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Comment Unfortunately (Score 1) 218

This doesn't say much for US educational standards or basic numeracy.

Yes, the rest of us come across stupid people who think that "paying more means better". We also have our uninformables that think that Apple invented everything and everything else is a cheap copy. We just don't have as many as you and they are not so influential.

Comment Is WFH dead? (Score 1) 176

No. Many companies that are trying to stop WFH risk becoming so.

Why is so much time and effort put into trying to stop WFH? It has been found to be more efficient, cheaper and better all round. So why is so much time and effort being used to try keeping a less profitable system?

I have heard several reasons. Shareholders of companies trying to stop or limit employees working from home should look into these.

  1. Poor quality middle and upper management.
  2. "We just spent $X million on this new set of offices and we want to get our moneys worth."
  3. "Our staff will just goof off"
  4. Our CEO has shares in the landlord company.
  5. "I would not work well this way so nobody else can either"
  6. $POLITICIAN or $NEWSPAPER are against it.

Companies that put these sort of reasons above profits should have be asked some searching questions.

Comment Rising seas? (Score 1, Insightful) 103

A quick Google tells me that this place is 5.1 metres above sea level.

That will be current sea level but the sea does not need to rise 5.101m to flood the place. It just needs to continue eroding the sand/land around there as it is eroding the Florida panhandle nearby. They can enrich their politicians as much as they want but that place will be like Venice and will become buildings (roads and runways) with water in between.

This place could become unusable long before the sea floods it!

Comment From the outside (Score 1) 46

For the majority of humanity, a lot of "modern" US housing is shoddily built temporary structures. A lot of single level ones seem to have one end built properly and the rest mostly wood and sheets of whatever pretty looking cheap material is around.

Why do we think this? On the news, after a tornado, w see films of areas with nothing standing but the chimneys and the rest of the building littered across the area. Why did they build one end properly but not the rest?

It is pretty windy where I come from. Every winter there are a lot of times the wind is over 100mph and speeds over 120 are not rare. The walls of my parents house there were nearly 3 and a half feet thick. They were stone.

Concrete, even 3d printed, sounds like a vast improvement but I suspect it will be rather thin. I suspect they could do better than the prefabs so common in your country. Progress!

Comment What put me off? (Score 1) 119

When threads first "came out", I read in a review how brilliant it was and this was not good. I have noticed in everything from movies to games that what the reviewers love has a good chance of being awful.

The thing that really put me off was the observation that it would be brilliant for innovators. That settled it, Mastodon it is then!

Comment SIMs are simpler for upgrades. (Score 1) 106

A couple of times, I have replaced one dual SIM phone with another. Putting the SIMs in took about 20 to 30 seconds, perhaps less. Last year, my new Pixel 7 did not have dual slots. One sim went in in seconds but the other, my work number, needed me to phone the phone company and it took, perhaps, half an hour.

No. eSIMs are not straightforward and in a few years when I feel like replacing this phone, one of my criteria will be it having dual SIM slots. I will need to call that phone company again but just to get the number moved onto a SIM again.

Comment Do Not Want (Score 1) 76

Is this thing even available outside the USA? I don't think I have ever heard about anyone having one. I certainly know people who use their iShiny to pay. Like my Android, they just work.

When I heard about the Apple/GS deal, I remember feeling happy that I was not going to be caught up in that!. Are Apple credit cards less common here because they are less profitable or is it that they fall foul of our laws on predetary financial organisations?

Comment This could be a wonderful opportunity (Score 1) 203

This could be an opportunity to educate people in clothing suitable for nowadays.

The "suit" and tie are hangovers from Revolutionary France. By wearing a 3-piece suit, you were distancing yourself from the aristocracy whose clothing style was closer to the Renaissance. In fact, the, 3-piece, suit was hugely more practical and affordable than its predescessors.

Wearing a suit was part of a survival strategy in a turbulent time. We need to take a similar step. Wearing a jacket and a tie does not a professional workplace. It indicates a workplace that is ruled by outmoded ideas. I am not saying that this 1950s style should be banned. It should just not be compulsory. If you are visiting a customer who feels that Mad Men is a guidebook rather than a historical, keep them happy.

Comment It's brilliant (Score 1) 249

I saw a Conservative tweeting about it this morning. They were furious. "Giving money to poor people is a waste and it would be better giving it to a friend of the party" was not what she said but I'm sure that was why they were told to get cross about it.

I thanked them for telling me and for confirming this was a good idea.

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