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Comment Re:You know (Score 1) 397

So, I guess it's just fine if the feds do it in your favor but not if you don't like it?

This concept is the cornerstone of US political differences. Those who scream loudest about their extremist positions are the embodiment of the above, but will also argue vociferously that they are not (since it would make them hypocrites, after all).

Comment Re:Recently in an airport. (Score 1) 196

They're checking for TATP or something similar, even though no sane person would carry it in liquid form. Even terrorists aren't that stupid. They carry the solid ingredients and mix it in the bathroom (and that's the stupid ones, since creating liquid explosives like that require careful temperature control lest they create an explosion just large enough to kill themselves).

Comment Re:Que surprise? (Score 1) 196

The American people were sold a bill of goods, and most are too ignorant to realize it.

It's only solvent for decades because of the Treasury IOUs. IOUs that must be paid from the same entity to itself. The money has to come from somewhere, be it increased taxes, decreased benefits, or inflation of the money supply. This will happen long before the fund "runs dry."

Comment Re:Que surprise? (Score 1) 196

Which is the exact opposite of how the program was sold to the public when it was started. The fact that it's paying for current benefits makes it even worse. With a private retirement plan, at least you could expect to get the measly 1.7% ROI that Social Security provides. Given that it pays for current benefits, nobody has even that protection. Hell, 1-year Treasury bonds pay more than Social Security benefits.

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