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Comment Re:Scalable is not enough (Score 1) 53

Mitigating climate change is for human civilization defense.

How does this mitigate climate change?

The major input is electricity from the grid.

Singapore generates 92% of its electricity from natural gas and 4% from diesel.

Nothing in TFA indicates this scheme is breakeven or better on CO2 emissions.

Comment Re:Screw the American auto industry (Score 3, Interesting) 289

So you would be happy driving a car that is, to an extent, built using slave labour ?

"Slavery" means forced labor. It does not mean "paid market wages".

Can Chinese autoworkers quit their jobs? Yes, they can, and every factory in Shenzhen is hiring, so they can find a new job by walking across the street.

Are Chinese factory workers underpaid? That depends on your perspective, but their wages are above the median wage in China and are enough to afford an apartment and a scooter.

Comment Re:This should be impossible (Score 1) 87

Someone blows off an EMP above North America. It fries everything imaginable, including our electrical grid.

Many knowledgeable people will tell you that's a wildly exaggerated scenario.

The grid is built to withstand lightning strikes, which are obviously more localized but otherwise stronger than an EMP.

Cell phones have bypass diodes. TVs have surge protection. Many critical systems have shielding. Etc.

Solar flares have a similar effect. There was a big one two months ago. The biggest ever recorded was in 2001. Do you remember it? Neither do I.

Comment Re:Joe Manchin (Score 1) 57

Brought to you by Joe " I Own A Coal Company " Manchin -US Senator of West Virginia.

Joe Manchin's job is to represent the people of West Virginia, so his votes on coal reflect that.

The critical vote that Manchin casts is not for coal but for Chuck Schumer to be the Majority Leader. Joe is retiring this year and won't be casting that vote in January. He is 99.99% likely to be replaced by a Republican, making it likely that a Republican will also replace Chuck as Majority Leader.

Democrats see a fellow Democrat who supports them on 80% of the issues and think, "Hey, let's demonize and destroy this guy and replace him with a Republican who supports us on 0% of the issues!"

Comment Re:What data is this ban based on? (Score 2) 83

without data, how do you know that level 3 autonomy cars won't make streets safer?

There's no reason the data needs to come from BC. Plenty of data from other jurisdictions shows that autonomous cars are safer than human drivers.

That is, you may either be preventing harm or you may be lowering accident rates.

The goal is not to prevent harm but to get reelected.

Nobody will lose an election because human drivers kill people. That happens every day. Voters aren't demanding that politicians "do something".

But voters might blame politicians for high-profile accidents involving autonomous vehicles. It is a political risk, even if it saves lives.

People aren't rational about this issue. Look at TFA. The very first sentence calls this ban "a rare display of sanity", and the sole specific justification was the pedestrian fatality in Phoenix that occurred when autonomous braking was turned off, and a human was in control (and looking at her cellphone).

Comment Re:It wouldn't be ... (Score 1) 74

... due to someone dumping PFAs in that ocean

Not "someone".


PFAS (poly-fluoroalkyl substances) are in thousands of everyday products: food packaging, water/stain resistant clothing, carpets, firefighting foam, cleaning products, non-stick cookware (Teflon is a PFAS), gaskets, lubricants, shampoo, cosmetics, etc.

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