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Comment Re:A real study is needed (Score 2) 543

There is no benefit to knowing how to make a Make file if you're only going to compile a Windows app. Pretending that we all need to know the inner details of make is retarded.

Protip: You can edit visual studio project files in VIM!!!! So its pretty hard to say it hides stuff from you when you have access to everything in a .proj file that you do in a Makefile and can use the same editors.

I guess you think visual studio hides stuff because it doesn't require you to use a shitty editor for the project files? You seem to think using a shitty editor is a good thing?

Comment Re:Copyright notices in source files (Score 1) 120

Awe, aren't you a such a cool rebel!

No, no you aren't, you're just a little kid trying to show us how you aren't conforming!@!@%!%#!#

Heres reality: You'll do what society demands, like it or not. You can 'not recognize' it all you want, and thats roughly the same as not recognizing water is wet ... all it does is makes it clear you're out of touch with reality.

Comment Re:Simple... (Score 1) 120

That would be illegal in every possible way.

All content created in America is explicitly copyrighted, all rights reserved by the author.

Github has absolutely no authority to change that, the only reason this topic is even in play is because the shear number of people who completely fail to understand copyright, such as yourself, think there needs to be some 'default'.

There already is a default, and its not there so you get other peoples works because they forgot to tell you that you can't.

Its not your code, you don't get to decide what gets done with it.

Comment Re:Why copyleft is important, and LLVM helps Apple (Score 3) 120

Marketing FUD. What part of GPLv3 is anti-business?

All of it, its viruslike nature that requires it to infect anything associated with it is why businesses want nothing to do with it. This is by design of your glorious leader RMS, it is intentional because he's a tree hugging hippie who forgets that someone has to actually work so his fat ass can eat.

Has Apple brought FreeBSD to a higher level? Nope. Have they profited massively from the free labour? Yep.

Seriously? You know absolutely nothing about this conversation do you?

The Apple kernel is in no way related to FreeBSD. Its a Mach kernel. A small portion of the FreeBSD Userland provides the 'unix' feel under the hood of OSX.

Apple did however contribute back FBSD's current USB stack. Contributed SMP code that removed the giant kernel lock, filesystem journaling came from darwin, superpages, dtrace support, ARM support, support for more than 16TB of ram, pure 64 bit support.

But heres the thing ... BSD licensed people ... give for free without silly virus like catches that come with GPL.

FreeBSD doesnt' EXPECT anything back, its not a false openness that really translates to 'If I show you mine, you have to show the entire world yours too!', BSD is a 'heres mine, enjoy, do whatever you want with it.'

Its the difference between giving and pretending to give with expectations on return.

You really have no clue. I haven't even listed the entire OSS projects that apple pretty much eats the maintenance costs for that you certainly benefit from, its not a short list.

You pretend to give, but what you really are doing is bartering for source code using something other than money then pretending to be on some holy God-sent quest of enlightenment. You're just a fake.

Comment Re:Why copyleft is important, and LLVM helps Apple (Score 1) 120

Uhm, Apple HAS moved to LLVM, an OS release ago.

LGPL and GPL have succeeded in driving most businesses away from it due to fears of being sued by some asshole. That in and of itself is why GPL'd software is losing. You guys and your 'we're open ... but only open in a way that benefits us from your work!' Its a faux openness.

Apple is going to have a hard time extinguishing something they don't own. Your statements are as retarded as saying Apple can extinguish GCC.

Its REALLY fucking hard to make slower binaries than GCC. I do not know ANY compiler on the planet that produces code as slow as GCC. You are sorely mistaken if you think GCC is something special in that respect.

Please explain how apple is going to destroy a project that they contribute to, but do not own. Are they going to invent a time machine that goes back and some how changes the license on existing code?

Comment Re:And they block screwball licenses, YAY!!!! (Score 2) 120

Right, thats why no one really uses his stuff.

Not because it was less than useful for anything than your personal domain.

His tools are far from technically superior since they dont' do things required that the others do. Used them all, they have their place, they are not the end all of solutions, they in fact don't fit most situations once you dig under the surface just a bit.

Comment This is new? (Score 1) 183

Its well known in various climates conducive to mosquitos that what you eat has a direct effect on how badly you are attacked. What gets excreted from your sweat and skin oils attracts or repels mosquitos and its easy to tell if you pay any attention at all.

Want to get eaten alive? Eat a few bananas and then go walk around a mosquito ridden area the next day.

It amazes me it takes years for some scientist to reprint what I read in boys life 40 fucking years ago.

Comment Re:Political Correctness has no place in Kernel De (Score 1) 1501

No, when the black guy gets a seat in the boardroom, he still needs to wear a suit and tie, not a hoodie.

Depends on the board room. There are plenty of rich black fold wearing hoodies in the 'board rooms' of their businesses, such as record labels.

No they didn't force crusty old white men to wear hoodies, but when its run by like minded people, the rules change and hoodies are the norm.

Comment Re:Finally (Score 1) 376

As a regular user of Cygwin, I can honestly say GNU/windows is pretty awesome.

Are you kidding me? Cygwin tools are the buggiest, bloated, slowest piece of crap I've seen in a long time. The entire tool chain is crap produced by people who shouldn't be allowed to call themselves developers.

Use a native toolkit rather than that cygwin crap and you'll learn how its supposed to be done.

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