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Comment Re:I come from that part of the Desert (Score 1) 180

Panamint Valley is the only remaining valley managed by the BLM Ridgecrest Field Office that is not developed. Just because there are relict mines in the boundary ranges (not really visible from the valley) and a borax operation in the Searles doesn't mean that the Panamint deserves to be sacrificed. I've camped and visited there several times, and it is a wild place full of life that is worth saving.

Comment Re:So they have to record license plates ... (Score 1) 325

Are you referring to Kyllo v. United States? I think you're misremembering the SC's ruling... "In a 5-4 opinion delivered by Justice Antonin Scalia, the Court held that "[w]here, as here, the Government uses a device that is not in general public use, to explore details of the home that would previously have been unknowable without physical intrusion, the surveillance is a 'search' and is presumptively unreasonable without a warrant."

Comment Re:lightning bugs and forestry companies (Score 3, Interesting) 229

In the '90s, I spent summers on a Great Plains farm and saw fireflies by the multitude, year after year. By the mid-2000s, though, they had all disappeared. Haven't seen them in at least a decade, and I do wonder if pesticides are responsible -- the farmers who worked the surrounding land in my youth aren't those who are working it today.

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