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Comment Re:Are forest fires weather or climate? (Score 1) 70

Clearly a dumb American. Back burning is a way of life over here, no one is going to chain themselves to a tree to stop it. Of course our conservative right-wing government doesn’t like funding our fire brigades enough to make this feasible. Dry weather conditions and an extremely early bushfire season also meant there was less opportunity.

Guess your just another clueless yank mouthing off when you know nothing.

Comment Re:Are forest fires weather or climate? (Score 1) 70

Last year’s bushfires were weather. This years bushfires areclimate change.

What’s different? A whole lot of FACTS. I could go through them, but your probably,y our PM trolling people on Christmas and he’s too dumb to know anything that isn’t sung at him by his fellow cultists. So what’s the point?

Comment Re:There are lots of reasons to be sad about wildf (Score 1) 70

More CO2 means more droughts and higher temperature summers for Australia which means more bushfireswhich means more CO2... I think you get the picture. I guess eventually there won’t be any bush left to burn, so no more bushfires then? Downside is we have a fair ways to go.

Comment Re:Rome did this too (Score 1) 285

Let’s change the age from 50 to 65. That is still $165,000 for the rest of their lives. I bet you think that is unsustainable so you would rather give them nothing.

You truly are a monster. I hope you die long before you would otherwise “become an unsustainable burden on society” you monstrous piece of shit.

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