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Comment Re:Microsoft already know you as a user (Score 4, Interesting) 162

You are absolutely right 99% of people are too complacent to switch.

However, you are forgetting that over time Linux users AND open source users are growing. i.e. For me 7-Zip killed the commercial file archivers (pkzip, winrar, etc.)

More and more software works on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Switching from proprietary vendor lock-in to open source alternatives (where it makes sense) is how to get people to switch. OpenOffice / LibreOffice, Blender, Krita already provide great alternatives.

The harder MS shoves their agenda down everyone's throats the easier it is to finally come across "the straw that broke the camel's back." Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but maybe next year, or in 5 years, or in 10. Cue "THIS year is the year of the Linux desktop". /s It starts with us Techies who are tired of supporting MS's adware crap. Eventually we just don't care about MS. I'm already running Linux under a dedicated spare box and under a VM in my daily driver. In time we'll make the switch permanent.

For me, games have been the biggest reason I haven't made my daily driver Linux but with the new games coming out there is less and less "need" to stay on Windows. The more and more they add an in-game MTX store to games the less interested I am in them.

Valve is also doing a great job of having more and more games work under Linux. Support them when you can.

The best way to "proselytize" Linux is NOT to say anything but just to use it. Start small: 1 application here, another application there. Suggest open source alternative at work. So who cares if MS wins this battle (Win10) or that battle (win11); eventually they are going to lose the war as more and more people get fed up with SaaS and switch to open-source alternatives. From there is easier to eventually switch to Linux. The best way to "win the war" is 1 application at a time. Time is on our side. Linux already "won" on the Supercomputer and Mobile (Android) space. Desktop is next.

Comment Re:The Good News (Score 4, Informative) 162

That's awesome you escaped "Microshaft's" tyranny. I mostly agree with you.

1. Affinity Photo is good if you still need to live on Windows. The Affinity suite offers a one-time fee opposed to Adobe nickel and diming. For open source GIMP is OK, Krita is awesome, Blender is awesome. Is there a good alternative to Substance Painter?
2. I don't use Quicken so I'm not locked in.
3. Not all work under Wine / Proton but more and more do which is fantastic.
4. Except us game devs who, you know, have to ship Windows or Console games. =P
5. I'm more a Vim person but Emacs is great too. OpenOffice / LibreOffice is great.
6. Curious what you use? OpenShot, Kdenlive, DaVinci Resolve, something else?

But yeah, Win10 is probably the last MS OS for me. Games are really the only thing holding me from switching my daily driver over to Linux and frankly with the way MTX greed has infected most new games I'm perfectly happy playing older games.

Comment Re:F. Youtube (Score 2, Insightful) 204

There are some extremely informative channels you just have to find them due to Sturgeon's Law. Here are some of the better ones:

* Documentary: MagnatesMedia
* GameDev: Sebastian Lague
* GameDev: SimonDev
* GameDev: RandyPrime
* Hardware Reviews: GamersNexus
* Hardware Reviews: Hardware Unboxed
* Math: 3Blue1Brown
* Math: Numberphile
* Music, Rock History: Professor of Rock
* Motorcycles: FortNine
* Social Commentary: UpperEchelon
* Social Commentary: ColdFusion

Comment Re:Why (Score 1) 117

Found the lazy/shitty programmer that couldn't be bothered to add a trivial additional check for tabs. /s

const char* Text_SkipWhiteSpace (const char *text)
    while (text && ((*text == ' ') || (*text == '\n') || (*text == '\r') || (*text == '\t')))
    return text;

This isn't fucking rocket science but basic 101 Computer Science.

Comment Re:When I was a kid (Score 1) 120

> no home theater setup on the planet that can come close to the picture sound quality of a good digital cinema setup

For video a good home theater setup is MORE than "good enough" especially with OLED and true blacks. I also GREATLY prefer my plasma to film but YMMV.

Let me know when I can:

* adjust brightness / contrast,
* control the volume,
* adjust treble/base,
* adjust an individual channel's loudness, or
* turn on/off CC

when at the movies because for every 1 advantage the cinema has the home theater has 5x.

The movie starts when *I* want it to and I don't have to sit through 20+ mins of shitty ads.

Lastly I can eat and drink whatever I want AND without being price gouged an arm and a leg.

Theaters used to be a social experience but with the time and money alone you waste commuting they archaic. Whatever advantages they used to have are long gone.

Comment Re:And there's the little footnote (Score 3, Insightful) 229

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater much?

(Almost) all religions at the core teach forgiveness, compassion, and how to connect to the our innate divinity.

Beliefs aren't the problem, it is the actions of immature people that is. The sooner your stop judging others the more happier you'll be.

Comment Re:I guess the people have spoken (Score 1) 215

What pisses me off is shit like Star Trash: Disaster aka Discovery (STD) gets 5 seasons yet good Sci-Fi like The Orville, which is the proper spiritual successor to ST:TNG, struggles to get a Season 4.

Star Tard: Retard aka Picard was utter crap the first 2 seasons. How this crap got made boggles the mind.

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