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Comment Re:If I recall..... (Score 2) 333

I always ask this, and never get an answer. A quantum wavefunction can interfere with itself (E.g., you get interference fringes if you do the 2-slit experiment with a single photon.) But if the wavefunction is collapsed (E.g., by measuring which slit the photon goes through) then it cannot self-interfere. (The fringes disappear.)

Now the punchline. The whole point of quantum teleportation is that collapsing a particle's wavefunction will also collapse the wavefunction of a remote, entangled particle. Will that destroy the remote particle's self-interference fringes? If so, then we have our ansible.

Comment Can we detect wavefunction collapse, or not? (Score 1) 160

Detecting wavefunction collapse is trivial, just look for interference between the possible states, ala the two-slit experiment. HOWEVER, if the collapse of an entangled wavefunction can be detected, than FTL information transmission is possible, because collapsing one half of an entangled pair will instantly collapse the other half, causing the interference pattern (or whatever) to disappear. So what am I missing?

Comment Re:You are clueless if you claim such a thing (Score 4, Insightful) 1131

The IRA were, and are, Marxists in all but name. If you doubt, read the Sinn Fein manifesto, available online now. What, you never heard that on the news? How could that be? The rule, "All terrorists are collectivists or Muslims" is only rarely violated.

Comment Re:How are we supposed to understand this? (Score 1) 1671

Ditto. They looked like guns to me, and the soldier's call of an RPG seemed reasonable. Also noteworthy: Watching a wounded guy crawl around, and not firing because he had not picked up a weapon. As for killing the rescuers, I agree that is debatable, but the purpose of war is to kill the enemy. I saw no kids.

Comment Is this really a net gain? (Score 1) 77

A satellite's lifetime collision risk depends on the volume of space it sweeps out before the cumulative drag adds up to a de-orbit. The sail does not reduce that volume, it just sweeps it out in a shorter time. I guess there is some net benefit, since a collision with the sail will create a smaller debris cloud.

Breaking the Squid Barrier 126

An anonymous reader writes "Dr. Steve O'Shea of Auckland, New Zealand is attempting to break the record for keeping deep sea squid alive in captivity, with the goal of being able to raise a giant squid one day. Right now, he's raising the broad squid, sepioteuthis australis, from egg masses found in seaweed. This is a lot harder than it sounds, because the squid he's studying grow rapidly and eat only live prey, making it hard for them to keep the squid from becoming prey themselves. If his research works out, you might one day be able to visit an aquarium and see giant squid."

Music By Natural Selection 164

maccallr writes "The DarwinTunes experiment needs you! Using an evolutionary algorithm and the ears of you the general public, we've been evolving a four bar loop that started out as pretty dismal primordial auditory soup and now after >27k ratings and 200 generations is sounding pretty good. Given that the only ingredients are sine waves, we're impressed. We got some coverage in the New Scientist CultureLab blog but now things have gone quiet and we'd really appreciate some Slashdotter idle time. We recently upped the maximum 'genome size' and we think that the music is already benefiting from the change."

NYT's "Games To Avoid" an Ironic, Perfect Gamer Wish List 189

MojoKid writes "From October to December, the advertising departments of a thousand companies exhort children to beg, cajole, and guilt-trip their parents for all manner of inappropriate digital entertainment. As supposedly informed gatekeepers, we sadly earthbound Santas are reduced to scouring the back pages of gaming review sites and magazines, trying to evaluate whether the tot at home is ready for Big Bird's Egg Hunt or Bayonetta. Luckily, The New York Times is here to help. In a recent article provokingly titled 'Ten Games to Cross off Your Child's Gift List,' the NYT names its list of big bads — the video games so foul, so gruesome, so perverse that we'd recommend you buy them immediately — for yourself. Alternatively, if you need gift ideas for the surly, pale teenager in your home whose body contains more plastic then your average d20, this is the newspaper clipping to stuff in your pocket. In other words, if you need a list like this to understand what games to not stuff little Johnny's stocking with this holiday season, you've got larger issues you should concern yourself with. We'd suggest picking up an auto-shotty and taking a few rounds against the horde — it's a wonderful stress relief and you're probably going to need it."

Comment The wacky theory is testable (Score 1) 194

The guys who proposed the wacky theory did in fact suggest a test, and quite an interesting one. The critic who wrote TFA apparently missed it when he "skimmed" the papers he publicly ridiculed.

The idea is to conduct some random event, say 1,000 coin tosses, and pre-commit to cancel the LHC if we observe a ridiculous outcome, like 1,000 heads in a row.

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