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Journal Journal: Debunking the lies of BMetzler

To start off with this, take a good look around here and tell me with a straight face that you see "hate speech". BMetzler had the gall to post a story in his JE that accuses the Daily KOS site of promoting "hate speech". But does he provide a link for his readers to visit the site and evaluate for themselves? Of course not. He is too scared to undermine his already weak position with a little dose of truth. If there is anyone guilty of "hate speech" it is BMetzler and most of the right-wing who promote an anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-enviroment tirade and try to pass it off as informed opinion. Mr. Markos (the "Kos" in Daily Kos) is former military who is very interested in the freedom of our citizens. He is taking it upon himself to keep us truly informed about what's wrong with our current administration. However, it should be noted that his site is all OPINION. Just as the right has their idiots who spout OPINIONS that we on the left dislike. Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Anne Cunt... err Coulter. And MUCH of what they say could be interpreted as "hate speech" from my point of view. They hate our freedoms: The freedom to fuck. The freedom to love (same sex or not). The freedom to voice and OPINION about the things we dislike. What next? Are liberals to be kept from the polls next November like the Soviets used to make sure everyone voted for the one candidate?

The right is full of liars and hypocrites. And they are desperate to hold onto public opinion. But things have gotten so bad, that it's really going to have to take a monumental effort on their part to keep up the fascade. It's also a big reason why we, my friends, must bang the drum louder. We must call attention to the injustices of Bush and company! We are not anti-American! George W. Bush is anti-American! Donald Rumsfeld is anti-American! Rush Limbaugh is anti-American! Anne Coulter is anti-American! And even the little pipsqueak Brent Metzler with his limp-dicked commentary and carefully chosen lie digest is anti-American! My friends, stand up for your country! Let's make this country great again! Let us tear down the tyrannical dictatorship that has been runing the former United States into the ground and alienating our friends throughout the world since 2000. This November, vote against George W. Bush! We don't have to like our next president, but whoever he is, he will be better than Bush. Get behind the candidate most likely to beat Bush by sheer numbers. At the moment that candidate is Kerry. I, like many of you, hate Kerry, but if you want Bush out of the Whitehouse, you will have to put your ideals out of the picture! If you don't, you may regret it...

Repeat this phrase often: Brent Metzler is a hate speech spreading liar who represents everything that is evil and wrong. Got that Brent? You pussified shitbag?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Prediction: FAILURES will mark me as a foe

I believe it's only a matter of time before those I've marked as Foe will begin marking me as foe in an effort to sanitize their JEs of my presence. I've already seen the practice of controlling who can post in one's JE. They simply cannot stand the presence of one who will at worst make their views laughable and at best put holes in their supposed truths. No matter. They will not escape the plan of destruction I have for them. As they block me from their JEs, I will begin to make open commentary and discussion on their JEs in my Journal. This will be a free and open area to discuss why it is that the people who are on my List of FAILURES are, indeed, the biggest FAILURES of all time!! I've got money on who I think will Foe me first. His name starts with a T and ends with an s. I also know if he doesn't Foe me out of spite, he's going to regret it.

Ho ho!! It turns out that I was wrong. BMetzler was the first FAILURE to add me to his foes list. I should have counted on that little sack of shit to wimp out first and strike out against that truth. For that, he will win the grand prize... Just you wait Brent. You are an enemy of truth and freedom and you wil get your just desserts.

User Journal

Journal Journal: My Brethren: Please Repost Repeatedly

This lovely gem is worth repeating over and over again:

Capitalism is Dying

Marxism has now confirmed: Capitalism is dying. Yet another crippling bombshell hit the beleaguered bourgeoisie when Das Kapital confirmed that the rate of profit tends to fall leading to crisis, war and the ultimate destruction of the capitalism system. Coming on the heels of the latest economic data showing that the US is entering a deep recession, this news serves to reinforce what we've know all along. Capitalism is collapsing in complete disarray, as further exemplified by failing dead last in the recent Sys Admin comprehensive networking test. You don't need to be a Lenin to predict capitalism's future. The hand writing is on the wall: capitalism faces a bleak future. In fact there won't be any future at for capitalism because capitalism is dying. Things are looking very bad for capitalism. As many of us are already aware surplus value (S) is redistributed among individual capitals by competition leading to an average rate of profit (r) relative to the organic composition of capital. In order to improve their position individual capitalism must increase their production of surplus value; either by increasing the length of working day, but this has physiological limits or by increasing the constant capital used but this leads to a fall in the average rate of profit. Let's keep to the facts and look at the numbers. Capitalist leader George W Bush states that there 7000 capitalists. How about members of the proletariat are there? Let's see. The number of proletariats in America is roughly 200 million. Therefore there are about 100000 workers which for each person with an interest in capitalism. A recent article put the petty bourgeoisie at a rapidly declining proportion of the population. This is consistent with the predictions of the communist manifesto. Due to the troubles of British imperialism, two world wars and so on, European capitalism went out of business and was taken over by Yankee imperialism who were also in trouble. Now US imperialism is also dead, its venality and corruption exposed by its own creation, radical Islam. All major surveys show that capitalism has steadily declined in credibility. Capitalism is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If capitalism is to survive at all it will be as a fascist dictatorship. Capitalism continues to decay. Nothing short of a miracle could save it at this point in time. For all practical purposes, capitalism is dead. Capitalism is dying

