses of people to die in futile attempts to advance the agendas of sick and twisted cowards by convincing them to murder as many innocent civilians as possible in the name of a god who wants to reward them for doing so. Perhaps you should reconsider what's actually sickening.

Comment Confirmation bias (Score 2) 871

Ultimately, the best reason to not talk to police (in particular, once they've begun accusing you) is confirmation bias. Once an officer begin to form a belief around your guilt, human psychology takes over and anything you tell him will be molded into the pre-conceived belief without the officer even realizing it. This will happen to officers with the purest of intentions. They're human; they can't help it. Once they have an inkling that you're their guy, everything you say will get warped - on the fly, subconsciously - into either an admission of guilt or a hiding of the truth about your guilt.

There are certainly instances where talking to police is fine, but the instant you have any suspicion any of the officers involved has any doubts about your total lack of involvement in any criminal activity, you need to shut up whether you're guilty or not. Filter all communications through an intelligent lawyer. It'd be nice if we all lived in some Leave it to Beaver fantasy land where every cop is your pal and you can talk it out man to man, but we have a society that's too large and too impersonal for that. The cop doesn't know you and even if he does somewhat, he's got too much experience dealing with scumbags to believe you're one of the few perfect angels he'll have contact with.

Comment Re:Wait... How are we going to blame this on Obama (Score 1) 416

FALSE. Why are you people so god damn stupid about this? A president can do many things that impact the country for GENERATIONS.
  We are still being impacted by the fucktwad Reagan.

" Present policy is set/corrected by the guy in power"
No. Congress might have a thing or two with that. President, not King.

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