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Comment Re:Good news for stockholders (Score 1) 633

You know how often the "PC gaming is dying" story has been told for the past 15 years orso? In fact, ever since the PC became a viable alternative to console gaming. Just because some companies are making a ton of money from mostly really bad mobile games doesn't put it under pressure either. PC sales have been down before, remember the dot com bubble crash? With tons of great indie games coming out and the PC basically turning into a console with Steam Big Picture as consoles have been turning into PC's I think the PC gaming market is in better shape than ever.

Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 633

Really? Because I feel we could have an officer Barbrady situation here. Once he gets sent back to school the town goes apeshit. Looks like the monkey boy was keeping it together after all!

Comment Re:Disagree (Score 1) 633

Kinect was a interesting product that they under-captilized on. Why weren't they able to do with motion tracking what Apple did with touch based interfaces? Build an entire new ecosystem of products and services that never existed before?

Because motion tracking as it is at the moment is only useful for dancing games, for any other type of purpose it is more effort, less responsive than other controllers and in many cases completely unworkable. The fact that MS failed to recognize this after their first attempt shows how much out of touch they are with the wishes of the consumer and the product they are making, a gaming device.

Comment Re:Google will block it (Score 1) 381

In the high end market apple is still king.

In the States that perhaps is still the case. In the rest of the world, especially here in Europe Apple lost a lot of its "cool" factor and Samsung has a clear lead over Apple with other high end brands also doing well. I think this is totally deserved since Apple doesn't back up their premium prices with premium support, far from it.

Comment Re:Racism is a cause, (Score 3, Interesting) 474

You don't just have to look at the fact that there is a disproportionate amount of black people in jail, there are more disturbing statistics:

- A report by the Department of Justice found that blacks and Hispanics were approximately three times more likely to be searched during a traffic stop than white motorists.
- Black and Hispanic students represent more than 70 percent of those involved in school-related arrests or referrals to law enforcement.
- The U.S. Sentencing Commission stated that in the federal system black offenders receive sentences that are 10 percent longer than white offenders for the same crimes.

But the most interesting statistic for this debate is this:

- The war on drugs has been waged primarily in communities of color where people of color are more likely to receive higher offenses.

So for a black person living up in a poor community in the USA (which is likely since a much larger percentage of hispanic and black people live in poor areas) you are basically branded as a criminal from birth. And you have a one in three chance of going to prison. Black people are aware of this of course, when society already treats you as a criminal due to the way you look then what motivation do you have to work hard to become a respected citizen? Especially when you are often put at a disadvantage.

I live in the Netherlands where the role blacks used to have ("passing the black pete" is an expression meaning passing the blame in Dutch) is now passed on to the Maroccans. I remember working in a toy store for a short time 10 years ago. One of the first things the manager told me was to keep an eye on Maroccans if I saw them enter the store. I remember thinking that I couldn't really blame them for living up to their reputation if I ever caught them stealing. Why even try to become a valued member of a society that will not accept you as an equal?

So if you want to keep entertaining the thought that there must be something wrong with black people that makes them more criminal than other races then you should keep ignoring the fact that in most other cultures there are other minorities who get blamed for most crap and consequently have a hard time in life which stimulates more criminal behaviour. Rinse and repeat.

Comment Re:But where to get it (Score 1) 419

Exactly. I think it is only the Americans who use the term "French fries" to refer to chips in general. I don't know about Belgium but in the Netherlands where we speak the same language we call the thin, long chips "Franse frieten" which means exactly the same. We also refer to "Vlaamse frieten" (Vlamingen is the Dutch speaking part of Belgium) but they are the opposite from French fries, instead of being long and thin they are medium length and much thicker than regular fries. To complicate matters even further we refer to chips/fries as "patat" in the Netherlands which is the Belgian word for potato.

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