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Comment Re:What the fuck... (Score 1) 1130

First, you're comparing median income, to mean debt. The mean debt per person is 20257.23, while the mean income is 48520.90, So government spending is roughly 40% of our money, not 105% of our money.
We are deficit spending in that we collect 13% taxes from folks like Mitt Romney, leaving a gap of 27% unpaid (my income is below median, so I pay 30% in taxes, leaving 10% unpaid).
But that's more an issue of accountability rather than out of control spending - we can pay 40% taxes to cover our spending, we just choose to borrow from China instead.

Besides which, the deficit spending can be traced to our multiple wars and our nuclear warhead bunkers and our troops idling in Europe and South America (not that they're not working, just, what are we accomplishing with bases in germany and panama, exactly?).

We could easily stay within the 20% collected, if we simply stopped spending half our money creating terrorist, without cutting roads or schools or social security.

Comment Re:"Cyber 9/11" (Score 1) 292

This is the USA we're talking about.
Most of my food comes from local farmers who, yes, use banks for their money but no, would not stop selling if the banks closed their doors - in power outages they just switch to cash only, a cyber 9-11 is just a really big outage.
Power outages suck, but I get them all the time, so I'd continue to lug in logs of wood for heat (I guess I'd have to stop using propane to cook eventually if the trucks really stop coming because there's no internet).
My water supply is upstream from me, this town had water before it had power, it just means they stop clorinating by machine which means boiling your drinking water for safety, but I've done that before.

Folks will probably die if the grid completely fails, but then again, folks will probably die if a big enough meteor hits - not like we should spend money preparing for that either.

Comment Re:"Cyber 9/11" (Score 1) 292

Well, the terminology is dicey, since 1st world means USA/Europe, 2nd world means USSR/China, and third world means, everyone else...
I've lived in "third world" countries that had fully democratic elections, running water 24/7, electricity uptime to five nines...
Y'know: all stuff the USA simply does not have in most areas. But there was poverty too, and it was crippling bad.
Being poor in a developing country is deadly dangerous, but then again plenty of people freeze to death or starve to death in the USA every year as well, so the difference is more of percentages than type.

Comment Re:I'm mad too (Score 1) 514

I'm pretty sure school shootings weren't a common thing before TV.
Still, your point that young white males were a danger to society before hollywood glamorized that behaviour is valid, indication correlation on a common cause, rather than causation.
So what causes young white males to think that killing people is the right thing to do?
What is it about this societal group that makes them into such an explicit threat to all other groups?
And, if we cannot prevent this violent behavior through other means, wouldn't it be best to simply recognize that all young white males are potentially violent criminals, and simply ban them from coming near weapons, or public spaces filled with other citizens?

Comment Re:How did this happen? (Score 5, Interesting) 192

I have 1024 public IPs, and I'm the only one who does anything with them: we won't have a network person until the hiring freeze is lifted (read: never).
There' was no NAT here, because that's not part of the IPv4 specs, and didn't even exist when this place was setup.

I've setup basic NAT, my wireless users are on it, and a few desktops, but I can't move everyone onto it because some directors like to print from home to work, and some people require access to a router-to-router VPN to another site that only works if you have a public IP address. I'd love to get a better handle on how access tables on these routers work, but if I did that I'd have to take time away from my day job, and really who wants to get yelled at for working harder?

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I can put anything I want on a public IP because there's literally no-one more knowledgeable to stop me. And I'm not gonna touch those printers because they're on a different subnet from my servers now, so screw it, they're literally not my job to secure.

They've been like that for 20+ years, how bad can it be?

Comment Re:I'm mad too (Score 1) 514

While you've brought up some interesting points about serial killers, I'm curious if you would also address the fact that school shooters are always young white males.
I think that links quite well to the fact that the hero in pretty much every hollywood movie is a young white male who shoots a lot of people, but that's mostly speculation.

Comment Re:Abuse of the law (Score 1) 475

It still really bugs me that people refer to U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T.A. (Uniting (and) Strengthening America (by) Providing Appropriate Tools Required (to) Intercept (and) Obstruct Terrorism Act ) as 'the Patriot Act."
If you want a nickname, call it the "spying and torturing American citizens act", otherwise refer to it by it's name: U.S.A.P.A.T.R.I.O.T.A.


Comment Re:easy (Score 1) 171

option 1: the entire universe has expanded in the last couple decades, including the distance between every particle, but not the size of protons.
option 2: protons have shrunk in the last couple decades
option 3: one of our measuring methods is wrong for a reason we don't yet understand.
Hint: those are sorted in reverse order by ridiculous over-complication.
If you hadn't misplaced your razor, Mr. Occam, you'd have already eliminated the first one on your own.

Comment Re:But , but (Score 1) 473

"They don't need it"

Unless you are the richest person in the world, there will always be someone with more than you, that you can state that about, to try to justify taking it from them.

True enough - but there should be a reasonable bright line where you are making, say, 100 times more than the average wage for a worker in %COUNTRY_YOU_LIVE_IN% where we can argue that paying a lower percentage in taxes than said workers is not contributing back enough.

I bring in approximately 5% of what Romney makes, yet I pay slightly more than double the percentage in taxes. That's because his horse and car elevators etc. are business expenses, while my car and clothing purchases are not (also that nifty rule about money you earn is taxed at 35% while money your money earns is only 15%).

And tax rebates are a misnomer - some companies actually receive "rebates," larger than their total tax payments. I will continue to call those subsidies, since they in no way earned that money.

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