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Comment Re:Anti-Google vs Anti-Microsoft (Score 1) 514

For instance: search both sites for "windows security flaws" and Google's top result is: Windows Security Flaw Is 'Severe' - washingtonpost.com Microsoft's top result? Security Fix - Microsoft Fixes 19 Windows Security Flaws ...

So you think an article from 2005 is more relevant then one from 2009? Because the first Google result there is an article from 12/29/05.

Comment Re:9mm? (Score 1) 464

Yes to reduce DIFFRACTION not DIVERGENCE. I was simplifying but that does not disprove my point. Diffraction would be the light getting scattered while passing through smoke for example. The GGP was describing divergence being an issue. Optic focusing is useless unless the target is a fixed distance away, the scenario he was describing would require some system to determine range and focus the beam.

Comment Re:9mm? (Score 1) 464

That's not how lasers work. you are not focusing a light source to a point you are generating a beam of light where all the waves are running parallel. Distance is moot to lasers the impact point does not grow significantly the further away you get. Lasers don't use heavy optics to focus they are just generating a light source that does not diverge in the first place.

Comment Re:Throttled how far down? (Score 1) 698

They do not throttle you to a particular bandwidth limit. They put your traffic and a second queue, this queue will only empty if the first queue is empty. A two queue system as they are implementing is susceptible to starvation, so if the network is congested your service could drop entirely. However if there is no congestion your service is not affected.

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