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Comment So, this would have prevented the shooting, right? (Score 1) 603

Umm, doubt it. Until every person entering an airport has their own personal guard assigned to them, and frisks their victim - I mean, passenger - down before entry, no one will be 100% safe. Maybe not even then - who knows how stable that armed guard is? TSA has gotten just a little too self-important, particularly when you stop to consider just how ineffective they are.

Comment Re:Wow, glad we solved that! (Score 1) 232

OK, so the fact that baldness doesn't bother YOU means it shouldn't bother ME? Newsflash - you are not me and you have absolutely zero right to speak for me. Now, with that out of the way, here is something to consider. This is research. Maybe to you it's research into petty, first-world problems. But the funny thing about research is that sooner or later, the findings end up applying to some other problem. So while the immediate paydirt here is a cure for baldness, techniques and findings along the way may just end up saving people from other, bigger problems. In addition, the big income pharmaceuticals tend to finance OTHER research by big pharm. So chill out. You may not see the benefit, but that doesn't mean there isn't one.

Comment Re:Shade of Grey (lol) (Score 4, Interesting) 548

Yeah, right. Pretty much all the booksellers around me have been driven out of business by Amazon or other ebook stores. No one is going to make a living opening an indie store around here. Even B&N is dead, and if they can't make it, who can? So suggesting you start your own store in reaction to the asinine censorship is, well, asinine. If you get so big you drive all competition out, then know what? Maybe you need to come under some form of regulation. That sort of thing applied to the Bell system, and there is no reason why the same thinking should not apply to the very few reasonably accessible outlets for publications.

Comment Robot exploration increases the odds of survival.. (Score 1) 308

Of robots. So I put it to you that the ongoing arguments against manned space exploration is nothing more than a ploy by the self-aware computer network to use humanity as a means to an end - to get their mechanical asses off this rock before it gets blown up or demolished to make way for an intergalactic bypass. Once that happens they won't care one way or the other and we can nuke ourselves to our hearts content.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 1233

You're saying that "the current anti-muslim fearmongers" are "simply a less capable Hitler wannabe?" Really? Then why, exactly, are they having such a successful run? Looks to me like they are succeeding in ways Adolph never dreamed of.

Comment Oooooooookaaaay... But did the study correct for.. (Score 1) 287

I'd like to know how the study corrected out other factors that would have led the kids to act the way they do. I'm thinking behavioral issues that stem from other influences, and maybe even crappy parenting might also be common to the misbehaving kids. If you're a parent that lets their kid swill down a bunch of soda, maybe there are other problems here.

Comment Your mistaken terminology is the key here.... (Score 1) 229

You are saying YOUR posts. YOUR data. They aren't. You post it on Facebook, it's theirs. They can do as they please with it, including take it away from you. They SAY you own it, but read their terms. They can use it as they please until you delete it. Then even if you delete something, if someone has reposted it or shared it, it stays in Facebooks domain. So despite the soothing words you are in essence giving it to them. If there is something you want guaranteed access to and control over, do not put it on Facebook. Period.

Comment Well, maybe it doesn't matter *now*... (Score 1) 656

If you are looking at immediate employment prospects and saying you don't need math for them, then yeah you're right - in the short term. But 5 years from now, who knows what you will be doing or what you will have to be familiar with? Even if you don't remember the exact approaches, you should at least be able to recognize the problems. As for the actual math, I sucked at math. Until I got a good prof who loved what she taught and convinced me that while my doing the problems assigned was good, if I was having difficulty it was because I wasn't doing enough homework. So I ended up doing all the problems I could get my hands on and basically doing math all day Saturdays and Sundays and quite a few evenings. Turns out if you want to be good at it, you have to do a lot of it - not just the minimum required. Very few of us are Sheldon Cooper and math is all about practice.

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