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Comment The cat's already out of the bag (Score 1) 120

AI is just a tool that can be used for good or evil. We are now in an arms race between those that would use AI for evil, and those trying to train AI to mitigate the damage done by other AIs. Tying the hands of AI developers only gives an advantage to those wishing to use it for evil, because they don't follow the rules! For example, do you really think that if the US imposes restrictions on AI, China will abide by all those restrictions?

Comment Re:I read fantasy, have hangups, and don't like it (Score 1) 44

We need a good recommendation system. If it's good literature, it doesn't matter to me who or what wrote it. If AI writes bad literature, it shouldn't get recommended. Yeah, I feel the same way about music: ultimately the sound is the only thing that matters; Taylor Swift's political opinions are irrelevant (even if I agree with them).

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