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Comment Gatgets are useless, get good info instead (Score 1) 169

You've got to be kidding! The way to make grilling fun is to get good results, and that means understanding what you're doing. I use an app called BB Meat Master which has an odd name and looks basic but the info on it is absolute gold and I haven't grilled a steak wrong since. You can spend $100 on a wireless something or other or you can spend $1 on an app. Your choice!

Comment I'm sure it will work out.... (Score 2) 56

So far the UK government has managed to do 0% of the things it says it will do, so I fully expect these measures to go precisely nowhere. Of course they'll annouce several monumenatally draconian and ineffective policies that they will later backtrack on before allowing this initiative to fade away.

Comment How can we bring trust back to the internet? (Score 2) 109

One of the secrets of the internet's massive success is the lack of controls over it; if there had been strict security and processes in place it would likely not have come about. One of the downsides is that all our security measures are tacked-on, there is no built-in security to the protocols used on the internet and as a result security is a massive problem. How do we go from the wild west to having at least a reasonable level of trusted computing?

Comment Quite franly, boredom (Score 1) 904

If I could keep my physical shape and my marbles I would see running out of things to do to keep busy as a problem. To combat that I would expect to see 95 year olds going back to University, and people having extremely varied careers like being a doctor, then an engineer, then taking 10 years out to lay bricks. The question I would have is would it work? Given that the one thing I would like to do in my life is to explore another planet and the technology to do that is centuries away, would I feel fulfilled with my life? I'd like the chance to find out!

Comment So is that what we want, or the other way around? (Score 2) 243

There are 2 ways to look at these results. One is that out of all the music produced this formula is what the majority of people want to listen to, or it could be that this is what the record companies flog us because it's what they think we want to hear. Either way this is all that bands will be producing from now on, meaning less variety in music. It's a case of data driven choices gone mad.

My next album title's going to be I-III-IV, should make me a million.

Comment Re:Good! Let's concentrate on feeding people (Score 1) 395

I almost feel like politicians hear the words "farm" and "agricultural" and think, "We're 'Merica, we make technology....farming is for for the third world."

The best thing for our country would be a massive return to farming/agriculture. We would get better food with more nutrition, be self sufficient once again, and keep our money from flying out of the country. There's such a stigma against farming. Well, news flash. Unless we want to start deciding who gets to eat and who doesn't (and that's already happening in parts of the world), we need to refocus our efforts into growing useful stuff...not subsidizing corn to make ethanol. Corn's not even efficient for ethanol production...if you feel like we need to be making ethanol, start a new switch grass industry. That's efficient enough to where we wouldn't need to subsidize it.

To be successful, a country has to be self sufficient in either agriculture or technology. If all you do is grow food, you need to be able to trade food for technology, and vice versa. Unfortunately, we're not self sufficient in either and, unless that changes, we're going to be in a world of hurt in another 20 years down the road...

Are you kidding? We are already overfarming as it is! We are irrigating so much that the water table is THOUSANDS of feet down in many places. Farming more is simply going to make it worse.

Comment Re:Good -- Ethanol's a Joke Anyway (Score 1) 395

The real problem with this wasn't that ethanol itself is a bad idea. It's not. It's that CORN is a very bad way to make ethanol because there's not much energy in it.

Well, that's not exactly true. Ethanol is actually a bad choice as a replacement for gasoline. First it only has 80% of the energy per unit of volume, meaning you will only get about 80-80% of the mileage off of it. Second, it evaporates very easily so there will be quite a bit of it that simply goes up into the air. Third, it is a solvent and eats away at seals and hoses. Fourth, it cannot use the same pipelines as gasoline for transportation, making it more expensive. All in all, not a good option.

Comment Re:Good! Let's concentrate on feeding people (Score 1) 395

If the US used every acre of cropland for biofuel feedstock production it would only be able to produce 40% of transportation fuel needs and then there'd be nothing to eat! It's impossible to make even a dent in fossil fuel usage with biofuels, and by trying we will make food more expensive for everyone and reduce the surplus that helps to feed the world's poor.

Hmm... Sounds like we need to shift our focus from propping up friendly puppet despots in oil-producing regions and start propping them up in agriculturally productive ones... Rising food prices(and a bit of judicious repression, good for the defense industry) should ensure a steady supply of squalid, desperate peasant labor to work the biofuel fields. We can't eat our cake and drive it too; but eating our cake and driving theirs is eminently possible...

You are definitely right in that biofuels imports would simply substitute one despot for another, however the problem is wherever it comes from it will still compete against the food on our tables and make food more expensive and scarce. It's already happened in places and I for one am not willing to have people starve so I can use biofuels that aren't really green. Ethanol is a poor substitute for gasoline as it only has 80% of the energy per unit of volume, and it has other properties that make it a bad choice for fuel. Add to that there's only 20% carbon saving compared to fossil fuels and there really is no point in using them.

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