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Comment Re:It's not "for whatever reason" (Score 1) 147

> All you "internet marketers", forget it - people's eyes glaze over after the 1,000th message - it doesn't even stay in short-term memory.

Yep, because twitter and facebook are not about reading (or information gathering) they are about self expression.
Everyone's a writer nowadays, nobody is reading...

Comment Re:Focus (Score 3, Insightful) 284

I will only point out that Hubble would have been a complete failure, without the shuttle.
The reason to have a manned space program, is entirely about the unforeseen.

When we do need to send Bruce Willis up to the asteroid to blow it out of the way, we are really going to wish we had a suitable manned space program.

Comment Re:OK, going to attack the source (Score 1) 799

I think there are plenty of reasons to be freaked out, even completely discounting this article.

I mean, first of all, no one knows what they are going to do to solve the problem. Even the small estimates are still HUGE.

Any solution almost certainly means drilling relief wells, except, we obviously can't operate safely at these depths.

And then there's the whole fact that a few megacorporations, through business as usual, no cost to society (or in this case humanity) bullshit, has imposed this on us.

Comment Re:Won't work (Score 5, Informative) 443

The Invention of Lying had *Literally* 20 minutes of previews.
You could not skip them.
You could not reach the title screen through top, or menu.
You could not scan through them (at the end of the first trailer, it would simply repeat.)
Ultimately had to use a title/chapter search feature of my dvd player to get to the title.

20 minutes of unskippable bullshit? seriously, it made me want to crack the disk before sending it back to netflix.

Comment Re:They are fighting nature (Score 1) 443

And please, I have heard the arguments before "but people wouldn't create if there were no money in it!" Pure nonsense. Fan films and other amateur work if littering the internet like never before. People love creating and building and showing off. They don't do it for money. They do it for attention or as an outlet or just to make people smile.

Not to mention, the *vast majority* of artists, make more money when their work is freely shared.

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