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Submission + - Magic microchip patterning technique developed (pressesc.com)

An anonymous reader writes: The time and cost needed to produce microchips could be drastically reduced thanks to a simple low-cost a new process invented by Princeton engineers in which a thin polymer film is sandwiched between two flat plates that are then pulled apart creating ultra small grooves over large areas as if by "magic".
Wireless Networking

Submission + - "Free" wireless broadband sparks "free (pressesc.com)

Enormous Coward writes: "A company that wants to offer "free" filtered Internet over unused TV spectrum band has hit back at criticism that its service is "free as in beer" but not "free as in speech". M2Z Networks (M2Z) today announced that in just the past 15 working days over 1,000 individuals from forty-nine states have written to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) supporting M2Z's pending application. Public Interest Spectrum Coalition (PISC) opposes the application on the grounds that, although M2Z's application could provide significant benefits to the American people, "the proposed license conditions do not adequately ensure that M2Z would operate under open device rules or network neutrality rules of sufficient stringency to confer the full benefits of innovation and free expression to the public.""

Submission + - 'Touch' over IP coming soon (pressesc.com)

amigoro writes: "Shoppers, lovers, and gamers online could 'feel' different in the future, thanks to thanks to research being carried out at Queen's University into a new technology which has the potential to add the sense of touch to virtual worlds. Known as haptic technology, such systems interface the user via the sense of touch by applying forces, vibrations and motions to the user."

Submission + - Scientists discover how to erase memories (pressesc.com) 1

amigoro writes: "Neuroscientists have discovered that long-term memories are not etched in a "clay tablet"-like stable form as once thought, but the process is much more dynamic, involving a miniature molecular machine that must run constantly to keep memories going, jamming the machine briefly can erase long-term memories."
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Do you have to be smart to be rich? (pressesc.com) 3

amigoro writes: "Do you have to be intelligent to be wealthy?

The answer is yes, according to a study which tracks a large group of young US baby boomers, but only if all other factors are held constant. But regression results suggest that statistically, there is really no distinguishable relationship between IQ scores and wealth."


Submission + - "Life" found in inorganic interstellar dus (pressesc.com)

Anonymous Alien writes: "Physicists have found evidence that inorganic dust with life-like qualities exists in interstellar space, according to new research published in New Journal of Physics that hint at the possibility that life beyond earth may not necessarily use carbon-based molecules as its building blocks and also offer a possible new explanation for the origin of life on Earth."

Submission + - Privacy winning search engine war (pressesc.com)

amigoro writes: "Privacy is emerging as the real winner of the Internet search engine war as companies aggressively compete with one another by offering stronger protections for user records, a report published today by the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) concluded. The report notes that until recently, most of the major Internet search engines kept detailed and potentially personally identifiable records of their customers' searches for as indefinitely. But today the companies are trying to outdo each other in privacy protection by announcing steps to delete old user data, strip the personally identifiable information out of stored search records, and, in one case, give users the option to have all of their search records deleted."

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