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Comment The Natural of Anti-Cellphone while Driving Operat (Score 1) 417

While studing for my BA in History one of the things that I learn historians look for is law that re-passed or re-presented to the public multiple times. This is seen as a good hint that the law was A) not being followed B) not being enforced and/or C) causing other social problems that were pressing the political ruler of the time. Given that driving is a licensed active; it is not unreasonable that people operating the vehicle be required to primarily be forced on the operation of the said vehicle. It therefore in the drivers, the passager(s) and the regulators best interest to attempt to sure people just drove the car. I find it hard to believe at any point in time (when motor vehicles could travel fast eff. to kill people) that part of the licencing process did not included the requirement that the driver not attempt to kill or injure people. Therefore the laws requiring the banning of cellphone operation can be seen as the government (select level of your choice) acting to re-enforce the idea to the operators, of a select but clearly to some people unresistant desire, there phones. It isn't a freedom thing; it's a stop doing stupid things guys.

Submission + - Ask Slashdot: Removing Ads Solutions and Support of Populare Sites 1

oxnyx writes: "Recently on Kickstart a friend pointed out Adtrap ( While there is no doubt that I am sick of ads, banners and commericals; I am also aware that they provide the money to cover the costs of my visits rather then a PBS style begging for money every quarter. If you had your chooice would you rather pay for more content or view & load ads to offset the cost? There are software and physical solutions to block ads/banners but is this thieft or jumping the fence by not providing the site owner with a means to offset the cost of serving the site?Slashdot is one of a very few sites I know that offers the option. So where you stand on covering the cost of admission to the content of the internet?"

Comment Really...9/11 forced a lot of large Corps to (Score 1) 226

The security laws in the US after 9/11 force alot of big corps to encrypt. As far as I tell it slow down boot time and forces IT to take 2 days to turn around anything as there is 12hrs to decrypt the hdd and then 12 to re-crypt.This month we got told to put stickers on all documents to state it security level...I'm really sure those stickers "CORP. INTERNAL ONLY" will really slow down those outsider eyes. Soon I'm sure we will have to us a secret de-coder ring to read the print out. Really have you guys read most internal documents? They are of little interest to the people who are PAID to read them.

Comment Test Subject and Condisions have Changed (Score 2) 421

In a 4th history close we looked at the Mismeasure of a Man. One of the largest topics was IQ testing. One of the earliest wide scale tests was done on soldiers in the US army. In tents...without verbal directions or written directions..on a primary migrates and child of farms who had never been to school. This test taker were pressured with louds to GO! Oddly almost everyone could solve a maze puzzle (think children placemate) but when it came to complete the picture people did badly. These people might never have seen a Gramma phone or a modern light bulb. At the rules where very strick that the bowling ball had to be in the man hand not in the air or rolling down the alley. The Avg. was further dropped by the fact that many soldiers where confused or didn't understand so they didn't do anything and left there exam blank. Today people take IQ tests in quiet rooms and in schools. They are reading the directions and often have seen similar problems before. No we're not getting smart we are just better prepped to take the test. In fact the test orginally was designed to find weaknesses in a child learn skills not designed to find the brightest and the best.

Comment Something still smells Fishyyy (Score 1, Informative) 107

They don't know if the reactor is still leaking, all they do know is that the fish are at the similar level as before. It seems to me that something is still reacting under all that water. The problem is that radioactivity is a pollutant at doesn't solve itself in a few years even if everything is cleaned up the waste is still creating reacting. The problem with earthquakes is that there is nothing to protect the fragile ..Do not shake stuff in our world.

Comment Chooicing to cause a poplulation drop (Score 1) 139

While I disagree personally with not chooicing to have a baby due it "likely" gender. As a historian I feel that long term it could work out. If the population becoming to ratio one way then the value of the smaller group tends to increase. This can be seen in tradions of a "bride price" ie the man has to pay the bride's family. Having a shortage of woman could also force there to be a drop in the population. As an added bouns drop number of woman below that of men tends to cause wars which also tend to kill lots of the poplulation. It's not a nice way to get the population down but it does give all though men not getting any something to died for.

Comment I see Conquest is a thing of the Past (Score 1) 319

As a rescently minted BA in History I really hate to point out that while dropping and hitting targets at these speeds is impressive. It really doesn't help with the age old problem of "holding the ground taken". Why does it feel like so many of the latest in remote controll drones, million per charge hand held missle lauchers and similar would be of more use to the "EVIL" terrost rathern then a large army attempting to control a upset and radical forgien localation? Historicaly blowing stuff up wasn't even all that big a thing because you, the soilder/general/other military leader, got paid by the amount of booty taken. War historicaly made money for the invantion force if they won (slaves to sale, new land to grown crops on, metal/art/cloth etc) ; today it's unprofitable there seems to be a problem with the cost model here with the tools of death.

Submission + - See-through networks (

ictresults writes: Promising faster, more efficient and cheaper computer networking, transparent networks are the paradigm of the future. But thanks to European researchers, they are on their way already.

Submission + - Routing you phone through your computers WiFi?

oxnyx writes: I'm a poor broke student. However do to a previous job I still have a nice Blackberry 8830 which I'm currently using without a data plan. Sigh. I'd love to be able to download some free games off App World but no Data Plan no Freebies? Has anyone out there setup their BB as a client of their Laptop rather then as a modem? Seem that I should be able to reset the route table on the BB and setup Internet sharing on the Laptop. Any thought/experience?

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