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Comment Re:Infrastructure (Score 5, Insightful) 287

I think there will be lots of infrastructure required before we'll see autonomous cars.

Autonomous cars have driven hundreds of thousands of miles on existing roads. So why do you think additional infrastructure is needed? It seems to me that the opposite is true: less infrastructure will be needed. Parking spaces can be narrower (passengers will exit before the car is parked), parking lots/garages can be smaller and remotely located, lanes can be narrower, road construction can be reduced as road capacity increases, traffic lights can be phased out, etc. Public transportation will become more more popular as it shifts from big, infrequent, inconvenient buses to small, on-demand, direct-to-your-door vans. The result will be fewer cars on the road.

Comment Re:Oh wow Forbes defends trolls what a surprise (Score 5, Insightful) 191

they just license the patents.

You make it sound like they hire a salesperson to go around and market their patent to potential customers. Or maybe you think the customers search for useful patents to license and then contact the inventor. Neither of these scenarios is common. What is common, is for the NPE to just sit on the patent, wait for someone to independently come up with the same innovation, and then demand payment. This is not contributing anything positive to the process.

Comment Re:Thomas Edison (Score 4, Insightful) 191

Yeah, Edison profited off the research of his students, and everyone around him......a bad example to be used if they want to prove patents are useful.

And an even worse example if you want to show that NPEs are useful today. That fact that independent inventors were useful a century ago is irrelevant. They play very little role in modern innovation. Many companies refuse to even talk to independent inventors, because knowledge of their patents can expose the company to liability. What most NPEs do is sit on the patent and wait for someone to independently come up with the same innovation, and then demand payment. They are just parasites.

Comment Re:"Dayum!" (Score 5, Insightful) 220

I cannot fathom any software system costing that much.

It is easy to fathom if you look at how the program was structured. All the incentives were inverted: nearly everyone involved actually benefited from cost overruns (the contractors got more money, the bureaucrats had the prestige of managing more resources, and the politicians had more patronage to dispense). There was no accountability (no one is being disciplined or fined). There is not even any political fallout because the blame is smeared out over multiple administrations (Conservatives can blame Labour for starting the project, while Labour can blame the Tories for mismanaging the implementation). It is like it was designed to fail. A decade from now you will be reading about some other project that failed in the exact same way, for the exact same reasons.

Comment Re:Coming Soon (Score 1) 223

super wealthy robot owners

Decades ago many people predicted that only the "super wealthy" would be able to own computers, and decades before that the same thing was said about cars.

“Automobiles are a picture of the arrogance of wealth ... nothing spreads socialistic feeling in this country more than the use of the automobile.” -- Woodrow Wilson

So far, there is no reason to believe that future robots are going to be particularly expensive. I already have a Roomba and a 3D-printer, both easily affordable by any middle class family. Prices for manufacturing robots are high, but falling quickly.

Comment Re:Just in time... (Score 2) 112

capitalism doesn't work. its a failed concept.

The market adjustment described in TFA, seems like an example of capitalism working quite well. What alternative mechanism do you propose to allocate limited supplies? A central planning politburo? War?

we are seeing it really fail in our lifetimes.

American per capita GDP, adjusted for inflation, has more than quadrupled in my lifetime. That is not a failure.

nice experiment but can't we declare it a failure and move on to something new?

What do you propose to replace it with? Kim Jong Un? Raul Castro?

Comment Re: How oddly reminiscent (Score 2) 112

The answer: To make up for lost profits during downtime production.

You have no idea how markets work. Producers can't just dictate prices based on desired profit levels. If they could, why would they set prices to maximize profit only after a disaster, rather than all the time?

That's why too you'll see gas prices go up when a significant tropical system is to hit the U.S.: the anticipation of lost profits.

Prices go up because demand goes up. Drivers top off in anticipation of future shortages. People often misunderstand these price rises because they think a 10% supply shortage should result in a 10% price change. That is wrong. A 10% supply shortage means prices need to increase enough to cause a 10% drop in demand. For gasoline, short term demand will fall less than 10% even if prices double.

Comment Re:hate speach post (Score 2) 225

please don't sue.

Hate speech is not a crime in the United States. You are free to express all the hatred that you want. Some schools have administrative penalties for hate speech, but the courts have thrown out many of those policies. Suing for hate speech makes about as much sense as trying to apply RICO to completely legal activities. There is silliness from both sides here.

Comment Re:Reminds me of Food Trucks (Score 1) 192

The issue of enforcing standards is a serious one.

It's also easily corrected. Pass a law that states the following:
1. Food inspectors may arrive without notice, in plain clothes.
2. Upon arrival, inspectors may compel mobile business owners to remain stationary for a period of up to fifteen minutes to permit inspection (How long can inspecting a one-room business take?)
3. Inspectors may pose as customers to purchase sample product.

4. Require both the business license and the health dept inspection certificate to be publicly displayed in a conspicuous location, so any informed customer can phone in a violation. Note: Nearly all jurisdictions already do this. Next time you are in a restaurant or at a food truck, look for the permits, and you will see them 99% of the time, often taped to a side wall or sometimes on the ceiling. Before I buy from a food cart, I check, and the only time I didn't see the permits was an ice cream hand cart. But I didn't care since everything he was selling was pre-packaged anyway.

Comment Re:Solar cells are already cheap enough (Score 1) 107

Storage is the only solution to that problem.

Storage is NOT the only solution.

Another solution is demand shifting. Homes and businesses can shift their power needs to off-peak periods. Energy sucking appliances can be programmed to only run when the electricity price falls below a threshold. So you load your clothes dryer, or dishwasher, but they don't run until hours later. Your refrigerator and freezer can pre-chill during off peak hours and coast through peak hours. Businesses can receive incentives to move some of their shifts earlier or later.

Yet another solution is a wider grid, and long distance transmission, so local surpluses can be sold to customers located far away, or even in other timezones.

Comment Re:They cracked my hack-a-thon! (Score 1) 104

Somebody needs to read The Mythical Man Month. Adding more hackers to a late hacking project just makes it later.

This is not the same situation as described in MMM. They are not adding more random programmers to a team. The outside programmers are already part of the team, and already know their roles, and how to coordinate and communicate with their teammates.

Comment Re:Account info? (Score 4, Informative) 250

And how does the school district get the student account information?

1. Create a fake account using the picture of a really cute 16 year old girl claiming to be new at the school.
2. Request to friend a few boys. 99% of them will accept.
3. Follow the friends of friends network to connect to everyone else.
In a few days, you should have every student with a Facebook account. My daughter is in high school. She has over 600 Facebook friends, and she will just automatically accept any friend request from any other student at her school. I think this is pretty typical for HS students.

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