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Comment Re:Why would you even? (Score 1) 478

4) Lack of face-to-face contact - being able to watch someone communicate, point at the screen, sit in a room together makes for far faster problem resolution;

I'm not sure that this is a unsolvable problem. With screen sharing and conference call, this should be a non-issue.

Tele-work is the same whether you are in the same building, state or country. It shouldn't matter.

Comment Re:Oh, look! Just what the economy needs! (Score 1) 600

although I think most normal "kids" should be well out on their own and supporting themselves by the time they are 20-21

Thou dost need reminding of thee Great Recession and Thou hast a great millstone of Federalist payments to thee Yankee banks for thou education which thy Business hast saddled you with.

Comment Re:It's like deja vu all over again (Score 1) 786

i have the exact same problems. I try to let the Ribbon work for me but never can find what i need. For example; I was working in Excel just pasted in some text and was looking for the text to columns function. Something I use all the time. Damn ribbon was hiding it and I just jumped to the menus and did it by that. Some of the icons used just suck. And searching (in 7); What was the name of that program i use to show disk space ... j something. It would have been under "JTools" in the menu, but what the fuck is the name of the program ????? I you don't remember the name searching sucks.

Submission + - Apple and Samsung both get South Korea bans (

Mackadoodledoo writes: A South Korean court has ruled that Apple and Samsung both infringed each other's patents on mobile devices.

The court imposed a limited ban on national sales of products by both companies covered by the ruling.

It ruled that US-based Apple had infringed two patents held by Samsung, while the Korean firm had violated one of Apple's patents.

The sales ban will apply to Apple's iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and its tablets the iPad and iPad 2.

Open Source

Submission + - Interesting new Linux based Firewall avoids iptables ( 2

An anonymous reader writes: An interesting new Linux based Firewall/Router system has emerged that actually avoids using iptables. Seemingly the project has been in the works for several years but has just been released officially by the developers. They claim by not using iptables, and instead their own kernel module, it is possible to achieve features other open source firewalls cannot. The firewall, called Sphirewall, comes in the form of a Debian-based Linux distribution, but can also be installed from the source. According to developers, it is very flexible, and provides an open JSON API, can easily be plugged into any existing environment.

Comment Re:And Nothing(?) Was Gained (Score 1) 160

Because if Java fails, .NET takes over, ...

it wont take over for years and even in that case it might be only the new development. Business won't change everything over as that's a capital expenditure. Do you realize how may manhours it took to generate the first system and you want to change it? .NET = one platform (you mono guys go piss on someone else) You may get a small subset going over to mono but it isn't going to be "everyone"

On the other hand - Companies will look for paid support.

Which may be a good thing as Oracle's ERP offerings are Java based - Consultancy lock ins and jobs to retire in.....

Comment Re:So? (Score 1) 691

It just seems illogical to me that they would risk what just happened again or even worse?

The cynic in me says; Haven't been paying attention the past few years, eh? Privatize profits, socialize risk/debts. The number one rule in Corporations (sociopaths) is to make money.

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