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Comment Different rules by vehicle type? (Score 2) 63

Why not tax emissions (highly), and let the market work out where that pollution should come from. We've already had accurate emissions measurement equipment for years.

Once a year you get your car exhaust measured (as you already doing most states for purposes of inspection), multiply that by the change in odometer, and multiply that by the emissions tax rate.

EVs would pay a tax of zero, which would encourage their adoption. "But power plants pollute!" you might say. That's true, but power plants are already required to buy pollution credits very similar to what I describe above. This seems like an unobtrusive tax, simple, easy for an individual to optimize, and benefits the environment to boot.

Comment Re:Bug not keylogger (Score 1) 35

Having chips pulling double duty is one thing, like how the PC keyboard controller once also controlled access to protected mode (A20 gate).

This grows into all kinds of undefined functionality as all these components get consolidated into “chipset” chips. I’m certain the broader concern of chip-level vulnerability has already been with us for a long time.

Comment Re:Restricted Software Foundation (Score 1) 111

Almost right. Copyright protects creative expressions of ideas, not the ideas themselves.

If the intent of open code is for learning, it shouldn’t matter if I teach a machine instead of a person.

If your “copyrighted code” comes out of an AI, I would suggest your expression isn’t particularly creative to begin with. Most folks can’t wrap their head around the idea that the vast majority of software is purely functional expression and thus isn’t particularly copyrightable to begin with. Larry can go f#€k his hat.

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