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Comment Re:Not news (Score 1) 776

Given the number of true believers here (people I equate with the deniers on the skeptic side), I am wondering how long this post, all of which is factual and can be confirmed with relative ease, will be modded "troll". Seems to happen to all posts that are in any way skeptical.

One thing that could have been confirmed with relative ease is the name of the person who led the study — MullEr, not MullAr. Although given your description of him as part of the "mainstream side", maybe you are talking about a completely different person. Unless by "mainstream" you meant a scientist who goes where the facts lead him instead of his politics.

Comment Re: Can't reduce the energy required, period. (Score 2) 156

In case you aren't just being an ass, I'll avoid being one (just this once) and ask...

How does your list of ecological atrocities compare to that for the extraction of fossil fuels? Unless it is wildly out of balance (and it's not), the net gain comes from not injecting X amount of mega-million-years-old sequestered carbon per joule created into the atmosphere.

Comment Re:A funny picture is worth 1000 Bush jokes (Score 1) 386

The only thing you can say in favor of Obama here is that he was no worse than Bush would have been.

Moot point, since Bush's terms were over. Now, if can you say that he was no worse than a hypothetical McCain administration...

Although to be fair, I am fairly certain that McCain also would have withdrawn our troops from Iraq. I'm just not completely sure that his withdrawal would not have been across the border with Iran.

Comment Re:Bigger star = faster orbit (Score 2) 40

I should probably check that before I post to slashdot, because they'll be cruel if I remember incorrectly. But, eh. I'll take my chances.

You lose! For exoplanets of mass insignificant compared to its parent star, the relation is
M(star) x Period^2 = Distance^3

So if the mass of the star were doubled, the period would decrease by a factor of 0.7071. And if the orbital radius doubled, the period would increase by a factor of 2.828.

On the plus side, that would alleviate the global warming situation, although to a degree of compensation much to our detriment.

Comment Re:Proximity (Score 5, Insightful) 821

tell him the paint is wet and he'll touch it to find out....

He should believe you on faith alone?

No, but if the guy telling you that the paint is wet is
standing there with a brush and bucket of the same color, and fresh splatters on his overalls;
and you heard some fat drug addict on the radio said that "Hitler was a painter! They want your light bulbs!";
and fuck, you never painted anything yourself but what does this brush-toting shit know about it;
and sure, you saw him touching the brush to the bench as you were walking up, but you just *feel* that no one has enough data to know about the bench since *you* don't;
plus, on Sunday your preacher said that only SkyDaddy Longbeard can paint a bench;
and THEN you touch the paint to see if it's wet, then YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT. And an asshole to boot.

Signed, a Painter (but not of benches), who has received enough crackpot letters from armchair fuckfaces and religious shitheads to know the goddam score.

Comment Re:Misner, Thorene, and Wheeler's Gravitation (Score 1) 358

Oh my FSM don't send him straight to the Black Death. MTW is good once you know the ground, but opening it prematurely is the leading cause of spontaneous human combustion.

Take calculus. Once you're good at it take vector calculus. Once you're good at THAT chase down a book by Ivan Sokolnikoff called Tensor Analysis: Theory and Applications to Geometry and Mechanics of Continua. It's out of print, last I checked, but it's in most university libraries; iirc the call number it's QA 433 .S64 (that book spent a LOT of time on my desk in grad school).

After that, read up on some differential geometry and wade into MTW. Good luck.

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