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Comment Re:First Laugh (Score 1) 508

I like to talk to pretty but insecure girls on online communities, making them think I'm their friend but in reality I manipulate them to feel that they are worthless. Then I give them confirmation when they do what I want if you catch my drift.. This of course in no way makes me a "bad" person, I'm only doing this for my own gain like everybody else. At least I'm genuine. /S

Comment Re:debate rules (Score 1) 197

Considering the only people motivated enough to participate in such an apparent flame-fest are going to the people who lives in the illusion that their favorite language really is the best. Therefore if they can only come up with good enough arguments the others will finally understand and be enlightened. Of course they will be frustrated when the others don't listen properly and instead tries to argue for their painfully sub-standard choice. So in more and more desperate attempts to break through they will use increasingly more provocative arguments quickly deteriorating the whole mess in minutes. They wont last an hour.

Comment Re:The real question (Score 2, Informative) 453

If you define looking at the pretty pictures as "reading" then sure I did! ;)

Of course it is very small, even as a production car it is unfair to compare it to a regular multi-seated car. This is more of a personal vehicle, it has a different use. What it does show is possibility. It is possible to build an extremely efficient car if you put your mind to it. A smart car sized version would probably not get the same mileage but if it got even close, that would be fantastic!

I, and many others live in a city where parking space is expensive and hard to find. If there was cars like this we could have miniature parking spaces, maybe even put the cars standing up. In the same space for one normal car you can park four or five like this. I don't really need a bigger car for almost any trip. If it had place for two then it would cover 99% of my needs, the rest i can rent a car or borrow one for. It is much cheaper than to pay a lot of money for parking, gas and of course finding space for it.

It is time for small cheap cars. In cities and in developing countries they WILL sell like crazy soon.

Comment Re:The real question (Score 4, Informative) 453

We don't have that problem in Europe, especially in the richer countries. In Holland it is very popular with cars in sizes from smart cars and a bit larger. Then again fuel here cost about $6.5/gallon. And even while driving much smaller cars than north Americans do we still have less people killed in traffic here in Europe. You are doing something wrong.

Comment Re:Privacy? Huh? (Score 5, Insightful) 574

You are referring to an adult woman making her own decisions as "Top shelf pussy, just ruined by porn.".
AND THEN you go on arguing about how porn is degrading towards women? Mind bending!

Do you also refer to your mother as Top Shelf Pussy or does she not live up to that quality standard?

I would like to propose that it is not porn or sexist commercials that degrades women. It is our (both mens and womens) attitudes that does. You just gave us a great illustration of this. Women are not body part nor decorations.

Comment Only Apple (Score 0, Redundant) 287

However, Baker believes that the virtual keyboard's full potential will only be realised if it's integrated into every area of the iPhone that uses a keyboard, such as SMS and email, rather than developed as a standalone application. For this to happen, he requires Apple's aid, something he described as "very difficult to get". So, for the time being at least, the Crocodile Keyboard for touchscreen phones remains just a dream.

Comment Re:Oh well (Score 5, Informative) 354

"The Pirate Party aren't revolutionaries because they aren't fighting for anything in particular" That is just plain wrong, the Pirate party is fighting _for_: - A reform of copyright law - Personal privacy - Abolishion of patents In each case the Pirate Party has very specific ideas how things should work. // An actual active member of the Pirate Party, so shut up or we'll throw you over board! AAAARH!

Comment Re:Hmmmmm (Score 1) 1127

Working out doors in a party tent after sleeping a few hours. I was wet and the temperature was around 8C (46F) am orchestra playing really loud music 10 meters away. Several important people asking for the lists that we were supposed to produce and no idea how to even approach the problem. Time limit about 30 minutes. Oh, the computer i was using was a slow ass iBook G4 running eclipse and other heavy applications. Good times.. :)

Comment Re:America against Bandwidth Caps (Score 1) 382

I find it pretty interesting to read about these debates about the "poor" ISPs that have to put up with people using their "high speed" connections to much and that is some how reasonable for them to charge high prices for little delivered. I am sure most people have heard abot how the new law here in Sweden (IPRED) has made the internet traffic drop by 40%. By you logic the ISPs here should be ecstatic. Right?

The president of Banhof (one of our major ISPs), Jon Karlung wrote in a response to this "If the traffic is permanently decreased by 50% a whole sector is in jeopardy" (my translation, in no way an exaggeration). I believe this is because we have a healthy competition in this sector and they know that they cant get away with an expensive but slow service. If people need less traffic they will pay less. This is a _normal_ situation. yours is not normal.

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