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Comment Hmmm. seems to me that someone will figure out... (Score 2, Interesting) 193 to put a torrent proxy service out there to read in a torrent stream and republish those DRM'ed packets as a non-DRM'ed version of the same data, or just torrent the key itself. Once the genie is out of the bottle its always a challenge to talk that genie back into that little tiny bottle.

Comment Re:So everyone will soon look like (Score 0, Troll) 119

Elaine dancing?

Only when rearranging the desktop icons. Here's a list of the most common gestures:
- raise arm and perform air-wipe over icon = launch application
- raise arm all the way up and perform slam-dunk motion = close application in active window
- perform one finger salute motion = shutdown -p now
- raise both arms, look up as if asking "Why, God, why?", drop arms and shake head = restart Microsoft Windows after a hard reset

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