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Comment Re:Relative to a baseline without climate impacts (Score 1) 104

f the next 25 years is more of the same they are predicting a 75% increase in average worldwide income (inflation adjusted) by 2050.

Sure, but for the average person, they will still lose more than they are now. It is GREAT that all this new value is being generated. Why are we generating it though? "We" don't see any benefits to it and in fact, are losing benefits faster than we are gaining them.

Comment Re:2050?? (Score 1) 104

Dude, I do not know what your experiences are, but in my experiences, the economy has been in an almost free-fall for 50 years for the regular person.

There is unimaginable wealth within America... and yet, it has become MUCH harder for someone just starting out. I started out at $3.35/hr 4 decades ago. Today, someone starts out at $7.25/hr. Rent was around $300/month, now it is over $1,000/month.

So pay doubled but expenses tripled. This is *NOT* survivable.

The Jack Welch school of socioeconomic theory must be stopped NOW. I have had many friends die over the years. A little relief from the obscene demands of the economy would have saved them... but no. Their deaths were necessary for Capitalism to act as a social system.

Comment Re:Hamas Fanboys (Score 1) 495

Hopefully, Gaza will surrender soon, and unconditionally.

So they can go back to getting their houses and land taken from them one by one? I do not think you understand how serious this combat is. Both sides are fighting for the right to exist as the other side would wipe them completely off the map if they could. There can be no surrender until both sides agree to the existence of the other.

This conflict has been going on longer than I have been alive. Both sides are irretrievably evil. This kind of, loosely, reminds me of Democrats vs Republicans.

Comment Re:Peace and prosperity (Score 1) 104

Back in the old days they'd off the idiot son of the ruler to make room for a more reliable heir. The great thing about dynasties is the family running things has an interest in keeping their reputation. But you still end up fighting to settle grey areas of succession like with Lancaster and York in the War of the Roses.

Comment Re:Racist tests and admissions / graduation rates (Score 1) 84

If you think people with white skin are inherently superior ...


I don't know how you could go from saying it is economics and not skin color to saying I'm a white racist supremacist because I wasn't talking about skin color at all.


If the shoe fits, wear it. I am guessing it does not fit, so why are you concerned about an if statement used to fully cover a point?

You'll see the same effect of ghetto culture on Asians and whites who have adopted the same shitty ghetto culture of anti-education, anti-hard work, and pro-crime.

The only real question here is how to deal with it. Many people use racism or other divisive ideas to "deal" with this and that results in lots of unnecessarily dead people along with infinite amounts of misery.

TL;DR, how do we bring them back into the fold? (hint: it begins with basic respect of an individual (without tolerance for nonsense))

Comment Re:Jokes on them. (Score 2) 49

These IRC clones like Discord and Slack are so incredibly broken. We've had the technology to chat online for decades, and the visually impaired have been using screen readers and braille with IRC since the beginning. With Discord and Slack, it is much more cumbersome to navigate with a screen reader. Since it is ultimately a web app. The ability to also do voice chat is nice, but for us old farts we don't really want to talk on what amounts to a chaotic party line.

I feel like both IRC and Jabber/XMPP missed an opportunity to offer some of the quality of life features that Slack and Discord have. The ability to start your own private zone inside the server, where you can customize the channels and welcome message is pretty huge. We used to do welcome messages with bots back in the day, and it was much more cumbersome. Do I need custom animated reaction "emoji" ? Not really, I don't need chocolate to survive either but I don't mind having either around.

Comment Re:Ctrl-Z (Score 1) 190

While I'm glad you got the reference. I do know how termios works. You can change the key for this with an ioctl() to update the c_cc array and pick a different suspend character for the terminal driver (the suspend character causes the terminal driver to send a TSTP to the current terminal owner). This setup works roughly the same on most SysV style Unixes (not just Linux).

From the command-line, you could do something like:
    stty susp ^K

And this will make well-behaved interactive programs use the new suspend key. Some programs like Vim don't honor the terminal driver, and handle suspend themselves. So by default you will still use Ctrl-Z when in Vim, even if you configured your terminal differently. Which is an example of the millions of little cuts that has ruined Unix over the years. A fundamental misunderstanding by application writers in how the subsystems work, they end up making these islands of configuration that pretend they aren't operating in a shared environment. In Vim's defense, taking over your terminal is a work around for another problem. Leaving the stop/start/intr/eof characters (^Q and ^S and ^C and ^D) bound to the terminal driver is not ideal for full screen interactive applications. And other characters don't make sense outside of ICANON mode such as line editing kill(^U), word erase (^W), etc.

Not that Unix terminal I/O is some perfect system. Because for the life of me I don't understand why some Linux systems default to erase ^H and some to erase ^?, sometimes on the same distros but under different terminal apps. It's a super old problem, Unix couldn't pick a standard for what to do with a keyboards backspace for 50+ years and Linux continued the "tradition" for another 30+ years (despite mainly using IBM style keyboard layouts with a simple backspace and no rubout, erase, or other confusing electric typewrite modes).

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