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Comment Installation is a royal pain in the ass (Score 2) 111

Chrissake, this installation is a royal pain in the ass. The number of convoluted steps is just plain crazy.

First, I have to walk through a long, loooong installation instruction for Debian here. Then I turn to the Notes on installing and running, only to end halfway with a crazy error message.

diaspora@sirius:~/diaspora$ bundle install --without development test heroku
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching gem metadata from
error: while accessing

fatal: HTTP request failed
Git error: command `git clone '' "/home/diaspora/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@diaspora/cache/bundler/git/markerb-6697fe76410a3ed08ce3f5fd8ee64ebddd200665" --bare --no-hardlinks` in directory /home/diaspora/diaspora has failed.

Compiling Ruby from scratch, installing cruft in /usr/local, installing something weird called RVM.... What the fuck happened to ./configure && make && make install?

Comment Slashdot Private Message (Score 5, Funny) 44

Hi Rob,

God you really got out of this hell hole on time. That cocksucker from Dice Holdings walks around like he's the king or something. Chrissake he told me to come on time tomorrow! And of course sourceforge is acting up and the guys over there aren't so chummy anymore, we're just another user to them.

Say, do you remember where we put the design document on the private messages system? There's several bugs open, but CowboyNeal wrote that module so you probably have an idea of the "quality" of the code. He's a fucking monkey felcher and you know it.

Anyway, see you Saturday in town. We can talk about Kathleen and Jeff, and again, I'm sorry you had to go through her email to find out about them. I'm going to fucking kill that asshole.


Comment Re:Python 3 and its use (Score 1) 131

Well, I remember yum hitting 1 GB allocated memory on RedHat 5 when updating. The lead developer told me that he couldn't do anything about that, it was just the size of the repository.

Yum is not bad, but far from a Python poster child.

Comment My idea (Score 1, Funny) 49

based on pictures taken of the tech innovator during a 2006 Fortune magazine shoot and shows the Apple Inc. cofounder in a relaxed position, arms crossed loosely over his chest, with a pair of silver-rimmed Lunor glasses perched on his face and wearing a black cotton turtle neck

... with the text "First Class A*hole" carefully embroidered in large, friendly letters.

Comment Good news! (Score 1) 295

Nice! The wife has been adamantly polishing her moral compass until it shined. So bright that my idea of a girlfriend on the side got completely blotted out in the radiance. These scientist could help and adjust her moral compas somewhat, so I can get back some of the fun in my life!

Note that my own moral compass points to the gutter, thus it doesn't need adjustment.

Comment Re:Irony (Score 1) 320

Even better is if you have the machine and the user right next to you and shows you how to reproduce the bug, and then leaves the machine with you (and the user leaves the room...or better, the city).

See, this is why I don't log bugs. The chance is just too big where some neckbeard poisons my mountain dew and throws my body in the dumpster, just to fix this bug in peace.

Comment Re:HUGE DECLINE (Score 1) 222

I always need a power outlet nearby when traveling, and I cannot count on it lasting a full day

Last year my iPhone 3G broke (somehow I lost all phone reception), but money was really tight at that point in time. So I bought a cheap Samsung android phone which basically is specced the same as a 3GS. However the battery is replaceable... I bought three extra batteries and when travelling, I always have a bunch of fully-charged batteries. This is such a useful thing when you're travelling, that I'm really doubting whether to go back to an iPhone again. (I do have an iPad).

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