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Comment Re:You can't close Pandora's Box Now (Score 1) 53

The abject irony of calling people "liberal lemmings," while dancing to Trump's tune - whatever it is, no matter how often it changes, or how opposed to reality - is astounding. It should be the focus of a psychological study on credulousness and supporting policies to the point of self-harm on a massive scale.

Comment Re:Participation trophy... (Score 1) 25

Hey, Boomer, guess which generation couldn't handle the fact that their kids weren't #1 in everything - as if that "other than #1" outcome was a direct reflection on the parents, rather than the kids actually playing - leading to "participation trophies." That's right - Boomers.

Comment Re:Why would anyone use VSCode anyway? (Score 1) 149

Use a proper language-specific IDE instead people, would you?

VSCode makes Pico work trivial, though I still use gdb outside of it; I haven't found it a huge hassle to switch to a shell, and I have other fish to fry than futz with getting gdb to work inside of VSCode. I use Eclipse / MCUXpresso for NXP work, and it works nicely with their products. I'm curious what you consider a "proper" IDE? Maybe I'm missing out on something.

Comment Re:Diversity! (Score 1) 253

This is fkn bullshit of the utmost concentration. Like immigrants of any culture didn't congregate into their own groups throughout all of American history? There are cultural enclaves all around the country. Upper midwest has Scandinavian; northwest Pacific has Asian; Pennsylvania Dutch; Little Italy in NYC, and much of Jersey; etc. You're ignorant - though I suspect just bigoted - if you think, historically, people didn't maintain their culture and languages once they came here.

Further, it would be an absolute travesty if we were all the same. Food would be monotonous and boring without some global variety. I'm better off for knowing people of different cultures, and learning more about those cultures. Crawl out of your basement and meet a few people who aren't from your monoculture. You might learn something.

Comment Re:Not true (Score 1) 77

Right, but there's a limit to things, here, even in extremes. Or should an ammunition manufacturer, for example, just give away guns to sell the ammo, and then start a Purge? Would that be justified? It's maximizing shareholder value. The bottom line is, when every last person is dead from companies destroying the environment, they've lost: there's no more value to maximize. So to maximize shareholder value, they need to consider the long term viability of humanity, even if it means they don't sell as much today.

Comment Bigger picture (Score 1, Insightful) 77

In the bigger picture, the activists could argue that company's continued pollution of the planet to the point where humanity can no longer exist also "does not serve shareholder interests." The company will go out of business if we're all dead. Making money is not a company's only priority: it has to co-exist in society.

Comment Re:JFC what is wrong with you? (Score 1) 159

If executives are so benign, almost to the point of meaninglessness, why do we have them? On the contrary, it's the executives that make the "hard" decisions to fuck over safety concerns from engineers so the company can get a product out the door, regardless of safety, to meet quarterly profit goals. Track this door snafu back in an honest, objective manner, and I'll guarantee you'll find an MBA behind the decision.

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This restaurant was advertising breakfast any time. So I ordered french toast in the renaissance. - Steven Wright, comedian
