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Comment Re:Fraud is fraud (Score 1) 312

I got a free plant.
I tried to tell the drone at the register that the plant did not ring up.
they said it did.

At that point I don't think it's unethical.

But: if you say nothing, yes it's unethical, though not criminal. If you exploit it then it *should* be criminal.

I temper this with the following:
We are supposed to have judges to *JUDGE THE LAW* not the people (that's what juries are for). As long as judges blindly go with laws that are unjust, then folks should not be charged for violating the spirit, but not letter of the law. It should work *both* ways equally. /rant (sorry)

Comment Re:Okay, so, just to be clear... (Score 1) 332

Given that some people post to their (public open) wall on FB their criminal exploits...
Good luck with the e-mail thing. People have no idea how the internet works. I showed someone a wireshark dump from their computer. E-mail, address, server, login credentials, etc. They were flabbergasted, but then said "but you have to be on my computer to do that...
tried to explain hops and how things get from point a to point b....
They didn't get it. /facepalm

Comment Re:What I have noticed (Score 5, Interesting) 240

I got promoted for doing that.
We had a completely *mental* process where we would get an XLS file and had to manually translate the tables of register names and bit positions into C structs.
Budgeted time: 2 person weeks.
I spent the two weeks writing a perl script that did everything I needed (ok, 2 hours, then the rest of the time making it do 'cool' stuff to the source code, and compiler, and source control, and....)
Total runtime of the script? 2.5 minutes.

Did this for a couple projects, turned in the changes same day I would get the XLS files. Boss thought I was doing something akin to faking it. Showed him the script, got a promotion 1 month later.
He asked me how I thought of doing it that way, told him I was lazy, this was easier...

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