User Journal

Journal Journal: I Hold These Truths to be Self-evident 3

1. The desire for human freedom, free from the oppression of the captains of for-profit capitalism is stronger than the desire for wealth when push comes to shove.

2. Amerika is being held hostage by corrupt politicians and their big business cohorts. It's only a matter of time before the charade is revealed and they have to deal with the angry masses.

3. There is a huge campaign of mis-education and mis-information being waged upon the free citizens of these once grate United States in the hopes that an uninformed and uneducated public will not be able to discern what is happening. However, the basic human need to control one's own destiny is causing many of use to be awakened and called to arms against our oppressors.

4. The citizens of the United States are, literally, being poisoned by the medical, pharmaceutical and food production industries. Much of it being controlled by the top eschelon. We are being overmedicated for every facet of being ALIVE. We are paying out the nose to try and fight being human. We are being fed food loaded with sugar resulting in the most unhealthy generations to have lived in any time period. We are being fed food with high concentrations of drugs and antibiotics that are destroying our bodies and making us more and more unhealthy. Is this incidental? No. Read on...

5. The insurance, medical and pharmaceutical industries WANT us to be sick. We aren't being killed by heinous diseases, we are instead being greatly inconvenienced by annoying diseases. These diseases are bign cause by the chemicals, drugs, antibiotics and sugar in our food supply. This leads to us paying for life to take many medications that cost an arm and a leg. When instead a simple change in diet is all it would take to cure most of the things that people are being overmedicated for. Again, this is NOT an accident. These people KNOW what they are doing. It's making them rich. And many of us are waking up and changing things. It's been three years for me since I've last needed to go to the doctor for any ailment or use any antibiotics. The jig is up!

6. Stupidity and ignorance are being worshipped and elevated as something to aspire to. Do our schools emphasize the arts? Science? Math? Do we reward our pupils for excellence in these areas? No. Instead we focus on competitive sports. Not physical fitness, but just it's ugly twin brother. Again, is this incidental? I think not. It is a plan. Look at how many Americans today would rather watch competitive sports than a quality foreign film. And, as noted before, it has nothing to do with emphasizing physical fitness. That is something I COULD get behind. We should all be encouraged to edify our minds and our bodies. Instead we are directed to fill them with trash. This will not last however. People are going to be informed. It is up to us. Up to those of you who see eye to eye with me. I urge you to go forward and spread the word my brethren. We will defeat the ugly disease that has infected this once great nation. We will reclaim our country from the selfish and greedy. Humanity cannot be stamped down and controlled forever.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Curious New Practice Among FAILURES 1

Amongst the FAILURES that I have been listing, I've noticed that there is a new curious practice. They've been setting up their JEs to keep people who aren't friends out. Just typical of those with a right wing neo-conservative bent, isn't it? They want the truth sanitized so that they don't have to pay attention to the fact that the right is nothing but one big MISERABLE FAILURE. Poor widdle babies... awww. Pussified wimps.

Can't wait to piss on the right wingers next presidentail election. They are SO in for a shock.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Welcome 'GMontag' to my List of FAILURES

GMontag is added to my List of FAILURES because of his self-serving and uncaring sentiments regularly expressed in his posts and JEs. In general, GMontag is what can be qualified as a real live "asshole". Welcome to my List of FAILURES.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Welcome 'bmetzler' to my List of FAILURES

Brent is a FAILURE because he regularly posts biased lies in his journals in the hopes that he can further the cause of his right-wing buds. It doesn't matter that his JEs are typically full of lies from the right. He lives with the delusion that only his way of looking at things is aceptable, which makes him one of the HUGEST failures ever.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Welcome to List of FAILURES v.1.0

If you are on my foes list you are a level one FAILURE. This kind of failure is largely uninmportant and typically completely clueless. Examples of this type of failure are:

-Pro-wrestling fans
-SUV drivers
-People who voted for George W. Bush
-Anyone who engages in pro-MS or anti-*nix or anti-open source rhetoric

In general, this type of failure needs to shut the fuck up. You wil be stomped under my boot like the worthless shitpile you are.

If you are on my friends list, then you are a type two FAILURE. This kind of failure is the kind that is clued in enough to know better, but still engages in any of the above activities that FAILURES of type one engage in.

Welcome to my List of FAILURES fuckface!

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