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Comment Re:Oh, just great (Score 1) 841

That's actually a horrible idea. If Social Security is completely privatized, we'll see retirement funding entirely at the mercy of the market. If you are set to retire when the market enters a deep recession, well, you're kinda screwed. Not an expert at managing stocks and other investments (and as the recession has shown, hiring a financial expert may not help)? Then you're screwed. The beauty of Social Security is that it provides a guarantee. It's not exactly stopping you from investing more of your money in the stock market if you wish.

Comment Re:Oh, just great (Score 1) 841

Let's take just one example: gay marriage. Progressives support it, but many conservatives oppose it, arguing something about the "sanctity of marriage." Of course, you can't talk about religious values without alienating everyone who doesn't share your religious views, so you've already started out on a regressive note if you're talking about sanctity. Conservatives devalue the civil rights of gay couples who wish to marry under the same laws that give heterosexual couples the right to marry. Conservatives tend to value "freedom" when it conforms to their ideal of how a person should live. They really have trouble understanding that a traditional, conservative lifestyle doesn't work for everyone.

Comment Re:solution: (Score 2, Insightful) 557

There is a larger difference between intellectual knowledge that a few people in the world are cruel, brutal, and sadistic and then the visceral experience of seeing the fruits of their evilness. There is a world of a difference between seeing violence in a movie, where we know it's fake, and seeing video of an actual murder. We know the person is really suffering, and we are quite distraught by this. It's our normal human reaction of empathy. It's wrenching.

Comment Re:solution: (Score 1) 557

This kind of stuff sounds like, especially in the doses these workers are seeing it at, would be tough to stomach even for people who aren't hypersensitive. On the other hand, disturbing and violent images of the kind these people see all day everyday will result in emotional issues in probably a majority of people. A sociopath has a callousness of temperament that makes them, in addition to being able to stomach the most extreme imagery, also able to engage in the more directly harmful activity that leads us to call them sociopaths in the first: namely violent crime, robbery, etc. The sociopath, in addition to being "tough," is emotionally lacking where it's needed: the social emotions (empathy, guilt, remorse, shame, compassion, etc.) and the ability to form bonds with others, including family and sexual partners.

Comment A Whole Division of the Corporation (Score 1) 243

For us, Information Technology is a division led by a CIO with further subdivisions for Application Development, Networking and Infrastructure, and User Support. Within in these subdivisions can be further subdivisions (e.g., applications supporting a specific type of business need). Within these are individual departments. Within these departments are semi-formal teams. Application Development, for example, includes departments that actively develop the applications, departments of graphic designers, and departments of Quality Assurance. Yeah, there's a lot of hierarchy where I work.

Comment Social Networks Have to Have People! (Score 1) 451

You've already mentioned the social-networking sites and affiliated social media that are big in the United States: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and MySpace. If someone's going to be on social networking, it's going to be on at least one of them. There is no benefit to belonging to a social network that may be technologically superb and ideologically correct if no one you know or want to connect with uses it. And good luck winning all your friends over to it and then their friends too!

Comment Re:IRC (Score 1) 451

I get the impression the OP meant coarse, uncivil people for sociopath and mentally deranged for psychopath (where OP should have said psychotic or just mentally ill). In psychiatry, sociopathy and psychopathy refer to more or less the same thing, and psychopathy is quite distinct from disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

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