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Comment Re:Nazi left (Score 1) 517

The nazis actually wanted to end nationalized health care, which had actually been instituted in the 1870s, long before the nazi party. Hitler wanted to do this relatively early, but was met with resistance, so they didn't try to abolish it again until the late 1930s. And obviously, any healthcare during the reich was only available to "pure aryans".

So you've got it completely backwards.

So how are the NsDAP and the DNC different? How about in every single goddamn way, you ignorant neo-con shill?

Comment Re: Don't take seriously anything that government (Score 2, Informative) 517

His crime was attempting to short-circuit the legal protections of the suspect in an ongoing court case. That is contempt of court, and realistically actually contempt for the entire legal system. Something which the legal system does not look lightly upon.

You may disagree with their decisions, but that is not the right way to change things.

Comment Re:Don't take seriously anything that government s (Score 4, Informative) 517

Tommy Robinson breached a reporting ban (his second offense of this type). This type of ban is typically put in place in order to prevent mob justice and harassment of suspects who are still not convicted, in cases of a sensitive nature.

Would you want your name and face live streamed to Facebook, simply for being the suspect in a trial, where you may or may not be guilty?

Tommy Robinson tried to short-circuit the legal system, including the protections put in place for suspects who are yet to be convicted. In other words he tried to impose his own personal judgment on a case in which he has absolutely no right to interfere. Not to mention that this is the second time he's done so, hence the harsher punishment this time. Tommy Robinson is a radicalized extremist who apparently thinks he is above the law. He is not.

Comment Re:Nazi left (Score 1, Informative) 517

National socialism (nationalsozialismus) != socialism.

You cannot simply split up the word into "national" and "socialism" and then consider each word separately, because it's supposed to be one word in its native language, where the definition comes from. English doesn't do conjugated verbs, which leads to this silly (or intentional, by idiots) misunderstanding.

It should be "nationalsocialism", which is distinct from both "nationalism" and "socialism".

But I bet you already knew that, and you're just being a dumbass.

Comment Re:No easy answers (Score 1) 306

The very fact that you can only mention a few specific accidents, despite thousands of nuclear power plants in active use around the world, should tell you something about how safe it actually is.

It's a bit like flying. It is extremely safe, so we tend to get every single accident blown up in the news, precisely because it happens so rarely, so it's a big story when it does happen.

Comment Re: Content? (Score 1) 158

Yes, the DVD-Audio format is extinct, which is why surround mixed music usually come out on audio-only DVD-Video. Probably because a lot of cheap DVD players weren't/aren't DVD-Audio compatible.

And I agree that surround sound music is a bit silly. If I want that sort of experience, I'll go to a concert. Other than that, just give me stereo.

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