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Comment Re:GOP give away to rural communities (Score 5, Insightful) 243

It's not even a giveaway to rural communities, it's a give away to big telecom companies. There's already existing fees to pay for rural broadband. The telecom companies just take the grants and never end up building the stuff they promise and the government never calls them on it or forces them to return the funding.

Comment Re: Duh (Score 2, Interesting) 102

The last few election cycles, the Pennsylvania GOP has been targeting democrats and non-voters in Republican heavy areas by sending out threatening letters containing a list of your neighbors, who they registered for, and if they voted, and threatening to send the neighbors similar letters after the election if you don't switch parties and vote.

Comment Re:Anyone have a handle on what this actually does (Score 1) 159

If you write a song tomorrow, there will be a big corporation who has the power to sell the rights to that music without your permission, and you'll have to jump through their hoops if you want to get a portion of that money. They'll keep the rest as a fee for the privilege of them screwing you over.

Further more, if you try to sell the rights to your own song without involving them, they'll DMCA the results into oblivion.

This corporation will also be able to charge people for everything in the public domain.

Comment Why would it be over in a few years? (Score 3, Insightful) 100

Even if there's a technical solution to the problem, given the general lack of competition in the broadband internet market, what makes the author think that technology will be available to most consumers within a few years?

e.g. In my area Verizon won't upgrade beyond 2Mpbs DSL. What makes you think they care about latency?

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